
Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2019
What a full and expansive world that was created here, which is prompting me to share my thoughts and feedback!
The following contains several CAPITALIZED words that are only used to highlight certain sections, making them stand out as important points throughout this post.

I love TRUE virtual novels that give the reader SO many options and branches to take the story in, I know how difficult it must be to write in this format, but is something I DEEPLY appreciate and look for as a potential FAVORITE, much like when I have read several "Choose-your-own-adventure novels" that I ADORED back in middle school (I can never find gems like those!), this ALSO gives the game a HUGE re-playability, where you can guide the story into vastly different directions and outcomes, cementing your audience through SEVERAL additional journies.

The character's dialog and art have progressively gotten better within each update, the exception being Michael almost exclusively, (and a couple of others that seem to include the same art style), which to me resembles the drawings of an ex-girlfriend from early high school (usually the eyes, mouth or other facial irregularities shown here).
The MC though was clearly influenced by a now-deceased Peter Steele who was the frontman of a band famously known as "Type O Negative" (Incidentally whenever I require a last name while playing a game, it has ALWAYS been 5teele, first name is always 7empest)
Alice looks like a colorful preying-mantis might, with her obvious Asian mother's attributes, or that's how they translate to me while going through this.
The comical factor of Derek/ Deryl/ Daryl was not lost on me ("Hai, I'm Larry, this is my brother Daryl and my OTHER brother Deryl, we are here to fix your septic tank", spoken in a heavy southern very uneducated drawl), I am sure those that enjoy classic sitcoms might come across something like THAT in their search)

The story, WOW did it ever expand to carefully and safely include such a large cast, AND they developed it where many received dialog semi-consistently (of course though, it was clear that later on, the story had to focus primarily on a few key characters, leaving many temporarily in the background, yet we were NEVER sitting here wondering what a certain character was doing for very long.)
The MYTHOS and supernatural elements that are thrown into the narrative are incredible.
I enjoyed the inclusion of the older "Monsters" which naturally made their dialog spoken more ancient, though it could have been brought MUCH further back to long-forgotten languages like Aramaic, as in how Nyx is currently uses Norweigean RUNES in my opinion.
ALSO, story-wise, there were several points of interest where I, the reader, had to wonder WHY the MC wasn't handling certain situations vastly differently when we KNOW the abilities he currently possessed, almost like those ideas SHOULD have been prominent and utilized.
By this version's number, I can theorize that it is closing in to be the end of a chapter, since there is a LOT of ground to cover MUCH more story, due to so many intricately woven characters that the devs can draw from, and/or segway into.

The ONE set of areas that I had a PET PEEVE about, has to do with some of the dialog:
"I Mean" STARTS many of the sentences which would be fine WITHIN the narrative (in the middle of a paragraph), is just PAINFUL to read.
There was a conversation in which even an ancient DIETY started a sentence like that...wow talk about ripping me RIGHT out of the emersion I was invested in.
"I GUESS" never needed to be included in almost ALL the times it was utilized,
"Yeah, no" not needing to be used anywhere at all!
I cannot read those dialog choices without picturing the characters using them as being a little retarded, but HEY that's just MY OPINION right?

Anyway, I am looking forward to seeing how deep this rabbit hole goes, and what's new in the world of...


Nov 23, 2020
I like using the word behavior because it can be applied in a broader sense. For example, when 2 objects "collide", their behavior is that they exchange energy. A being with the power of Order may be able able to instruct these objects to not exchange energy and pass through each other completely unaffected.

I don't have a background in physics and I don't know if that's accurate, but it makes sense to me.

If I had to guess how the power of just Authority would interact with objects, I'd probably think in terms of telekinesis. The fundamentals don't change, but the object does what it was instructed to do. But perhaps when we learn about the other Apostles my opinion will change.
When you go to see Ella at her orphanage she talks to you about her second student, which happens to be Jake. She mentions that he had problems dealing with other people and as a result he was only using his power on people and hasn't tried to use it on objects.
Jake's power is much more than mind control, but now that's he's mostly out of the story I don't think we'll get a good view at exactly what he could have accomplished.
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Aug 30, 2019
So I think I have a pretty firm grasp on what H.E.R.O's goals are, but I'm still juggling with what S.I.N is after...I have a few theories:

1. They Really Are Just After Independence
I'd assume this would probably ONLY apply to Ella's children's goal, rather than the higher ups funding the organization. Though obviously WITH strings attached, this would be Zara's marks probably for my next point...

