Which update of SG had 3200 renders? THere's your answer. In actual fact, Ch2 was the fastest Ocean's ever rendered, until now. Right now Ocean is rendering faster than at any point before.
Ch2 - 2545 new renders in 248 days, 10.26 renders a day. 2000 renders in 150 days is faster at an average of 13.3 a day with much better quality than before, so that's waht 30% faster, purely based on SG renders, not counting WiaB. Ch2 was also the biggest render count until now.

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I think you're missing my point. There are other things that determine whether a LI can be William's offspring, and that the ToS. Ocean will not write any option in the code that allows that possibility. So maybe Damian's superpower is that he's William's. Or Jeff is William and Gina's

And, exactly because WiaB got nuked, Ocean will ensure SG doesn't. It's his income. No matter how appealing these ideas are, they just won't happen according to the ToS, or haven't you noticed how many games have gone through reworks recently?
And yes, it is either or. But until Ocean defines WiaB, we can't really untie the gordian knot.
And it wouldn't be strange to end WiaB without Elena pregnant, because Sasha is too young to be a WiaB pregnancy. If she's 18, and WiaB is 20 years ago... this is what I am saying. Ocean's specifically made it too long a gap for the SG cast to be WiaB pregnancies for a reason ...or maybe it was just lucky bad planning.