
Engaged Member
Feb 20, 2018
I've still yet to complete the current version of this game (currently making my way through 0.0.1 content), and have been avoiding this thread, but since the shitstorm from the latest update is starting to invade other threads and has spoiled the upcoming events, I though I'd just chime in with my 2 cents about this whole thing (since that's what everyone's doing anyway).

As I understand it, people are getting annoyed about this "open relationship" choice because they're worried about seeing Nicole do things with other guys and think that this is going to lead to NTR. But here's the thing, if the MC was meant to keep Nicole as his girlfriend, then why did he move away in the first place? Yes, we know it's because he needs a job, and money, and it's to help his half-sister, but the point of these games is not, and has never been, about monogamy.

Sure, he could hump his way through the game with every female character that comes his way and try to build a harem with his girlfriend included, but not all games have to have that. The whole reason, in my view that we have this scenario where the MC moves away and meets a whole bunch of new people as well as reconnects with people from his past, is to show him that the life he thought was good before actually wasn't and that there is a better prospect somewhere else and with someone else.

Another thing is that, in general, these games aren't supposed to be about monogamy and staying faithful to just one partner because that's what we have in the real world where monogamy is the socially acceptable norm in most of the world. But these games are a fantasy, specifically the archetypal male fantasy of an alpha male who can have as many women as possible with little to no consequence and can be as unfaithful as they want. So, for the most part, you're not supposed to just stick with one love interest let alone stick with a relationship that you might start out with because in these games, as the saying goes, the grass is always greener on the other side.

Honestly, I don't really understand what people are complaining about because I accepted right from the start that Nicole was never likely to stay as the MC's girlfriend due to the long distance relationship and that he'd be surrounded by pussy when he arrives in Sunshine Bay. There's "having your cake and eating it too", but it seems like some people just want to have too much cake, especially when that cake was never meant to be eaten.
This is super easy to answer in at most a single sentence... Does the game have multiple protagonist tag, Yes or No ? If not, when say you IRL have a girlfriend that you werent happy with, and parted ways, do you somehow still know who she fucks, how she does it, and at what time and how many positions, Yes or No ?

Thats all... if Nicole wanted to break-up or open relationship, as far as me the player who is GUIDING (not farking inserting himself) the MC, her part in the story is done... unless she later wants to re-kindle the relationship by coming to Sunshine Bay and staying at the hotel that the MC is working (direct line of sight to the MC), we really have no business knowing what she does, or who she does.

Nothing sucks more dick in a story than to put a black screen saying "we will return to the MC after this segment of showing what Nicole is up to".... what the fuck ? why ??? Makes no narrative sense from a story perspective based on the MC, if it was multiple protag, people would have to shut up and accept, with a clear SINGLE protagonist, nope, doesnt fly.


Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
You got everything wrong.

He told her he wants a threesome with another girl. When he was in Sunshine Bay he was talking to Nicole about all the girls he's met. Nicole talked to her sister and was scared he was going to meet someone else and Georgina suggested she cheat which she turned down.

They have spent months arguing and she's trying to find a way to restore peace.

She suggested the open relationship after talking to her client and her client saying it could have saved her marriage so she thinks giving him the option might save their relationship.

In no way does she come across as unhappy.
Except the 3some was in his dream and Nicole got all pissy about it and didn't even want to talk about. I could be wrong, but I don't recall him saying he wanted one, only what happened in the dream. Also from the writing, all the fights seem to be because she's not happy that he's not doing well enough, ambitious enough etc.

All the fights and pressure are because her dreams are not coming true. To me, she came across as a frigid bitch that only put out when she got what she wanted or she was in the mood, without any thoughts for his happiness and enjoyment. Seemed like any time he wanted to talk about what he wanted in the bedroom she shot him down with I'm too busy, or not the right time, or I don't want to talk about it. Again that's the impression I got of her from the start, long before he got the call from the sister or even lost his job. That she is cold and uncaring and as long as she gets what she wants out the relationship it's ok.

Maybe she does really love him and is wanting the best for him, but if so she just doesn't know how to show it.


New Member
Dec 8, 2017
I enjoyed the update. One of my favorite games right now. I think all the criticism is overblown. Excited to see where the story goes.

I will say that the option to deny the open relationship and do a Nicole-faithful route doesn’t make too much sense. The game updates aren’t conducive to that unless they are planning lewd content for Nicole every update (highly doubt).

IMO it would have made more sense to have the choices be...
-Option A: open relationship as is included in the game, and
-Option B: MC is hurt by the open relationship proposal, ends the call mulling things over, and breaks up in the following update.

But again, I’m more than okay with playing the game that the MrDots team wants to make. Looking forward to more!