2. Manpower
Ella is on a certain monster side or at least, their goals are aligned; as neither the monsters or her work for each other, it's a (temporary?) partnership. If the marks Zara puts on them truly are to be used as a form of enslavement, it was probably Ella's orders rather than the S.I.N higher ups in order to use the Superhumans as pawns whenever she sees fit.

3. A New H.E.R.O Takeover
This would probably be exclusive to the higher ups at S.I.N, as they have always been a group jealous of Dexter's accomplishments and resources. If they take H.E.R.O down, they are the only group standing to be the new power monopoly of the Superhuman world.

So far we have minimal reasons to distrust S.I.N as it stands. Even Ella wanted no real part of it in the first place but seemed to have Zara interfere a little in how they went about recruit, probably just her own insurance slice. Cole is obviously on board for it PERSONALLY due to beef with H.E.R.O, and Zara I think just views it as fun.

For those wondering what I think H.E.R.O's goal is just in case; I'm like 99% sure they just want to transcend humanity and stop the monsters through research and order. Some have small differences in how to achieve the goal, but overall the end point is still the same. Morally most of the members save for Malik and Clark (and maybe Alexis) actually don't give a fuck about how they go about it. How many lives will be lost, how many test subjects they need, etc. they are NOT a "hero" organization, they're probably more like "Vought" from "The Boys" just with a little less psychotic tendencies for the sake of psychotic tendencies.

Those are just my takes, BOTH are morally bad from the recruitment perspective; S.I.N has those marks that are an obvious insurance, while H.E.R.O will literally torture or even kill you/hunt you down if you don't sign up. Actions wise S.I.N will openly murder, H.E.R.O will discreetly murder. Disagree if you want but I just thought I'd throw them out there and see what you guys think.
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Sep 1, 2017
When you go to see Ella at her orphanage she talks to you about her second student, which happens to be Jake. She mentions that he had problems dealing with other people and as a result he was only using his power on people and hasn't tried to use it on objects.
Jake's power is much more than mind control, but now that's he's mostly out of the story I don't think we'll get a good view at exactly what he could have accomplished.
Exactly, if we take the word "Authority" at face value, we're left with asking, authority over what? And if we go deep enough we're basically at the level of the judeo christian god, being the ultimate authority. Like imagine being able to just command someone out of existence. Jake was a massive dipshit for how badly he mismanaged his power.

So I think I have a pretty firm grasp on what H.E.R.O's goals are, but I'm still juggling with what S.I.N is after...I have a few theories:
Personally I believe that they're just rich assholes afraid of other rich assholes (dexter) getting one up on them and ruining their wealth/power. Basically creating a force that lets them actually have a say in how things are run. Speaking specifically about the ruling council now with Langdon and Klaus dad and so on, Ellas group probably have their own agenda.


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Jul 13, 2021
I think SIN is literally nothing more than just a front. Practically everyone in SIN is an illegal (unregistered) superhuman. Most of them are probably completely clueless too, making indoctrination easy because they'd think that HERO would come after them, so they would fight for their "freedom", not for Langdon. The only reason HERO want to "combat" SIN is because they want to reclaim the recruits to bolster the sectors against monster raids. Considering that all of them will automatically become conscripts, it's a win win for them.

Langdon believes that SIN has chances to succeed against HERO. He literally calls it the bedrock of their plan, and that without it they have no chance against Dexter. So there are two possible things happening here. He either has a very good plan that will indeed give him a fighting chance (perhaps that's what the twin kidnappings are about), or he is either very deceived, or very stupid, because a few hundred level 1-2s don't even stand a chance against HERO's weakest leutenant.

Langdon pays Ella to populate SIN. She helps with pills and the Zara+Charlie locate-and-swear scheme. Cole seems to be the overseer of the plan.

