
Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Well, just because someone Nojiko knows has money, it doesn't mean she has access to that money too.

What if Leia didn't like Miru simply because Miru was with William and therefore wouldn't want anything to do with Miru, let alone allowing Miru's sister Nojiko enjoy some of the Zane money?

What if Leia was the reason Miru and William broke up? And therefore Nojiko, being on Miru's side and holding a grudge, didn't want anything to do with Leia, let alone using her money?

What if Leia and Nojiko simply didn't get along due to a personality conflict and therefore are estranged?

All 3 are highly plausible and common scenarios in real life. Why can't it happen in the game?
Yes, these are 3 plausible scenarios, but going by what we know from WIAB and SG, there are these counter arguments:

What if 1:At the start of WIAB Leia is certainly not happy that Miru is with "her" Willi, but she knows where the bread is buttered and recognising chances. Leia herself makes a proposal which leads to Willi and Miru´s staying in Wollust for good, as we can estimate from what we currently know from SG. And makes Miru Leia´s martial arts teacher. so this waht if is sunk. :) ;)

What if 2:That is very unlikely, since Ayua mentions her parents have a gym/martial arts studio. That was an idea already hatched in the earliest chapters of WIAB by Miru, Willi and Leia. In addition, Ayua by dialog knows some special martial arts moves Nika will only learn if he marries either her or one of her cousins, which must be Leia´s daughters (and maybe even Ayua´s halfsisters). Miru teaches these moves only William, Leia and to a degree Kati, so Ayua can have learned it only from them. Ir is far more likely that Miru and Willi are still together.
What if 3:While it could be possible for Leia and Nojiko not getting along, the thing is that not only Leia has serious money by the time of SG, but most other family members too. Considering Ayua´s car, Willi and Miru must have money as well. So Miru could help her without Leia´s money playing a role.
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Fun Shaundi

Jun 24, 2021
I always found it strange that Nojiko had so little money. I mean she is a doctor and they earn good money all over the world, maybe not rich but definitely not poor either. It would have been a lot more realistic if Ocean had made her a nurse, they work just as hard but get much less money. :cry:
To be fair, it really depends on which kind of doctor you are, and in what kind of hospital you're working at. For example, a Family Medicine Doctor earns good enough, but never as much as a surgeon or an anesthetist. An otoralyngologist or Urologist are very specialized, but they still earn way less than a gastroenterologists (at least that's how it is in my country).

So let's say, if Noji is a Family Medicine Doctor working in a Hospital that works with organizations that help people out, she will earn less than a anesthetist in an elite hospital. If we take in account she's taking care of 2 (late) teens that are going to College (Can't remember if they're paying a substantial tuition), money can get drained pretty fast.

And we know the characters of SG are connected to WIab's, but we despite sharing certain physical characteristics with the Zane family, we still don't know who Nika's and Nami's parents were, how much money the left them or if their will specifies if Noji can have access to it (though it would be weird if she didn't, since she's taking care of them).


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
And we know the characters of SG are connected to WIab's, but we despite sharing certain physical characteristics with the Zane family, we still don't know who Nika's and Nami's parents were, how much money the left them or if their will specifies if Noji can have access to it (though it would be weird if she didn't, since she's taking care of them).
Considering what we know so far from WIAB and SG, I do not think Nika and Nami are "direct" Zanes, but the offspring of good and tight friends of them. Which is why the family still hovers in the background, but does not interfere much(until maybe some pressing reason pops up).Ayua for instance seems not to know the two, which she would certainly do if Nika and Nami were close relation.
Unless there is a very serious reason why there way this "masquerade" about their parents, since we see more and more hints that what happened back in the day which led them to be adopted by Nojiko is a very muddy and "truth from a certain standpoint" and not what really happened.