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 10, 2020
I want to play but with all the changes yet also seeing other possible routes not yet implemented I think i will wait for a couple more updates so the game is fleshed out some more. Love the way it started and I have downloaded this update but with all the back and forth I am seeing I would hate to see a change come then have to start over cause i made a wrong choice earlier.


Dark Lord of the Coffee
Jul 12, 2020
I can only speak for myself. I would never stand over someone and apply intense pressure on them to find a job literally that very day after getting heartbreaking news. I would not come home and stand over them and say you better have good news on the job front. To his credit, I guess even if it was by luck, he did find something at sunshine bay. But he also stressed to her he looked in the local area and found nothing. So what exactly is hard to understand. He did his best. There is being pissed about a situation and then there is making someone feel extra pressure and bad about something out of their control. He found a job that day. You could say something if it was a few weeks down the line and he found nothing or was not trying. To me that was not the case. She was instantly on his back.

Maybe if she is so clever she should not have taken on a mortgage with him if she knew one of them loosing a job would spin them into such financial peril that they have to literally find a job the day you get fired to make the mortgage. If money is that tight. How about just renting and not putting all your eggs in one basket. I mean they are not even married, correct ??

I mean sure she can be a little upset, but I guess everyone is different. I just would not fly off the handle like that because someone literally lost their job and I expect to arrive home and they better have another one.

So no I guess I would not have acted the same. But everyone handles things differently and if you feel it was warranted. No issues here.

Also, exactly...this!

The problems here exist as such (despite what our resident angry lady thinks)....Nicole was 'written' to be disliked...that is plainly obvious (to any sane intelligent person at least) and intentional. Since then, she has just been badly written period. That is the main problem. I had hopes for this....Melody was a huge improvement over the juvenile virgin writing of DmD.....but we shall see what the next update brings.


May 7, 2020
The major Issue I have is that both "Choices" given are not a Choice that makes for a good adult VN.

The choice given is:

A: Cheat on your long term girlfriend and not tell her because she is ok with it if you don't. I mean what bazaaro world does any relationship survive that? As someone who has been in an open relationship, I would NEVER accept it on those terms nor would I propose it in such a disrespectful way.
B: don't play the game as an adult VN, welcome to hotel simulator.

What she actually did is, do a soft break up, one we can accept and feel badly about or not accept and get cheated on. Why can't I say to her, if you want to fuck other people, go right ahead but we're done. You know like 99% of people would.

She is Imposing an awful choice on us, one we have literally no say in and we don't get the option of telling her to go fuck herself? really?
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New Member
Apr 6, 2018
Still find myself missing my regular Melody fix.

But got to say that I'm captivated by Sis and Cousin, which makes it so difficult to pick a favourite!

Whilst Step Mom is definitely starting to attract my attention in the last update.
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Engaged Member
May 9, 2018
Still find myself missing my regular Melody fix.

But got to say that I'm captivated by Sis and Cousin, which makes it so difficult to pick a favourite!

Whilst Step Mom is definitely starting to attract my attention in the last update.
I find all the girls except maybe the step-aunt and cousin to be hot. Aunt not bad, but would probably only outrank the cousin.

I really want Sis and Step mom routes but I also don't trust either of them as far as I could through them. There is 100% something dodgy going on with the step-mom and aunt. And it's really frustrating not knowing what. :ROFLMAO:


Dark Lord of the Coffee
Jul 12, 2020
Did someone else use the term "micromanage?" I don't remember seeing that term used before, so it's a surprise that this is a question you've been asking everyone. I have been with controlling women, so a lot about Nicole's behavior appears similar. Perhaps only someone who has lived through the experience recognizes the (apparently subtle) signs.

You can excuse the individual events as no big deal, but it appears to me that she doesn't respect him. She holds him to blame for the office politics that got him fired. True, she may be worried about the mortgage on their condo, but she doesn't appear to show any compassion for the MC.

I don't remember saying that she wants to fuck anyone that moves. I'm not sure why you're pulling that up in reply to my comment. Perhaps it would be more productive to address an individual's opinion rather than attributing to them other opinions they did not express.

Perhaps Nicole just has critical resting face, but her facial expressions from the beginning raised flags for me.
I have lived it..and I do recognise it all too well. Nicole cares about Nicole...the MC second (as he is a human being and she is not an evil person). If she can mould the MC into what she requires him to be, all the better. If not, she will berate him down until he tows the line. Unless thsi person is a complete submissive personality, these relationships never work in the long term.

Well - since you asked nicely, i will give an answer.

I can't and i will not give away any details, as you might understand that would destroy the whole sense to play MrDots games. His games are known for slow burn and a nice story - so giving that away would be like calling the murder on first page.
Plenty of detective type stories and films do this. What is interesting, is seeing how things got to that stage and how people uncover the truth. Guess you're not a big Giallo fan.

