
Jan 7, 2018
K peeps thought I'd give my personal take on all of the lore and or theories that came out of this update. Some of it might've already been said, some of it is review, and some I may have completely misinterpreted.

Info and Mysteries:

1. So we got a LOT of info from Mommy Monster and Valravn. All of which I believe we're kind of straight forward

-Ella is trying to summon something, perhaps the Eye from the Evolutions. More on that it seems like the Eye is more powerful or respected than the Lords, as it was the 3rd and the 4th near it almost as a form of worship? I could be misinterpreting that one.

-The Lords were created in pairs, hence the 3rd and the 4th being close, but it would be INCREDIBLY rare for them to co host a Superhuman together (let's go us whoot whoot!)

-The come from a separate dimension through gateways, one of which is in the sea (as Bailey solidifies) and one could be on the Moon?

-The want to colonize the Earth and some do it to welcome their Lords, I'm assuming this is in regards to their ACTUAL bodies rather than Avatars.

2. There seems to be more evidence to point to Monster politics. As was semi mentioned by Valravn, theorized by the community, and hinted at by Ella trying to get the Rebis monster on her side.

3. Ella cares for us now. I'm telling ya that in the beginning it was a 50/50 bet, but I think as we got to know her (maybe the end of the training) it solidified out connection.

More on that she DEFINITELY knew us BEFORE we met the first time. It COULD be because she was watching us ahead of time to see if we were compatible but it also looks like it was much more than that. I wonder if during our youth we ever had an ophanish state or made a friend we forgot about. With Ella's mind sided powers it's definitely POSSIBLE that she could've wiped out memory of meeting her.

4. The Lvl 5s popped off.

-Nicolette actually is less op than I originally had thought. Maybe it was because she was facing Ella but even if I take that into account; Malik, Nyx, Bernhardt, Deus, and several others all seem to be stronger than what she or H.E.R.O makes her out to be. She's sort of a one trick pony, it's just that one trick is ridiculously hard to handle, nothing more.

-Malik is crazy, one shotting Goliath like it was a walk in the park and then man handling Ella. The guy is DEFINITELY up there, and I think I have a reason for it; though more on that in my theories section.

-Deus is broken. I had always questioned the extent of how much control he had over the future and what have you in terms of how his power worked, but I DID NOT expect that. Keep in mind, our Monsterfied Eye state fly swatted Alexis like she was nothing. While Deus practically cheat coded his way into the past? Or future? To annihilate us. DEFINITELY the quiet secret boss of the game FOR SURE.

-Ella caught me by surprise. I think her natural connection to monsters is why she has so much mastery over her powers. She may be young, even mentions so against someone like Malik, but she definitely knows what she's doing, how to grow, how to strategize, etc.

5. Superhumans can still tap into their Lord Monster branch despite not being turned PERSONALLY by the Lords' Avatars. Alice was turned by the fairy, yet during her Evolution she connected with the 6th (if I'm not mistaken), which I thought was only possible if you were like Jake or the MC (both of which were turned by the Lords' Avatars).

6. Ella is dead, more on that later.

Personal Theories:

1. Ella isn't dead:
Not much of a "theory" as I feel like it's pretty obvious she's not. I DO think she was genuinely beaten and surprised/overwhelmed, but by no means do I think she didn't have a backup plan. We know Ella has a CRAZY amount of mastery over her shapeshifting, it's fairly possible, like she did with Jake, that she hid a piece of herself on someone. I once thought it was Laurie, as Jake had commanded her before and could've imprinted god knows what, but consider Laurie can die and the dimension collapsed I think that's a loose end. Another is maye the MC, we interact with her ALL THE TIME, and it would be fair to say we are oblivious to most things around us.

2. Natural Evolutions vs Manufactured:
I strongly think Natural Evolutions are the key to better strength. Manufactured are a cheat code, and as we know with the Lords they are VERY particular in how they bestow or when they bestow their power onto a subject. If I was training up a Superhuman and they just decided to skip the end game boss to get the rewards early I'd be PISSED. Sound familiar Ella? She wasn't particularly happy with not being chosen despite leveling up, perhaps it's because she took the shirt way out. Malik and Bernhardt, and even Hendricks are definitely some of the strongest superhumans, so I'd wager why that is is because of their natural evolution. If given the option, I would decline the offer for the serum.

