If I remember correct the dev behind [R]Nest used to work together with someone on the first game. Sometime after the second game started that person quit, and everything started to go downwards. The only person that was left tried to do the other developers job the same time as his/her own. And that made it all messed up.Since it seems like we’re not getting anything,
I’m semi at here too. Like the game feels cleaner and plays slightly nicer, but it really depends on how much he sticks to it from here.
From the feeling I get from this new version I think [R]Nest has stopped trying to save the old "sinking ship"-version and started with an all new one.
By the look of the size of this version on the harddrive I think there is a lot of mechanics behind that we don't know so much about at the moment. So I think the dev want to try go back to the game again. So I'm also semi here. This could turn out great for everyone, the same as the first game.
But I don't think it's right for some people to write bad words about how much [R]Nest get paid. We don't know if there is a Discord or other server involved in the work. So there might be a lot going on behind the scene that we have no clue about ("payers only" so to say). So I wish those who write in anger stop doing so. They are just bullying the supporters for their own lack of knowledge. They are not bullying the developer. I think the paying supporters might know more than we do.