Before the breakup had it's way into the story to replace the "open relation path", it was there for 2 reason:
1.) An open relation would allow MC to date and intimate other girls without any issues (which is already needed for Victoria)
2.) An open relation STILL would allow to involve Nicole. Remember they are a couple for 5 years, and they left each other with an "I love you". That happened just 1-2 weeks in the nearest past - so why should MC break up so easy right after that short time?
1. Completely out of left-field and illogical. Sure, is a porn game, so go the CQ route or just get rid of her. If the point of the game is for the MC to screw around, just let him. But if any of the other LI's are to be mains, I agree with others, very few will be ok with you having a gf somewhere else. Why the need for pointless restrictions? In which world 'other than' a committed loving CQ route...would any woman offer an open relationship, stay perfectly faithful, aloow you to screw around, yet not explore herself? seriously..like...wtf? I question if you've ever been in a relationship with a normal, everyday woman.

2. Have you actually ever been in a dead relationhip that you just didn't realise it at the time?

See these are the issues. Bad writing. This is not unique to Dots, many VN's (hell, even professional published writers at time) suffer from this. No one acts like they actually really would. I'll say again, Nicole was intentionally written to be disliked. Since then, she is just plain badly written. Other LI's were written with the intention to be likeable. Why complicate things unless the CQ route (which I'd have personally liked btw and usually doesn't have the queen interacting with anyone else) was originally planned?
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Dark Lord of the Coffee
Jul 12, 2020
You got everything wrong.

He told her he wants a threesome with another girl. When he was in Sunshine Bay he was talking to Nicole about all the girls he's met. Nicole talked to her sister and was scared he was going to meet someone else and Georgina suggested she cheat which she turned down.

They have spent months arguing and she's trying to find a way to restore peace.

She suggested the open relationship after talking to her client and her client saying it could have saved her marriage so she thinks giving him the option might save their relationship.

In no way does she come across as unhappy.
Because no guy ever in the history of ever has never thought about a threesome....*rolls eyes so hard they fall out of my skull*

But again..he told her. Didn't demand it. Didn't do it...he ain't some slut evil male patriach demon you realise? You do understand that yes? So he told her about the people in the bay? So what? That not be a normal thing to do when talking to your partner? She is the one who gets the problem. She talks to her sister....great advice from her sister. Does she instantly demonize her sister? No...she eventually mulls the idea over in her head...especially after talking to her client. It's the most illogical and dumb idea since the inception of illogical and dumb ideas and completely out of what appears to be her character. She is also the one with all the insecurities and the one who wants the MC to be something he will probably never be (hence the arguments). Again, get over yourself on her. Open your eyes on exactly how she reacts the day he loses his job. That is pure belittlement, control and only caring about herself and being materialistic. Sure I get she doesn't want to lose her home,as the most intelligent of the two, maybe like many people in the world who whine about being broke at the end of every month, she should have thought about that before getting a mortgage they, in reality, can't actually afford.

There is only one person half-committed to that relationship...in a 'loving romantic' way....and it sure as hell is not Nicole. She cares about appearances and material irelevent shit. She offers the break. And this may upset some folk, but people who offer 'breaks' (and it's usually men I'll admit) offer them so they can do something with someone else with a clear concience yet keep their safety net and familar surroundings, which is also bull and shows how little they really thought of the relationship in the first place. May as well just break up and end it there and then.

Bottom line is this. There are many heated arguments around these different threads regarding some characters/plots. Some, and I mean some, are because of how well written a character and their development is/are.

Most, like Nicole (currently), are because of terribly bad writing.

Except the 3some was in his dream and Nicole got all pissy about it and didn't even want to talk about. I could be wrong, but I don't recall him saying he wanted one, only what happened in the dream. Also from the writing, all the fights seem to be because she's not happy that he's not doing well enough, ambitious enough etc.

All the fights and pressure are because her dreams are not coming true. To me, she came across as a frigid bitch that only put out when she got what she wanted or she was in the mood, without any thoughts for his happiness and enjoyment. Seemed like any time he wanted to talk about what he wanted in the bedroom she shot him down with I'm too busy, or not the right time, or I don't want to talk about it. Again that's the impression I got of her from the start, long before he got the call from the sister or even lost his job. That she is cold and uncaring and as long as she gets what she wants out the relationship it's ok.

