I second that, jamdan. This was a very strange update compared to the last few. The dialog was uncharacteristically thin and stilted. The characters acted very unrealistically too, especially step-sis. I mean, I expect this in a lot of the crappy VNs here where the sister has a total platonic relationship their whole life and suddenly turns into a sex-fiend hot for brother overnight, but Mr. Dots is usually better than that.
And the story in general. The step-sis was especially annoying this update. They seemed to be getting along OK, better than OK even, with the MC going out of his way to help his sister with her hotel, and she suddenly decides disappear, without a note and without any warning, leaving her phone behind intentionally so the MC cannot communicate with her, and leaves her brother in charge of her hotel all by himself, for days. It is one thing if she is just on her own, but they are supposed to be business partners. He is helping her bring the hotel back from ruin, not running everything himself. Who needs a business partner, and your own sister no less, that is unreliable and can't be trusted, and is so selfish that she would make her whole family and friends think that something terrible had happened? She knew everyone would be concerned at her sudden dissapearance, and didn't care enough to even leave a note saying she would be gone for a few days, please take care of things, and don't worry?
And Connie is terrible too. I get that her father is not very warm to her, but can you imagine an 18 year old refusing to attend her all expenses paid fancy penthouse birthday party, running away from home, hiding out from her family, and refusing any contact because there isn't going to be a pool? Seriously? I was lucky to have a party at the local pizza place rather than the nearby park or my own backyard. And we are supposed to sympathize with her?
And the facial expressions. Oh my god. I laughed a lot during this update, and not in a good way, since the scenes were supposed to be serious. Each character only has 4 facial expressions, and it is the same for everyone. Every minor surprise has the characters show extreme shock, mouth open, wide eyed, with their hand to their mouth as if the MC suddenly turned into an alien. And it keeps happening, every scene.
I really don't know what happened this update. I used to praise SL for good writing, compared to Mr. Dots other games, but this update was a large step down in quality of the dialog and story.