I fully agree over the intimacy and this is one of the things that I think Ocean does greatly, would hate to see it trowed out of widow over some lewd - nor do I think it has risk of it - Zara has showed that acts with out thinking and I believe that this render is her once gain letting her intrusive thought win, while naked in the jacuzzi.
Sadly I fully agree with
RNasc4444 over Nami, well maybe not fully, as I don't think it is ruined but I disagree that her progression is better now. Personally, I believe it was much more natural before, she was constantly moving the line of what was okay until MC either deiced to accept or put a end to it, and it was a character trait of her, Nami now is much more tamed not only that she just deiced to dry hump him with out a escalation, Ocean did not cut it he just did not showed it. I don't think it is ruined but I can't say that I like this version more either.
I feel most of Nami holes will be filled as the story progress - I am well aware of how this sentence sounds and I stand by it in both meanings - as she is too much of a central character to not have them answered. This extents to most of the questions of S1, SG is aimed to be a fucking long game, I am fine with waiting for answers but I also think that good stories needs progression, and while I really like Ocean character work the story need to move, we had some of that in Ch5 but we still need more.
Honestly I don't know if I want a directors cut of S1, in 15 years time, I don't fault Ocean too much over how it came to be, you can feel the frustration over it while playing, the man did not have more patience for it. I can only speculate but I fell that SG only fully realized in Ocean mind around Ch4 and when doing the rework he saw that 3 and 3.5 also need adjusted, tried to power it thorough and at some point said, "that is it I am done". About the ambiguity, well, it is what it is I can live with it. I just am not sure if devs will want to trade Patreon over Steam, Steam may be big money but Patreon is more reliable.