Just giving a couple updates, via the creator's patreon posts (and no, I am not submitting money to the guy.)
His post from August 6, 2023:
There's been two polls about unfinished features, and so it's time to conclude them, and show a little bit of work that had been done over last week.
First of all, out of the big list of unfinished features, two got many votes:
- NPC approach mechanic
- Side Jobs for Serena(Just one for now)
So I'll spend my efforts this month to get those two working.
The NPC approach requires a bunch of work, and there might be an extra poll regarding its functionality.
The Side Job for Serena has been chosen separately, and it's "Undercover Student".
I should've made a preview up top about that, but I was too excited about my little breakthrough with rain and transparent clothes.
Now, about new additions:
- There's a new building near Serena's apartment block, opposite of the parking lot
- It will be used for another side job in the future, but there will be a small TV event there
- The way clothes get wet has been reworked. Previously, there were only two modes for clothes: Fully dry, or fully drenched. It felt a little weird, especially because the effect was the same during the rain and when Serena was putting on her shirt right after the shower.
Well, no more.
Now clothes get wet dynamically. The longer you stand in the rain, the more it shows on Serena's shirt(there was a prologue event like that, but that was a scrypted cutscene - now it's a "game-wide" effect).
Putting on a shirt after a bath will not fully soak it in water.
And most importantly - it will gradually dry off, instead of going from "cling to your skin wet" to bone-dry.
This feature will allow me to simulate "sweaty shirt effect" during beach TV episodes.
Also, more outfits are succeptible to rain effects as a bonus.
And I've added a few hot-spots on the maps that can cause some moist accidents. So you better be sure this addition will be utilized to the fullest.
That's it for this post, more development news will be posted next week.
P.S. It would also be great if NPC reactions were different depending on how stained Serena's outfit is. I'll get on that tomorrow."
At the end of that post he says tomorrow, as if to infer he'd post again the next day. He did post on the 11th though. Here's that post (I'll attach the images also.)
It has been a kind of boring development week.
I've been editing in-game maps pretty much all the time since Monday.
A bunch of maps got updated to adjust their layout, or got more points of interst added. All the changes will be utilized by events in the future.
I didn't want to make a post only about the changes, because there's no good way to show them off(in-editor screenshots look whacky), so I've made this preview instead.
It's an artistic representation of Serena's double life(which will be explored a lot in the upcoming release).
Here's one in-editor sample of changed Bareback blvd. (See attachments)
The inn, Desire Shop and the Pub/Motel all got changed, abandoned shop got removed, and there's another narrow back alley between the pub and Desire shop.
Full list of maps that got changed is pretty big(no screenshots):
- Park and park toilets(sneaking around the bushes reworked too)
- Pub insides got changed - strip stage was a separate room, now it's part of the pub
- Serena's apartment now has a closet
- Serena's apartment block now has a basement
- Supermarket and Playground toilets expanded slightly
- LusTV studio now has windows
- Elite Mansion is more interesting
I'll make a proper sequel news post will once I move on to more meaty development stuff.
Until next post.
I thought her apartment already had a closet, but I guess that's so very essential.

The one attachment is the progress image he showed, the other is the artwork he posted at the end.