May 10, 2023
hello!Yesterday I started the game.I dont even care if the game has sex scenes.As long it gives me good relationships and great storylines between the MC and the girls , I dont want anything else. But I wanted to ask you guys a few things. I love the build up and storyline of Bella. I would like to date her, kiss her and all that. But it seems like the developer isnt focused on her,because they are implying that her and MC can never be together. So I just wanted to ask you guys this. Is there going to more of her in the game ? I am in the part where the group is playing the role play game. And bella left for the weekend. Also,another question,is the game completed?left unfinished?Because in the main menu it says that the game doesnt have sex scenes and its not somewhat finished. So, if you guys can please answer me these 2 questions. Thank you


Apr 17, 2022

So... I'm around 1100 renders in, I've also finished a few animations & work on the phone is also progressing.
I also increased the weekly hours I put into Blender. I feel like I don't make enough progress there.
Future Treats will mostly be done there. (At least for the characters I've already ported over.
Speaking about porting people over.
I more or less successfully ported this bibi over.
View attachment 2665617 View attachment 2665616

There are still some issues that prevent me from really doing some work in Blender... For example, the clothing is a pain in the ass. It keeps clipping and deforming. (Which is why Sasha's nude.)
I need to understand the issue itself first.
As soon as the clothing issue is fixed, I should have most of it working for the short stories.
The expressions are also obviously not working as precisely, but well, I'll find solutions as I go. There's a good chance I will make a Blender Sasha Treat in the near future.
I will also create a Blender cinematic for the new SG Intro. Since I had to remove the old music, the little intro with the raccoon is redundant.
I already have the license for the new intro music and only need to get it done in Blender.
It will probably be added with the Chapter 5 Full/Steam release.

Now that I'm rendering a very big scene in Chapter 5, WiAB's A6000 saved my ass a couple of times. The scene has soooo many people in it.
SG will get its own A6000 after the Steam release. (Or multiple.)
Sadly, I'm only rendering like 5-9 renders a night. It takes like an hour to open the scene for every single render in the queue.
The previews today don't show much, but I need to be extremely careful with what I show.

View attachment 2665619

Deep-rooted resentment.
View attachment 2665623

Zwei Himmelhunde auf dem Weg zur Hölle. (Two celestial dogs on their way to hell.)
View attachment 2665625
I never hype up Chapters, but I have to admit that when it comes to the amount of information & story content, this Chapter tops every other Chapter that has been released yet.
I'll see you in two weeks.

- Ocean
I see the inspiration and im scared


Active Member
Jan 10, 2019
btw I don't undestand
hello!Yesterday I started the game.I dont even care if the game has sex scenes.As long it gives me good relationships and great storylines between the MC and the girls , I dont want anything else. But I wanted to ask you guys a few things. I love the build up and storyline of Bella. I would like to date her, kiss her and all that. But it seems like the developer isnt focused on her,because they are implying that her and MC can never be together. So I just wanted to ask you guys this. Is there going to more of her in the game ? I am in the part where the group is playing the role play game. And bella left for the weekend. Also,another question,is the game completed?left unfinished?Because in the main menu it says that the game doesnt have sex scenes and its not somewhat finished. So, if you guys can please answer me these 2 questions. Thank you
if you are in Bella route just wait end of the CH 4.5 :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
hello!Yesterday I started the game.I dont even care if the game has sex scenes.As long it gives me good relationships and great storylines between the MC and the girls , I dont want anything else. But I wanted to ask you guys a few things. I love the build up and storyline of Bella. I would like to date her, kiss her and all that. But it seems like the developer isnt focused on her,because they are implying that her and MC can never be together. So I just wanted to ask you guys this. Is there going to more of her in the game ? I am in the part where the group is playing the role play game. And bella left for the weekend. Also,another question,is the game completed?left unfinished?Because in the main menu it says that the game doesnt have sex scenes and its not somewhat finished. So, if you guys can please answer me these 2 questions. Thank you
Welcome to the club :) If you kissed Bella, then you should play until the end of chapter 4.5 and see the final animation :) The game is far from over, the next chapter will be the end of the first season only. And here and there the number of at least five seasons was announced. Don't you worry, there is more of Bella for us to see in the future.


