So I've spent the last 10-12hours unlocking most of the Gallery, ive got everything in the school and for the Residential Area im only missing 2 scenes, however no matter what happens i cant get them to work, firs is the scene "Sleepover:Study 1" the hint says i should do the sleepover study event with under 100lust, but maybe because i got the study 2 (over 100 lust) first it always defaults to study 2 no matter how much lust or sanity i have. The 2nd scene is "Nude beach: Laying Down 2" hint says i should decline helping the resteraunt and then lay down on the sunbed, however no matter what i do i cant lay down anywhere not even before declining helping out, maybe since i already did the laying down 1 and it kinda assumes that is already done?
if anyone knows if thats indeed a bug or if im doing something wrong by following the hints, please tell me^^