Warped Animation

Game Developer
May 27, 2019
They moved to the beach, she was sharing him with Elena and along the way, Elena and "Dad" ran away to another beach. She thinks her old cautious nature pushed him away so this time, she's gonna get what she wants. Something along those lines?? That way, nobody dies and they can all return?? Maybe down the road, Elena gets arrested trying to buy cigarettes as it's discovered that she's really 15 so "Dad" is now on the run and could make an appearance where the mc of this game can say "She is now mine for good and I'll get you to another country. But one slip-up, just one, and you're toast, buddy."
If I mention the dad at all, I have to dance around some fine edges. Try this on. So let's start with the original "D" mindset. Shy, inferiority complex (which I never got), etc... So obviously, she's not going to want to disclose that previous relationship, but we (people who played DMD, or at least know the backstory somehow) know it is there. So we pick that up with your scenario. When/if she discusses the previous relationship, it is "My boyfriend ran off with my best friend" type of thing. I couldn't stand the elena character from DMD. I know she has a following, but if she shows her face anywhere in the game, it would be "recast" with a different model. But I don't think she is actually necessary other than by mention. I'm not touching the under 18 thing, but I can't control what people do with their own game environments. I don't like the cigarette angle, but maybe something like, she got caught trying to buy ecstacy or something, or her father found out about her being with an old dude, and came and took her away, or something. And so on.....

Warped Animation

Game Developer
May 27, 2019
I like that. there are some things that are missing in DmD. For instance, after D gets a little corrupted by her Daddy, other male characters in the game start to tempt her to do things, and eventually, if she is corrupted enough and has enough lust she may take a bite of another man. Aka, NTR. The only thing missing from DmD is NTR.

SO having a more aggressive D, is a nice little change because it gives the idea for more side character interactions.
IMO there are many things that were missing from DMD, because he never really got to build what he was laying out in the beginning. NTR is only one of those things that is missing. Unless it was on one of the paths I wasn't playing, she was never with another chick. We ended up with a bunch of various types of points, that never went anywhere in the actual game (at least not yet). She's never done anal. I could go on, but my point is, that there are still many "adventures" that could be addressed. Here is the problem with NTR for "D" if she were to actually be "D" in my game. I've known many wealthy dudes, many of whom had gold diggers for girlfriends. Everyone of them who lost their arm candy, lost it to a richer Sugar Daddy. In my game, that would be the very old guy. Now, that doesn't mean that I couldn't introduce another wealthy guy to the mix, but I don't want to end up making the game have too many main characters, and then it becomes unfinishable, or the "sequel" of a good movie, ends up being a really shitty flick. If I am going to do it, I want it to be really good. Half of that is ego, and the other half is fan of the original.
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Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
one thing that a lot of games suffer is the need to have too many fetishes.
better focus on a couple, even if its means u need to skip a bit of stuff.

another thing is many routes/options. that is fun to have, but usually it means a lot more work later on.

too many side-scenes will also suffer content on the main characters.
I think its better to focus on D and Mc and all other scenes are "extra scenes" that can be made when the game is finished.
u can have polls what kind of scenes to do, if people want it or u can focus on a new project or a sequel.

many games do everything and we get a game that never ends. takes years to finish. each update gives us 1 little scene or nothing because theres so many characters and they also need to be rendered. high quality games are the same and we get a rushed few end chapters since the devs are quite bored with the project.

im still in the opinion that we dont need too much drama. what we need is hot scenes and corruption.
what I would like to play is an intelligent and horny Mc, that with the help of others, directly or indirectly, want to corrupt D to be his plaything.
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Dec 3, 2017
Okay, after playing it, what I dislike the most is the font, it's so hard to read, I actually have to concentrate.

Warped Animation

Game Developer
May 27, 2019
one thing that a lot of games suffer is the need to have too many fetishes.
better focus on a couple, even if its means u need to skip a bit of stuff.

another thing is many routes/options. that is fun to have, but usually it means a lot more work later on.

too many side-scenes will also suffer content on the main characters.
I think its better to focus on D and Mc and all other scenes are "extra scenes" that can be made when the game is finished.
u can have polls what kind of scenes to do, if people want it or u can focus on a new project or a sequel.

many games do everything and we get a game that never ends. takes years to finish. each update gives us 1 little scene or nothing because theres so many characters and they also need to be rendered. high quality games are the same and we get a rushed few end chapters since the devs are quite bored with the project.

im still in the opinion that we dont need too much drama. what we need is hot scenes and corruption.
what I would like to play is an intelligent and horny Mc, that with the help of others, directly or indirectly, want to corrupt D to be his plaything.
I completely agree. I thought that about the original. Long random sequences of Elena, or of her boyfriend and his brother, etc...

Warped Animation

Game Developer
May 27, 2019
No....I actually understand what he is saying. I used to love movies. Barely watched TV. Always movies. They have ruined it for me, because they have ruined their ability for me to believe they are whatever character. All I see is some idiot jabbering on about topics they know nothing about. For the person who made that comment.....it just happens to be that massive cocks have that affect for him.

Warped Animation

Game Developer
May 27, 2019
Okay.....I slept on it. The focus of "Sugar Daddies," will be "D" from DMD as "D" from DMD, but it is after she has moved on from Daddy. There will not be any incest of any kind. Daddy will not be returning, so don't ask. However, she will refer to her past at points in the game. The premise of the current "D" will be that finding out that her father was using her. Her friends were sleeping with her father, etc.... These disappointments have hardened her, but she hasn't lost her "Daddy Complex." And this is how she arrived at being with a sugar daddy.

