
Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
I kinda think it would be an absolute hoot if most of the teen-aged characters in SG were begat of rampant Zane family hormones and a criminal underworld rivalry some twenty or so years earlier. It would give significant meaning to the title, 'Where it ALL Began.'

A fling between a young Coach Coates and William would also be a hoot. Imagine if Nika is of William's spawn and Damien is the lovechild of Coach Coates and William - it would bring new meaning to the term half-brother.

"Nika could be Dana's offspring as easily. Or for wonderfully confusing plots - Zoey's" ... you missed out Helen... :)

Dylan... I believe he'll be the sacrificial Zane to get murdered because 1. he is a dead-ringer for Sean Bean, and 2. the father has to die for the son to emerge and take his throne. /s
Sean Bean, yes, 100% possible :ROFLMAO: but I hope not, that would start using too many standard AVN porn logic tropes.

Another thought - What if Sasha's mum is Asavera, or related to her (assuming her because of Vera)? Seeing as Sasha has a relative as a bodyguard rather than hired goons despite having the money to hire people, chances are Elena's wealth is also from similar backgrounds to Leia's, and they keep family close.


Active Member
Dec 29, 2022
Because we've got so much material to throw around for theories, I'll reply in point form, it's the safest way :sneaky:

- The bibi term definitely started as just a teasing term. I have a German friend who goes by Bibi as her nickname, never uses her real name (which starts with Bi anyway) so it's not inherently considered a negative, but often used a term of endearment. The thing that makes it more than a slang used by Leia, is that she instructs Emilio to use it for all her new employees, and (the important bit) none of the employees or EMilio (who is switched onto things in general) know what it means. So even if it's a common term in Germany, Oceans showing that it's not commonly used in Wollust.

- The earrings could mean so many things right now. From the bookclub scene we have Emilia asking Katie about Willi and Leia, so Leia is still around. Giving up her trademarks is a big deal, anyone seeing her knows that that's her vibe - I can't imagine her getting bored and changing her style, unless she wanted a massive break from the past (possible). I was sure there was a moment at Nicks where Nami mentions that Vanessa asked about the earring, but I can't find it now. Leia does seem to stake her claims, so it would make sense that neither Nami or Sasha know why they've been given earrings. It's probably more to warn some people away.

- The heterochromia thing - there's a potential that Aziz has it too. If he's the Revera that's mentioned as being on the first team, that'd make Donna his aunt? So Willi gets something going with Donna's sister if it's congenital heterochromia. In Vanessa's case, either she's the result of Nick getting cucked, or maybe his wife was one of the Zane clan - seeing they have a teenis court, maybe Katarina who has brown eyes (presumably from Uncle Joe, as Scarlet's are pale) and loves tennis. If it's a Zane genetic trait that's latent, that could make sense.

- The Emilio thing. If he was Leia's right hand, he knew everything about running the business. Maybe he continues to run the business for Leia, so she's hands off? Desiree seems to be his right hand. Given that the situation with Nika and Summer was after NIka was already with Noji, anything related to Nika's parents and Noji's adoption of Nika and Nami is probably buried under 15 years or so of other (separate normal blackmarket) schemes. Which means that Katie's knowledge of Nika and Nami means they are important in some way. Even Jenna knows something, from the way she thinks Noji did the right thing (presumably taking in Nika and Nami and hiding them from attention), and she brings up a fair bit of the past in the book club. I was also trying to work out if Emilio already had tatts in WiaB, or does he get them from some later prison time?

- Willust would be hilarious. My guess is that WiaB will end up with lots of lewd encounters - Leia tries to set Katie to seduce a police officer: my guess is that there with be a lot of strategic (as silly as that sounds) sleeping around to gain info, pillow talk vibes. Willi does mention that he can differentiate between sex and love, so yeah, lot's of sleeping around with few love interests but lots of lewdables. And then the side lewds - Ocean's clearly setting Gina up for the twins because her boyfriend wants her to get creampied by someone else. Willi to the rescue?