Maybe she does really love him and is wanting the best for him, but if so she just doesn't know how to show it.
This one again. Her, her, her. Everything he seems to have done, is to appease her. She is not a bad person, not evil, she just needs someone with her drive and ambition. She thought she could change him, that was her first mistake. It breeds resentment. He will never be, what she aspires him to be. As for loving him, I'm sure she does yes. as for wanting what's best for him, well, many couples have had a divide of exactly what that means. To me (from what I see of his character), the best thing for him is to be with someone who accepts who he is, which is nothing like I imagine the person Nicole wants him to be. Again, alluding to the fact the other LI's are written to be likeable and would accept him as he is.
I enjoyed the update. One of my favorite games right now. I think all the criticism is overblown. Excited to see where the story goes.

I will say that the option to deny the open relationship and do a Nicole-faithful route doesn’t make too much sense. The game updates aren’t conducive to that unless they are planning lewd content for Nicole every update (highly doubt).

IMO it would have made more sense to have the choices be...
-Option A: open relationship as is included in the game, and
-Option B: MC is hurt by the open relationship proposal, ends the call mulling things over, and breaks up in the following update.

But again, I’m more than okay with playing the game that the MrDots team wants to make. Looking forward to more!
That would have made much more sense and have been much better writing I agree.
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2018
I;m just here for the porn.. I want to bang the In law as soon as possible, her cute cousin, and the devoted Catholic D look a like[very hard].


May 7, 2020
I find all the girls except maybe the step-aunt and cousin to be hot. Aunt not bad, but would probably only outrank the cousin.

I really want Sis and Step mom routes but I also don't trust either of them as far as I could through them. There is 100% something dodgy going on with the step-mom and aunt. And it's really frustrating not knowing what. :ROFLMAO:
The obvious answer is that Gerald wasn't the father and both Ashley and Trisha know it.

That's why the sudden fighting (Gerald found out), the lack of contact and why Gerald doesn't want his son near either of them.


May 6, 2018
please not again.
1.) this is the wrong post (wrong game)
2.) that website is completely outdated since years as we told you several times
3.) we explained thousands times why that taglist had been changed

Still you keep gravedigging that old shit?

And then You wonder why we react that way? Again no one listened to what we said?

>*imagine over here a censored statement which would get me banned if visible*<

You really make us to not drop ANY information anymore about anything by acting that way.
You even proof that every single conversation and every single part will be taken out of any context
Also stuff which happened many years ago is taken to "proof" something or whatever.
Just listen inside you and be honest: how much stuff did you tell in your life, which is not actual anymore?
You never ever told to your first girlfriend for example that you swear to love her forever?
What would you think about her comming every couple of days and bark about how you have broken your oath?
So PLEASE stop gravedigging what isn't actual in ANY way you look at it today.
I'm sorry who are you? And yes I keep bringing it up because a lot of people paid into this project for YEARS expecting that content to eventually be in the game and then someone came along and said "nah, I don't like that we're not doing it." So yeah, a lot of people are pretty raw about it.


Dark Lord of the Coffee
Jul 12, 2020
I'm sorry who are you? And yes I keep bringing it up because a lot of people paid into this project for YEARS expecting that content to eventually be in the game and then someone came along and said "nah, I don't like that we're not doing it." So yeah, a lot of people are pretty raw about it.
He works on the games and maybe you should direct this in the DmD thread instead of this one perhaps?


often the biggest step forward is to "step back"
Game Developer
Jun 30, 2018
Thought they were just an admin on the discord server with insider knowledge.
also possible, regardless he has knowledge but the guys whining is in the wrong thread.
exactly this.
And yes I keep bringing it up because a lot of people paid into this project for YEARS expecting that content to eventually be in the game and then someone came along and said "nah, I don't like that we're not doing it." So yeah, a lot of people are pretty raw about it.
If you would have listened to what we (Jeff and i) talking since years, you would have recognized.
Also the tags are NOT THERE ANYMORE for some reson, but you still waiting for that content to come...
EXACTLY that's what i talked about - people not listening to what we say and then they are "surprised" that this or that doesn't happen in the end. Things have changed -> go accept it god damned. (or fucking leave)


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Apr 10, 2020
some people just cant take a hint hyperserver. Hell I love the work that ya all have put into the games. I loved Melody didnt really care for the fact you could not get a perfect ending unless you ignored all the other girls but dealt with it. I do not like the mmf sharing path in DMD so i dont play it but i do not complain that others like the idea and like the fact that it is there for those to choose it if they want it. I also read the FAQ you posted and as you can tell from my tags below I like harem games and one thing i saw was possible harem fetish for this game. it is one of the reasons i think i will wait till the game is fleshed out a little more after a few more update. if in the end it isnt there so be it but at least after waiting for a few more updates i wont have to fear my earlier choices could have been wrong and i should not have to start over this way. maybe im this way because im probably older then most of the other people coming in here and maybe because im a modder for fallout and farming sim i also understand the game authors side of it.
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