Credit where credit is due. Somebody from this thread gave me the idea. Thank you so much.

You all have given me so many great ideas for game situations, that it is going to be hard to choose. I appreciate it. Now it is time to get to work.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2018
Okay.....I slept on it. The focus of "Sugar Daddies," will be "D" from DMD as "D" from DMD, but it is after she has moved on from Daddy. There will not be any incest of any kind. Daddy will not be returning, so don't ask. However, she will refer to her past at points in the game. The premise of the current "D" will be that finding out that her father was using her. Her friends were sleeping with her father, etc.... These disappointments have hardened her, but she hasn't lost her "Daddy Complex." And this is how she arrived at being with a sugar daddy.

Credit where credit is due. Somebody from this thread gave me the idea. Thank you so much.

You all have given me so many great ideas for game situations, that it is going to be hard to choose. I appreciate it. Now it is time to get to work.
Is the old creepy looking man her dad?


Engaged Member
Oct 13, 2016
ok, this could be fun. D moving away from F and start fresh.
yes, F in DmD, do a lot of cheating if u allow it. I play F that is avoiding that as I want to stay true to D, but most players will definitely have fun with other female characters.

is this still in brainstorming?
what kind of "dads" will we have? will there be more than one to pick? say, D will meet a few "candidates" and all are "trying" to get her and we can choose who get lucky? or theres already one "dad" that you have in mind?

D will not be naive anymore, at least not like in DmD, but since F fucked up, she will be hardened, maybe hard to get? maybe her trust to males will be damaged? or you plan to make her fall in love with a "daddy"?

so many questions. the pre-text is important, the character build-up as well. this to understand her more.

D can not move back to her mother, and her friends fucked her "dad", so she is all alone in a new city without a job?
maybe modeling/photography?

Warped Animation

Game Developer
May 27, 2019
ok, this could be fun. D moving away from F and start fresh.
yes, F in DmD, do a lot of cheating if u allow it. I play F that is avoiding that as I want to stay true to D, but most players will definitely have fun with other female characters.

is this still in brainstorming?
what kind of "dads" will we have? will there be more than one to pick? say, D will meet a few "candidates" and all are "trying" to get her and we can choose who get lucky? or theres already one "dad" that you have in mind?

D will not be naive anymore, at least not like in DmD, but since F fucked up, she will be hardened, maybe hard to get? maybe her trust to males will be damaged? or you plan to make her fall in love with a "daddy"?

so many questions. the pre-text is important, the character build-up as well. this to understand her more.

D can not move back to her mother, and her friends fucked her "dad", so she is all alone in a new city without a job?
maybe modeling/photography?
As a player, I played the "D" only path also, but we need a jumping off point. For the new game, "D" will discover that he was sleeping with everybody. She will not go back to her mother, because of the mother's actions in the original game. She is on her own. She is in a new city. She is unemployed, and has very little money. I don't want to reveal too much, but that is the basics.
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Q Who

Well-Known Member
May 16, 2017
Who is the "MC" then? Is D the main character or the guy giving her the D :) ? In essence is it Sugar daddies or Sugar babies?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
I know iI have already said I wont actualy play this one but i do like to read the threads of games I have noticed.
and as I have already said I wish you well on this game its nice to see how things are comeing along.

But I have a question for you about part of what Baka said namely this bit.
"D will not be naive anymore, at least not like in DmD, but since F fucked up, she will be hardened, maybe hard to get? maybe her trust to males will be damaged? or you plan to make her fall in love with a "daddy"?".

I was under the imprssion that D as well as the other girls in this game are meant to be Gold Diggers so surely playing hard to get would be conter productive Unless she is 100% sure of her mark in which case playing hard to get would be a risky move.

perhaps interested but a little elusive would make more sence she probably isn't the only Girl that would be interested in the MC sugar Daddy.
But as for her trust I dowt really come into it as she would be the preditor in this scenario.

or did I miss understand and the only actual Gold Digger is just the name of the Irland?.

Warped Animation

Game Developer
May 27, 2019
I know iI have already said I wont actualy play this one but i do like to read the threads of games I have noticed.
and as I have already said I wish you well on this game its nice to see how things are comeing along.

But I have a question for you about part of what Baka said namely this bit.
"D will not be naive anymore, at least not like in DmD, but since F fucked up, she will be hardened, maybe hard to get? maybe her trust to males will be damaged? or you plan to make her fall in love with a "daddy"?".

I was under the imprssion that D as well as the other girls in this game are meant to be Gold Diggers so surely playing hard to get would be conter productive Unless she is 100% sure of her mark in which case playing hard to get would be a risky move.

perhaps interested but a little elusive would make more sence she probably isn't the only Girl that would be interested in the MC sugar Daddy.
But as for her trust I dowt really come into it as she would be the preditor in this scenario.

or did I miss understand and the only actual Gold Digger is just the name of the Irland?.
She will be less naïve. She will have more of an edge. As far as "hard to get," we'll have to see, because I don't want to give too much away. At some point, she will find herself a sugar daddy, so yes, at some point she will be a gold digger.
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