- The Star Wars theme also includes the Jabba reference, and that Star Wars has the weirdest sibling scenes for a mainstream Hollywood film. I kinda feel there's that semi Oedipus/Luke Leia/raised in different households thing going on in SG, which allows for all kinds of realisations later.

- Back to Vanessa - entirely possible that Nick was Leia's superficial convenience spouse to keep appearances up and kill rumours. Nick's ex's character sounds like Leia's personality - totally spiteful and manipulative.

- The issues with Ayua being listed as not a LI I believe is because it would create direct incest issues that TOS of various platforms would jump on. Ayua can be openly a Zane, because she's clearly Miru's daughter, which means Willi does marry Miru... or Miru marries Dylan after Helen leaves him?/s There is zero reasons to hide her and her mum's dojo. Which means that Ayua becomes comfortable with Willi populating Willust. Daphne and Nami, we'll have to wait and see - there's definitely a strong connection between WIlli and Daphne, so chances are good for something there. Nika and Leia, well, it's the theory we all kinda want, because all the innuendo and tension in WiaB suggests that's how Nika began. But the spanner is that Nika remembers his mom reading him stories. Nika could be Dana's offspring as easily. Or for wonderfully confusing plots - Zoey's. Or he could be Leia's NTR child. As Leia's Willi's twin, Nika would look like Willi even if Willi's not his dad. That would mean the uncle teaching Nika basketball could be Willi.

Or in fact, not of the people Nika were told were his relatives were relatives and he's been lied to his whole life.

- I think Emilio not being aware is more because there is so much information in his life. Sometimes you might not notice something because it's not part of the current plots you're running I guess? But something twigged for him to wonder if something was worth checking out.

- and for giggles, Miss Coates is a coach, Willi needs to get close to the uni to find out what's going on with Katarina's professor (as well as whatever other developments Ocean plans with Willi being undercover at the uni if that's still a thing) and Damien ends up with Dylan's facial hair :sneaky: /s ...maybe not

That's probably enough conspiring for me today, it's been fun :)
I agree about your conclusions about the bibi term, the emilio thing and the star wars parallels (theres way too much princess leia and hairbums lol).

I thought about Daphne (im sure shes Nami's mom) and why Nami isnt with her and the only real explanation i was able to come up with is that Daphne may have died ..

I disagree strongly about your Vanessa theroies tho, i dont think Leia would behave anything like Zara's mother is described. Leia can obviously be brutal and cold, but she isnt a fucking golddigger, shes way too ambitious and proud to behave like that and i dont think she would treat her kids like that, she was raised by Helen after all.

Vanessa's heterochromia looks very different from williams too so i tend to think she isnt his daughter. While i strongly believe that Aziz is willy's son, not only the possible heterochromia but his body seems similar to william's too and he would probably be the Zane-Revera link. While Sasha obviously is the Petrova link.

I can see your theory about Miss Coates being true, she could be a similar "hatefuck"-character like Becky from BaDIK for Wiab.

While there is NTR in Wiab, i cant see Ocean going the route of makeing any kind of NTR-child's canon for SG even if their may be will bad endings like that and even less from Leia.

I dont think Sasha's mom is Asavera but im still pretty sure she will turn out to be someone important and Willy's probably gonna rail her. Maybe she's Melanie Ceril's mother or someone totally unsuspected like Vic & Maja's Mother.

The look Katie gives Nika after his discussion with Robin's Mom imo screams: You're our blood.

While this conversation imo proves that Nika and Nami are indeed Zane's, if the connection would be anything else, Noji would have the right to decide to prevent them from contacting her kids.
screenshot0002.png screenshot0003.png

My dream scene for a partially reveal of Nika's heritage would be at the holgerson gala, which im pretty sure Nika will attend. The invite probably will come from Vanessa or even Katie instead of Bella but im pretty sure Nika will be there and maybe meet Leia for the first time in SG.

