Hello everyone!
Thank you all for your interactions with the games of the Changer brand!
Changer decided, to get some help from the outside, because he did accept, that the community interaction from him was a bit lacking, and did stir up quite some misunderstandings.
So, here am I.
I would like to start with constructive feedback from ya lot for us!
->What do you think, is the most important thing the game / game brand lacks?
->What is your overall problem/concern with the game/changer?
->What bugs did you find and need fast actions?
->And as for the last, what overall question do you have for Changer? (everything goes)
The idea/intention behind this is, that we (Changer and I) can address all the problems and try to help ya, as best as we can. In the end, we want that you enjoy the games and maybe be a supporter in the future.
Thank you very much for all the work you did until now, F95 community!