Warscarred! WTF!...You can't just break out of a character and turn into a lovey-dovey MC.
People might think you're sane!
how is that breaking caracther? you know you are just like Bella all you see is a 2d caracther not understanding i am a human being with a heart and feelings also! whenever i come out of the stereotype that you have created in your little head of yours, you spazz out, yeah so what i am not the knight in shning armour you make me out to be! i got feelings i make mistakes and sometimes i destroy entire universes because i farted at the wrong time... yeah i also sit my ass in the toillet and take a shit once or twice a day just like everyone else!
that means i am entitled to my moments of introspection and weakness but just like a sword being tempered in cool spring water, those are the moments that make me harder and allow me to steel my mind and heart for when batle is joined!
the greatest warriors of all time wrote poetry, guys with massive dicks also get their hearts broken and beautifull people date jerks because all the good people/guys/girls put us up in so high a pedestal that only jerks are willing to take a chance and talk to us, so from all the choices available to beautifull people after you pan out for hours very rarely is a nugget of gold to be found and since we also got to eat and fuck sometimes we fuck a Bella or a Nami because the Sasha´s of this world can not believe we would fall for them.
so yes life is unfair to the ugly who must go without and life is unfair to the beautifull who must do with whats available while all the random average people making fun of the ugly and idolizing the rich in beauty, wealth or strenght get all the chances at true love while comiserating at the unfairness of the world when they have all the freedom and choices awarded to them without realising how lucky they trully are!
so fuck off i am not something you can put in a box, i am not something you or anyone else can define, i am not a label i am not a stereotype or even a VN MC i am a human being who fucks up most important decisions he as to make (just like the rest of the world) and i have learned to live with them, but that does not mean i am not allowed to reminesce on my choices and paths taken!
damm.. that shit hits closer to home that i assumed!
-- edit---
i was gonna go for a funny reply but something snapped inside of me!
do not put expectations on me for i will surprise you break them or go without,
i make my own path in life in accordance to what i consider important not in what others put value in!
the shame and disapointment feelings of having failed my mother when i had 20 young beautifull girls to pick from and i picked the slut...
the shame my father tried to put on me when i quited the military academy or droped out of the law degree when i was the best student
the guilt my grandfather tried to put on me when i used the money he gave me to travel instead of investing!
people have always tryed to put me in a cage and even a golded cage is still a cage!
so sorry if i over reacted but i refuse to be held accountable to others expectations, i am already responsable for my own shit!
i do not need to be you or anyone elses scapegoat!
--- 2nd edit ----
My MC is always like that around Sasha! because you know love makes fools out of us all!