I would love Stefan intending to kick Nika out because he's not important/wealthy enough just to be stopped by Leia and put in his place in front of everyone. But just an dumb idea i made up in my head, he would deserve it for this tho:


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018
I agree about your conclusions about the bibi term, the emilio thing and the star wars parallels (theres way too much princess leia and hairbums lol).

I thought about Daphne (im sure shes Nami's mom) and why Nami isnt with her and the only real explanation i was able to come up with is that Daphne may have died ..

I disagree strongly about your Vanessa theroies tho, i dont think Leia would behave anything like Zara's mother is described. Leia can obviously be brutal and cold, but she isnt a fucking golddigger, shes way too ambitious and proud to behave like that and i dont think she would treat her kids like that, she was raised by Helen after all.

Vanessa's heterochromia looks very different from williams too so i tend to think she isnt his daughter. While i strongly believe that Aziz is willy's son, not only the possible heterochromia but his body seems similar to william's too and he would probably be the Zane-Revera link. While Sasha obviously is the Petrova link.

I can see your theory about Miss Coates being true, she could be a similar "hatefuck"-character like Becky from BaDIK for Wiab.

While there is NTR in Wiab, i cant see Ocean going the route of makeing any kind of NTR-child's canon for SG even if their may be will bad endings like that and even less from Leia.

I dont think Sasha's mom is Asavera but im still pretty sure she will turn out to be someone important and Willy's probably gonna rail her. Maybe she's Melanie Ceril's mother or someone totally unsuspected like Vic & Maja's Mother.

The look Katie gives Nika after his discussion with Robin's Mom imo screams: You're our blood.
View attachment 3208655

While this conversation imo proves that Nika and Nami are indeed Zane's, if the connection would be anything else, Noji would have the right to decide to prevent them from contacting her kids.
View attachment 3208659 View attachment 3208660

My dream scene for a partially reveal of Nika's heritage would be at the holgerson gala, which im pretty sure Nika will attend. The invite probably will come from Vanessa or even Katie instead of Bella but im pretty sure Nika will be there and maybe meet Leia for the first time in SG.

I would love Stefan intending to kick Nika out because he's not important/wealthy enough just to be stopped by Leia and put in his place in front of everyone. But just an dumb idea i made up in my head, he would deserve it for this tho:
View attachment 3208663
The good thing about theories is we can't prove or disprove them and they give us ideas to bump around while we wait for dev logs and releases :)

Regarding what you've said, I've just put out a LOT of far fetched options, just to see what can stick. Keeping in mind that Emilio has changed from being pretty serious to being super chilled, who knows what events in WiaB (that we're yet to see) cause some characters to become bitter, and some characters to redeem themselves? One of my current favourite theories is Katarine is Zara and Vanessa's mum. Look at Kat vs Vanessa. Also, Kat's a tennis freak who wants to go pro - she might never make it because of Scarlet, so she might try to force Zara to become the best to live vicariously through her. But the only reason to think that Vanessa's mum is related to the Zane's is the heterochromia. Maybe there's chemicals in the water :sneaky:

As far as Leia not being a gold digger, true - but I think she's the most evil character we've currently seen in WiaB (Donna is merely suspicious so far). She might have her justifications, but damn, she's making drugs and pimping people, as well as trying to manipulate Willi into ruining Moinca's life even more.

I also can see how children can make up their own minds about who is a villain, and friends of Nick would pull down his ex as well, regardless of if they're a gold digger or not. Stories have two sides, so I've learned in Ocean's characterisations to assume they're simply that character's opinion of another and there are at least 20 things we won't know about each of them for a while - just like Nia's revelation about Summer. So everything with a pinch of salt. I'm throwing around the idea the Leia might need a marriage of convenience to hide her pregnancy if indeed she becomes someone's mum.

