I'm sure you'll agree with me when I say u need to keep in mind that the MC is the player, that's how u wrote it at least, so when you do scenes with deeper meanings that involves the MC u need to include the player in on it. We need to know what those deeper meanings are and shouldn't have to draw our own conclusions. I drew my own conclusions and all i got from that was sexualizing, which obviously i now know I'm wrong. But if u look at it without the knowledge u have as the writer what else conclusion can u come to? When it comes to emotion base stuff like that we as the player should know what the deeper shit means so we can understand the scene better is all I'm saying, cause to me it looked ridiculous when she did that but if i knew the deeper meaning behind it i obviously wouldn't have felt that way.
I get what you mean, but no.
The scene and Nami's behavior are supposed to make you question it, and not give you an answer.
I want you to make up your own conclusions about scenes and character behavior.
Trying to understand someone else in whose head you can't look makes games immersive, exciting, and unpredictable.
If your own conclusions lead you to believe that the scene was just over the top sexualized, then that just means you're still lacking some vital puzzle pieces.
Weird, unexplainable behavior is supposed to happen... Because at some point, far deeper in the story, the pieces will align and a light bulb will go off.
It will change the meaning of entire scenes that were three, seven, or fourteen Chapters ago.
And this doesn't just apply to Nami.
It affects pretty much every character. Many of them have quirks the players see as weird, unreasonable behavior.
And that's because most of it hasn't been explained yet. (And most of it won't be explained in detailed words, but a lot of hints, etc. will be dropped that give you a deeper insight into a character's motives & desires.)
But not every character with a quirk has a deep backstory behind it. Some actually have some "weird" & "bibish" sides.
SG plays the long game. We're still just in the build-up phase.
It's not a finished game so of course, there are things that don't make sense to the player yet.
You're supposed to be in the dark. (As of Chapter 4.5)