Ella's kids are not members of SIN. Shen gets confused when the HERO agent calls him a SIN recruit, and he then calls it "Cole's little dumb assignment". The only one who seems to subscribe to that idea is Cole for some reason. Ella outright tells Langdon that she doesn't need SIN, and calls the members loosers.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
I think SIN is literally nothing more than just a front. Practically everyone in SIN is an illegal (unregistered) superhuman. Most of them are probably completely clueless too, making indoctrination easy because they'd think that HERO would come after them, so they would fight for their "freedom", not for Langdon. The only reason HERO want to "combat" SIN is because they want to reclaim the recruits to bolster the sectors against monster raids. Considering that all of them will automatically become conscripts, it's a win win for them.

Langdon believes that SIN has chances to succeed against HERO. He literally calls it the bedrock of their plan, and that without it they have no chance against Dexter. So there are two possible things happening here. He either has a very good plan that will indeed give him a fighting chance (perhaps that's what the twin kidnappings are about), or he is either very deceived, or very stupid, because a few hundred level 1-2s don't even stand a chance against HERO's weakest leutenant.

Langdon pays Ella to populate SIN. She helps with pills and the Zara+Charlie locate-and-swear scheme. Cole seems to be the overseer of the plan.

Ella's kids are not members of SIN. Shen gets confused when the HERO agent calls him a SIN recruit, and he then calls it "Cole's little dumb assignment". The only one who seems to subscribe to that idea is Cole for some reason. Ella outright tells Langdon that she doesn't need SIN, and calls the members loosers.
Klaus and his crew would of been apart of SIN yeah? Or rather, I imagine a lot of SIN's original forces would of had Klaus's father's men involved but most of em got butchered by MC and co so that might explain the mass recruitment effort on SIN's part.

Although the mass recruiting might of still happened even if they didnt get wrecked.

I do wonder a lot about Klaus's dad, he was hyped up a bit during the arc with Klaus but haven't heard much about him since, I do hope we see more of him tho.
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Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Klaus and his crew would of been apart of SIN yeah? Or rather, I imagine a lot of SIN's original forces would of had Klaus's father's men involved but most of em got butchered by MC and co so that might explain the mass recruitment effort on SIN's part.

Although the mass recruiting might of still happened even if they didnt get wrecked.
Considering that Langdon wants to antagonize Dexter, I think that the mass recruitement + the smear campaign against HERO would happen anyway,

As for Klaus and the rest of Aldain forces, that's something that I hadn't thought about. My opiinion is this:
Langdon mentions that Dietz was "slow" to expand when mentioning monsters. It seems to me that each of Langdon's allies was dealing with the superhuman/monster situation as he saw fit, but when MC and Alice destroyed the Aldains, Langdon took it upon himself. So I think that if Klaus and the rest were alive, they would probably have their own organization, and Langdon would have SIN.


Jan 26, 2023
Gentlemans, how are you guys doing? I'm back from the spy mission in S.I.N base!

Man, they threw me in another dimension created by that monster Hex. I had to live with other monster, bad memories if I recalled. For anyone of you want to ask, no... I haven't encounter any sexy hot molly female monster.

But hey, look at the bright side of what I bring you today: S.I.N members! Ella with her new remade appearance and her children. Enjoy!

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Regularly, feel free to share you thoughts, I very enjoy your hearty comments. Who should I make next? Miliken family? Your waifus and husbando to be remade? Monsters? So many many things waiting in line.


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Gentlemans, how are you guys doing? I'm back from the spy mission in S.I.N base!

Man, they threw me in another dimension created by that monster Hex. I had to live with other monster, bad memories if I recalled. For anyone of you want to ask, no... I haven't encounter any sexy hot molly female monster.

But hey, look at the bright side of what I bring you today: S.I.N members! Ella with her new remade appearance and her children. Enjoy!

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Regularly, feel free to share you thoughts, I very enjoy your hearty comments. Who should I make next? Miliken family? Your waifus and husbando to be remade? Monsters? So many many things waiting in line.
First and foremost amazing work on all of them especially Shen and Zara (god damn does Zara look fine asf). The Ella remake is awesome (Love the cat ears) but fuck Cole (it looks good I'm just a hater of fuckboi band reject).

