4.60 star(s) 351 Votes

Alex Ph

Aug 28, 2024
Don't needle. ) This is a big question not for this topic.

And Hanna. At least she saw the life of a bar with cops and local thugs - that’s already something.
However, everyone's opinion is interesting. How you feel about the sound of this "fitonyashka"?
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Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
One theory is Hannah, from Freya (the club)
View attachment 4015451
Define "better look"? I think the second in-car view is slightly better than the one posted earlier, as her face is turned a little more and the hair looks closer to Hannah's in this one (but not so much before she is in the car).
View attachment 4015488
Hmmmm... Hannah and Cassandra do look a lot like each other...
To me the situation looks like the girl/daughter wanted to go to camp but Cassandra said no.


Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
Camon, guys. Actually, not once.
Next to Cassandra is a very young high school girl, but Hana is a gym bunny (fitonyashka) who has seen something .. in her life. :giggle:

And, if you read this on a color monitor, the girls have different colored hair. )
Yeah, the views when she's not in the car are nothing like Hannah. I hadn't actually paid any attention until prompted to a couple of posts back - I had completely missed the girl being on the platform as well, I only remembered there being someone in the car (though of course it makes sense, because what was Cassandra doing there if not picking someone up?)

People have talked a fair bit about the girl in the car being Hannah though (do a quick search in this thread and you'll find some posts saying it like it's a certainty), which is why I mentioned it as one theory. I can see it from the not-very-good view of her when she's in the car, but not at all from the other looks at her we get.


Sep 9, 2022
Just a thought, but could the girl with Cassandra on the platform be one of the girls from Ember? The hair colour looks to be somewhat similar to Becca I think, but I'm not too sure about the rest... Becca looks a bit 'thiccer' than the girl on the platform, but it's difficult to say how tall Becca is from her Ember pics. But it could make for an interesting dynamic in the future on some paths.


Aug 30, 2018
This was an update that generated around 140k USD. Quite possible much more. Let that sink in.

Almost 1 full year waiting for this, what a disappointment...
I care because I love it otherwise. The renders are gorgeous, the models are beautiful, and things like textures, clothing with physics, animations, etc. are amazing. Sets the package on a whole another level, even comparing it with other high budget VNs.
But the sad truth about these teams is that the more they generate, the more they milk their supporters.

I don't feel bad one bit about patreons making the update public day one.

See you all Q3 2025 for the rest day I guess!

Aug 12, 2024
My god you're so dumb... You don't have a freaking clue about statistics as a science at all, do you.

First, these are two independent statistics on the same dataset kid, they are not additive in any way... They can only be considered independently.

Secondly, you should also learn about sampling and extrapolation in statistics:
This is precisely the sampling method which allows extrapolation of a metric on a subset to the global population

Let's not even continue that discussion. It's obvious you haven't done any mathematics past 8th grade. Bye
Maybe alot of goths are suicidal. I dont necessarily deny that, but that doesnt have anything to do with Eve. She is obviously not feeling well, she said so in chapter 1, but theres most probably no underlying mental issues there. Whatever she's experiencing is totally normal and she will get over it soon.


Engaged Member
Apr 8, 2024
My god you're so dumb... You don't have a freaking clue about statistics as a science at all, do you.

First, these are two independent statistics on the same dataset kid, they are not additive in any way... They can only be considered independently.

Secondly, you should also learn about sampling and extrapolation in statistics:
This is precisely the sampling method which allows extrapolation of a metric on a subset to the global population

Let's not even continue that discussion. It's obvious you haven't done any mathematics past 8th grade. Bye
Again, don't be a dick, there's just no cause for it. And again, regardless of what the stats say from a particular study, it doesn't mean it applies to everyone within a subset. If the study found that 100% of those identifying as goth were self-harming, then perhaps you can talk, but since it doesn't, you can extrapolate all you want, it doesn't make your argument foolproof.
Aug 12, 2024
Eve's obvious mental illness is what makes her hot, games are for runs and re-runs, and I want full on psycho bitch Eve for at least one run. Also she lies about everything, stop trusting Eve.
I wonder how the devs are gonna handle Eve and how her story's gonna end. She behaves way different from usual love interests like Mia, Sophie and Bree. I dont think we'll get a typical happy lovers ending like you can expect from Bree. Am I overcomplicating things? Am I expecting too much from the devs and the story isnt that deep afterall?


Mar 9, 2023
Lol Eve dosn't have a mental illness tf are you guys talking about. And she also not a goth at all.

Having a shity childhood, shity parents and wearing a bit of black dosn't make her a goth or mentally ill person. And there is absolutely no indications, signs or hints of any suicidal tendencies...

And if even it was the case, i think it would be a weird direction for the devs to go with a LI. it dosn't seems to align at all with what the devs are going for with the game imo.
4.60 star(s) 351 Votes