Daphne is the character I want to see more of, but it could be that yes, she'd Nami's mum and yes, she did die in a car crash. The car crash seems like a convenient lie, because the I think the Frohn's died in a car crash too? But maybe they'r ecar crashes caused by events in WiaB. Or Daphne might have gone travelling to clear her head and never come back. Or she could be SUmmer's mum. THere's simply so many variables.

I'd guess the Ceril's will be connected to career cop families in WiaB. I can't think that there's any connection between the Cerils and the Petrova's: All we have of Elena is from old WiaB - she looks like a classier version of Monica's model: blond like Sasha and Sasha's aunt, as opposed to two Ceril's who are both black haired. The Asavera thing is simply speculation on my behalf - it seems like the Petrovas have loads of money, but they're trained as thugs/bodyguards as well. I can imagine Leia and Asavera joining to wipe Wollust clean of Krayt... and maybe Donna who is the counsellor (maybe connections the religious cult?) helps them, as she's a sneaky angle, they join to make ZPR as an above board business to mark their territory?

Whatever is true is what Ocean will tell us through new chapters of both games, this is just fun to wonder in the mean time. I actually wonder how anyone will get the picture if they only play the one or other.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2017
Got around to playing this again
Question for Ocean if someone on his Discord could ask him:
What the fuck is up with Katie's hair short 1 minute long the next:
View attachment 3208777 View attachment 3208778 View attachment 3208779 View attachment 3208780
Maybe the braids?!

Have you ever plaited a braid? If so, you should know that hair gets extremely short after braiding. When I think of my daughters' hair, depending on how you braid it, you can easily achieve a 30%-50% reduction in hair length.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2018

Maybe the braids?!

Have you ever plaited a braid? If so, you should know that hair gets extremely short after braiding. When I think of my daughters' hair, depending on how you braid it, you can easily achieve a 30%-50% reduction in hair length.
This ...and we also know that hair in the Ocean verse doesn't obey normal physics anyway, hair is magic :sneaky:


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Been on Katie's side since original version 0.3. (First version I played)

So i am at the top of the line. You guys, get behind if you want!!

The girl is mine!

I been on her side since her first appearance period lol :p

However, we should probably take this to the other thread before we get told off. There really needs to be more of her in SG. We should start a campaign (sorry Bella and Victoria...but Katie will always be No. 1)


May 29, 2023
I agree about your conclusions about the bibi term, the emilio thing and the star wars parallels (theres way too much princess leia and hairbums lol).

I thought about Daphne (im sure shes Nami's mom) and why Nami isnt with her and the only real explanation i was able to come up with is that Daphne may have died ..

I disagree strongly about your Vanessa theroies tho, i dont think Leia would behave anything like Zara's mother is described. Leia can obviously be brutal and cold, but she isnt a fucking golddigger, shes way too ambitious and proud to behave like that and i dont think she would treat her kids like that, she was raised by Helen after all.

Vanessa's heterochromia looks very different from williams too so i tend to think she isnt his daughter. While i strongly believe that Aziz is willy's son, not only the possible heterochromia but his body seems similar to william's too and he would probably be the Zane-Revera link. While Sasha obviously is the Petrova link.

I can see your theory about Miss Coates being true, she could be a similar "hatefuck"-character like Becky from BaDIK for Wiab.

While there is NTR in Wiab, i cant see Ocean going the route of makeing any kind of NTR-child's canon for SG even if their may be will bad endings like that and even less from Leia.

I dont think Sasha's mom is Asavera but im still pretty sure she will turn out to be someone important and Willy's probably gonna rail her. Maybe she's Melanie Ceril's mother or someone totally unsuspected like Vic & Maja's Mother.