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2022

So... I'm around 1100 renders in, I've also finished a few animations & work on the phone is also progressing.
I also increased the weekly hours I put into Blender. I feel like I don't make enough progress there.
Future Treats will mostly be done there. (At least for the characters I've already ported over.
Speaking about porting people over.
I more or less successfully ported this bibi over.
View attachment 2665617 View attachment 2665616

There are still some issues that prevent me from really doing some work in Blender... For example, the clothing is a pain in the ass. It keeps clipping and deforming. (Which is why Sasha's nude.)
I need to understand the issue itself first.
As soon as the clothing issue is fixed, I should have most of it working for the short stories.
The expressions are also obviously not working as precisely, but well, I'll find solutions as I go. There's a good chance I will make a Blender Sasha Treat in the near future.
I will also create a Blender cinematic for the new SG Intro. Since I had to remove the old music, the little intro with the raccoon is redundant.
I already have the license for the new intro music and only need to get it done in Blender.
It will probably be added with the Chapter 5 Full/Steam release.

Now that I'm rendering a very big scene in Chapter 5, WiAB's A6000 saved my ass a couple of times. The scene has soooo many people in it.
SG will get its own A6000 after the Steam release. (Or multiple.)
Sadly, I'm only rendering like 5-9 renders a night. It takes like an hour to open the scene for every single render in the queue.
The previews today don't show much, but I need to be extremely careful with what I show.

View attachment 2665619

Deep-rooted resentment.
View attachment 2665623

Zwei Himmelhunde auf dem Weg zur Hölle. (Two celestial dogs on their way to hell.)
View attachment 2665625
I never hype up Chapters, but I have to admit that when it comes to the amount of information & story content, this Chapter tops every other Chapter that has been released yet.
I'll see you in two weeks.

- Ocean
sasha smiling looks disconcerting since i've never seen her smile
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May 10, 2023
Welcome to the club :) If you kissed Bella, then you should play until the end of chapter 4.5 and see the final animation :) The game is far from over, the next chapter will be the end of the first season only. And here and there the number of at least five seasons was announced. Don't you worry, there is more of Bella for us to see in the future.
Yes I kissed her. Twice. 1 time after their restaurant business date and 1 more when she freed me in the school after 2 girls hand cuffed me. So from the point I am right now , will I see more scenes/storyline between Bella and MC ? And how far I am from this chapter you are saying?Because I feel like I am near the end.


May 10, 2023
btw I don't undestand

if you are in Bella route just wait end of the CH 4.5 :)
From all of these info I gave you I understand that I am near the end?No?Please if you can read again my message and answer me in more depth if you can because I feel like with your answer I cannot understand how the chapters work. It doesnt say something when a chapter ends,so yeah...


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
Yes I kissed her. Twice. 1 time after their restaurant business date and 1 more when she freed me in the school after 2 girls hand cuffed me. So from the point I am right now , will I see more scenes/storyline between Bella and MC ? And how far I am from this chapter you are saying?Because I feel like I am near the end.
Yep, I meant the last animation in chapter 4.5 before it ends. But you're right, there is almost no Bella in this chapter, it's all about other girls. But she will return.


May 10, 2023
Yep, I meant the last animation in chapter 4.5 before it ends. But you're right, there is almost no Bella in this chapter, it's all about other girls. But she will return.
So how far am I from it?And I will have more scenes/storyline with her or just she is going to be only in this 4.5 chapter you are saying?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2022
How many save routes do you have? With so many girls, I don't know if I can group them if each one needs a solo route.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2020
So how far am I from it?And I will have more scenes/storyline with her or just only in this 4.5 chapter you are saying?
If I understand correctly, you are in the library playing a board game with Nadia, Nami, Sonya and Nancy. If so, then this is the first half of Chapter 4 and there is still a lot of content ahead, but unfortunately not with Bella. YHowever, there will be a couple of short moments with her.


