Has he really developed if it breaks him again? I think not. Think about it for a second, if he really wants to develop he needs to face the issue, otherwise he'll just be in denial at best. As someone who've been through the same thing(or atleast somewhat and somehow) as the MC in real life, I can say that I only moved on and developed fully when I got my closure.
summer right now is not much of a character but more of a plot point; her disappearance basically kicks our protagonist's story into overdrive. We don't really know why or how she dissapeared; why her disappearance caused serious psychological trauma on our protagonist.
i play it as the brain protecting itself by giving the MC selective amnesia! if you are a rapist or a mass murderer but that is against your values your brain will do the same since you could not live with it! the disconect is what enables you to survive with what you have done or must do to survive or with what happened to you!
worst possible scenario i can imagine a scenario where the MC was beaten up while Summer got raped by a psycho without him being able to do nothing about it as he was just a little kid and he would still blame himself, so how could he live with the knowledge that he was too weak to protect the ones he loves? there are some sick stories out there and even sicker individuals who act on their impulses instead of finding healthy releases!
so if you where the MC could you live with it without going into depression and become a suicidal prick?
so not knowing what happened does not make for bad writting unless you are reay to play a MC that is a monster who can hardly control himself or a weakling that can not protect the ones he loves?
as i stated my name means war scared not because i am afraid of war but of what i become when war comes!
That's the actual beauty of story telling, I have a great story to tell but I don't have the guts and the talent to start and finish it. That's why I'm thankful to devs like Ocean, cause they're doing something I wanted to do for a very long time but couldn't.
do it!
the hardest part is the 1st line the 2nd hardest is the 1st paragraph and so forth!
the best one can do its to start doing something and once you get the rhythm it just flows from the heart!
do not even think where to start just start moving and it will come naturally!
the Chinese call it the wei state!