Shen looks very very close to what he does in game so thats a bonus to me and I love Briar's look as well.

I once again suggest the best girl Shadow and also mommy 4th but wouldn't mind seeing the Miliken family or Klaus's gang.
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Dec 4, 2018
Gentlemans, how are you guys doing? I'm back from the spy mission in S.I.N base!

Man, they threw me in another dimension created by that monster Hex. I had to live with other monster, bad memories if I recalled. For anyone of you want to ask, no... I haven't encounter any sexy hot molly female monster.

But hey, look at the bright side of what I bring you today: S.I.N members! Ella with her new remade appearance and her children. Enjoy!

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Regularly, feel free to share you thoughts, I very enjoy your hearty comments. Who should I make next? Miliken family? Your waifus and husbando to be remade? Monsters? So many many things waiting in line.
Cole looking very submissive and breedable


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021

Regularly, feel free to share you thoughts, I very enjoy your hearty comments. Who should I make next? Miliken family? Your waifus and husbando to be remade? Monsters? So many many things waiting in line.
That blueish/purplish tint previous Ella had was adding a lot of character. I really missed it in the new iterations. Love the cat ears though.

I think it's time to do Lisa Corven. People were drooling all over her but her popularity plummeted after Aglaecwif was released. I believe it's high time for a comeback. Could be accompanied by Hendrix Bendrix, Jill Pyre, Bramon Xanthe and Mia Lishi.
Jan 28, 2018
Who's the person in the first preview image? Is she new? Beause huge breasts are always a plus for me. I definitely would have remembered her in my playthrough. Granted I think I stopped somewhere around where the wedding is currently happening.

Would like to know, please and thank you. I also don't mind a little spoiler surrounding this.
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Aug 29, 2019
Is there anything similar to this game? I'm totally into this game. Haven't felt this way about this game in a long time. Only MGQ & Shrift games have had that feeling.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Is there anything similar to this game? I'm totally into this game. Haven't felt this way about this game in a long time. Only MGQ & Shrift games have had that feeling.
Nope take extra copium cus this shit is the only one at this level. I mean the porn is meh had gone Better yes but still meh. But boy the world, characters, story,music shit is wild XD. We are on the fence in the art part but we are getting there. Of course we have the regular simp wars (mother and alice for life. The other simp armies can suck it :) )


Active Member
Jul 13, 2021
Is there anything similar to this game? I'm totally into this game. Haven't felt this way about this game in a long time. Only MGQ & Shrift games have had that feeling.
To be honest, no, If you mean games with superpowers/magic setting where the setting is well defined and you can feel the character's progression, you may want to check out Parasite Black, A Struggle with Sin, Love of Magic and Stray Incubus. But the way this game handles atmosphere and progression is unique and the dev has done an exceptional job keeping things grounded to reality to the point that this is almost sci-fi, not fantasy. I haven't found anything like that.

Who's the person in the first preview image? Is she new? Beause huge breasts are always a plus for. I definitely would have remembered her in my playthrough. Granted I think I stopped somewhere around where the wedding is currently happening.

Would like to know, please and thank you. I also don't mind a little spoiler surrounding this.
If you mean the pale monstergirl, you may meet her during the battle. It happens after the wedding. However it's possible to miss her.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
(mother and alice for life. The other simp armies can suck it :) )
Down with Midspawn! Remember thy place you cur.

These are the only right answers:
The only right answers.jpg
You get a single redemption point because you support mommy....
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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2018
Is there anything similar to this game? I'm totally into this game. Haven't felt this way about this game in a long time. Only MGQ & Shrift games have had that feeling.
RonaldGrand6969 recommended an amazing game a few pages back called "Parasite Black" has a pretty similar feel to this game except it focuses on 2 people with powers and its in a medieval setting.


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
I like tiff and Claudia old art the new ones well tiff looks like a Karen XD and Claudia i don't know it doesn't click with me XD
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4.80 star(s) 346 Votes