May 10, 2023
If I understand correctly, you are in the library playing a board game with Nadia, Nami, Sonya and Nancy. If so, then this is the first half of Chapter 4 and there is still a lot of content ahead, but unfortunately not with Bella. YHowever, there will be a couple of short moments with her.
Okay okay.Thank you so much. One more question.I intrigued by Nadia a lot . Because someone said she didnt have a bf, because either she rejected all of them or because she is too hard to approach. My question is,will I have romantic relationship with her or what?Any info?But I feel like I played like only 2 hours and I am already in chapter 4?Damnn...
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Engaged Member
Mar 17, 2021
Okay okay.Thank you so much. One more question.I intrigued by Nadia a lot . Because someone said she didnt have a bf, because either she rejected all of them or because she is too hard to approach. My question is,will I have romantic relationship with her or what?Any info?But I feel like I played like only 2 hours and I am already in chapter 4?Damnn...

I searched Discord to list what Ocean said on the different girls so far: (main LI = romance + ending)
Bella: guaranteed main LI (Dom, Sub and normal routes, could be different now that the game has taken a less dark route, won't be compatible with Amber)
Mila: guaranteed main LI
Nadia: guaranteed main LI and Ocean's #2 girl (since December 2022)
Nami: guaranteed main LI (Nami/Bella is possible but she is otherwise probably the least compatible with other girls, Nami/Mila not possible)
Nia: guaranteed main LI, wasn't originally a planned LI
Sasha: guaranteed main LI and Ocean's #1 girl (since August 2021), not planned to be part of any throuple
Sonya: guaranteed main LI and Ocean's #3 girl (former #1)
Victoria: guaranteed main LI (and can be compatible with every other girl (has the most throuples anyway))
Amber: main LI (two main routes, love or sub, could be different now that the game has taken a less dark route)
Marla: main LI, should currently be married
Vanessa: main LI (sub and dom routes)
Zara: main LI, solo route only, threesomes possible but no throuple ending
Elsa: main LI but Ocean is not entirely sure yet, a lot about her can still change
Ayua: Ocean has not decided yet. Romance with her was mentioned a long time ago but at the moment she is not a LI. She's a special case.
Kate: Ocean refuses to say for now
Maja: formerly main LI, currently not planned anymore but under consideration
Robin: "lewdable," very low chance of becoming a main LI
Celina (Vic's therapist): not a LI
Cindy (teacher): should be lewdable but not a LI
Claire (Bella's aunt): we'll see how she develops but not a LI currently
Coach Hill: "bangable", "hook-up/lewdable" but no ending nor romantic relationship
Harrison (teacher): should be lewdable but not a LI
Karen: "lewdable" but not a LI
Layla: "lewdable" but will "never" be a main LI
Miriam (one of the twins): not a LI
Nancy: not a LI
Nicole (reporter): not a LI
Nojiko: currently not a LI "but nothing is ever set in stone"...
Nora (one of the twins): not a LI
Saki (Nicole's assistant): not a LI
Genevieve, etc: ??? (nothing mentioned) the main LI list is not necessarily over yet although Ocean has a limit, and we might be introduced to some more girls (like the women's first team for instance).

Note: As of October 16, 2021, Ocean has said that the list of LIs can be expanded to more LIs but it is also possible that some LIs will be dropped, except for the eight that are listed as guaranteed. Update February 2023: as of Chapter 4.5, "less than 5" new LIs are yet to be introduced.
Note2: There will be no harem route. One was originally planned (although it would not have included every girl) but the game took a lighter tone, of healing, than was first thought, and the harem route does not fit the story anymore. You should still be able to bang virtually every girl in a playthrough but having a romantic relationship with several girls being aware of each other is a whole different thing. There will be throuples for the compatible girls, but no more than that. I have summarized this myself, if you want to hear from the source itself, most of the updated info regarding harem comes from here.
Update: only 3 throuples are planned as of summer 2022, there might eventually be more or fewer but that's to say that throuples will be rather the exception and in most cases won't happen.

Last edited: Mar 5, 2023
4.30 star(s) 502 Votes