Someone should tell them they should make the people working on it have legal contracts to finish the game so that if some big part of the development team leaves they can at least sue that person.
that would require people to actually sue, as long as simps are willing to keep paying this will never happen.
there's a problem with sex games, the same problem with normal games. you are allowed to waste people time and money and many platforms aren't fighting against it because "money". then you got people who defend this practice with BS excuses, but by the end of the day, human logic is still alive and well. we as a society need to accept that money have an effect on product, and at some point it means that Devs can't keep wasting everyone's time without people getting angry about it. updates should reflect income, not how much the Dev felt he's willing to work that month.
we however can complain all day, if Dev keeps releasing updates, as tiny as they might be (compered to money earned) we can fuck right off, no one will care. this game made more money than any other game on the site, you would think we would be getting full blown sex scenes instead of 3 minutes of looped sex wips or uninspiring 7 minutes of looped wips every 3-4 months but nope. apparently a million dollars (without counting everything they made since kickstarter and before that from other content) isn't enough money to keep a stedy work progress. the reason this game exists in the first place needs to suffer because the Devs
apparently don't have enough money to work both on the H content and the gameplay content.