The look Katie gives Nika after his discussion with Robin's Mom imo screams: You're our blood.
View attachment 3208655

While this conversation imo proves that Nika and Nami are indeed Zane's, if the connection would be anything else, Noji would have the right to decide to prevent them from contacting her kids.
View attachment 3208659 View attachment 3208660

My dream scene for a partially reveal of Nika's heritage would be at the holgerson gala, which im pretty sure Nika will attend. The invite probably will come from Vanessa or even Katie instead of Bella but im pretty sure Nika will be there and maybe meet Leia for the first time in SG.

I would love Stefan intending to kick Nika out because he's not important/wealthy enough just to be stopped by Leia and put in his place in front of everyone. But just an dumb idea i made up in my head, he would deserve it for this tho:
View attachment 3208663
I'm new here so correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I understand unlike WiAB there is no incest in SG. Yes, there is a patch, but it's not canon, right? I mean, if Nika is really Zane, then he's at risk of having sex with his sisters. I suppose that partly explains why most LIs block each other. Because half of them are related. And there's no harem.
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Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
I'm new here so correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I understand unlike WiAB there is no incest in SG. Yes, there is a patch, but it's not canon, right? I mean, if Nika is really Zane, then he's at risk of having sex with his sisters. I suppose that partly explains why most LIs block each other. Because half of them are related. And there's no harem.
Correct, correct and correct.


Active Member
Dec 29, 2022
I'm new here so correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I understand unlike WiAB there is no incest in SG. Yes, there is a patch, but it's not canon, right? I mean, if Nika is really Zane, then he's at risk of having sex with his sisters. I suppose that partly explains why most LIs block each other. Because half of them are related. And there's no harem.
Uhm, imo there is incest. Its obvious that Nami and Nika are supposed to be siblings, its the usual roommate-excuse. Many of the LI's could be possible incest situation but without wiab you doent really know about it / it maybe doesnt matter in this case.

You can evade a romance with nami, in this case there is no incest (so far)


Active Member
Dec 29, 2022

I'd guess the Ceril's will be connected to career cop families in WiaB. I can't think that there's any connection between the Cerils and the Petrova's: All we have of Elena is from old WiaB - she looks like a classier version of Monica's model: blond like Sasha and Sasha's aunt, as opposed to two Ceril's who are both black haired. The Asavera thing is simply speculation on my behalf - it seems like the Petrovas have loads of money, but they're trained as thugs/bodyguards as well. I can imagine Leia and Asavera joining to wipe Wollust clean of Krayt... and maybe Donna who is the counsellor (maybe connections the religious cult?) helps them, as she's a sneaky angle, they join to make ZPR as an above board business to mark their territory?
I really hope Kat isnt Zara's mom (and i dont think so at all) as i really like Kat haha, her whole attitude is the opposite of what was told about Zara's mom. Im 100% sure Zara's mom isnt a Zane but we will see.

Just to clarify, i didnt said that the Cerils and Petrova's are connected. I suspected the mother of the two Cerils being Asavera (instead of Elena). Having a kid as part of the Police later on could be beneficial for them or they cut their ciminal ties at some point but it was just a baseless speculation anyway.

And i can see Willy screw asavera whoever she is lol
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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2020
Uhm, imo there is incest. Its obvious that Nami and Nika are supposed to be siblings, its the usual roommate-excuse. Many of the LI's could be possible incest situation but without wiab you doent really know about it / it maybe doesnt matter in this case.

You can evade a romance with nami, in this case there is no incest (so far)
Agreed - it's pretty obvious to me that incest is intended as a possibility depending on the player's choices, but Ocean has to play the little game with Patreon and pretend it's not.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020
Agreed - it's pretty obvious to me that incest is intended as a possibility depending on the player's choices, but Ocean has to play the little game with Patreon and pretend it's not.
Care to explain the facepalm? Do you really think Nika and Nami are not related?
Considering WiAB is an incest story...and is on Patreon..and has an actual proper patch....and that there is a story element of why Nika lives with who he does...and that if need more convincing, Ocean himself says it isn't....

Need I say more?
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