3. Shopkeeper=Rebis?:
I don't think I've seen this theory though I'm sure I'm not the first to come up with it. I think we all guessed the Shopkeeper is more than he seems, even giving direct plot changing advancements despite being seen as this "gag" innocent character. The Rebis was the parent monster of Deryl, which Del mentions Ella wanted to join forces with in order to get the hearts repaired/combined; but he refused due to politics and wanting to remain neutral. They comment on how weak he looked (Shopkeeper is frail looking) and how they easily could've forced him (I too felt like I could just rob the Shopkeeper at first), but everyone agreed that their was a reason why it was so highly regarded by Ella (perhaps it had hidden power much like the hidden persona of the Shopkeeper???). This would also explain it's close connection to Charlie, if the monster is as simple as to just be able to try and negotiate with it, Charlie being in such close contact makes sense, it was regarded for it's high intelligence and "to itself" mannerisms, Charlie isn't one to stick around. My main reason is what Mommy Monster said, "Whoever gave you that Eye made it so you have to relinquish possession of it willingly." Or something along those lines, Mr. Shopkeeper gave it to us, and as far as how hard it is to get Monster parts let alone understand it, it's sure darn SUS that this random ass Shopkeeper not only had it, not only KNEW what it was, but also could keep it from an S CLASS Monster's authority. Pretty god damn suspicious if you ask me, even if he's not the Rebis, he's DEFINITELY more than meets the eye...

That's all I got, lemme know what I did wrong, thoughts, comments. Or don't, up to you.
so note on shopkeep, he kills you if you open the box meant for charlie. tbh i think whether its monster version or literal demon version i think he's basically a/the devil or similar kind of being. but one with generally more benevolent leanings, or at least neutral to the point where doing shit like trading phones for flowers is reasonable for him.


May 19, 2020
so note on shopkeep, he kills you if you open the box meant for charlie. tbh i think whether its monster version or literal demon version i think he's basically a/the devil or similar kind of being. but one with generally more benevolent leanings, or at least neutral to the point where doing shit like trading phones for flowers is reasonable for him.
Didn't both Valravn and monster waifu confirm there is actual magic involved in all this? Besides, isn't Rebis a literal alchemical golem? I'm betting my chips on Shopkeep also being of magical origin or a spellcaster himself. Gonna borrow the DnD definition of magic and say there is a real high chance of Shopkeep's magic coming from a divine source rather than an arcane one, so devil it is.


Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
Fresh playthrough for the first time since I started like update 0.4 or whatever. Are there new scenes in the beginning of the game like before and after the party? Its been a long time since I played through the early part of the game


May 6, 2017
K peeps thought I'd give my personal take on all of the lore and or theories that came out of this update. Some of it might've already been said, some of it is review, and some I may have completely misinterpreted.

Info and Mysteries:

1. So we got a LOT of info from Mommy Monster and Valravn. All of which I believe we're kind of straight forward

-Ella is trying to summon something, perhaps the Eye from the Evolutions. More on that it seems like the Eye is more powerful or respected than the Lords, as it was the 3rd and the 4th near it almost as a form of worship? I could be misinterpreting that one.

-The Lords were created in pairs, hence the 3rd and the 4th being close, but it would be INCREDIBLY rare for them to co host a Superhuman together (let's go us whoot whoot!)

-The come from a separate dimension through gateways, one of which is in the sea (as Bailey solidifies) and one could be on the Moon?

-The want to colonize the Earth and some do it to welcome their Lords, I'm assuming this is in regards to their ACTUAL bodies rather than Avatars.

2. There seems to be more evidence to point to Monster politics. As was semi mentioned by Valravn, theorized by the community, and hinted at by Ella trying to get the Rebis monster on her side.

3. Ella cares for us now. I'm telling ya that in the beginning it was a 50/50 bet, but I think as we got to know her (maybe the end of the training) it solidified out connection.

More on that she DEFINITELY knew us BEFORE we met the first time. It COULD be because she was watching us ahead of time to see if we were compatible but it also looks like it was much more than that. I wonder if during our youth we ever had an ophanish state or made a friend we forgot about. With Ella's mind sided powers it's definitely POSSIBLE that she could've wiped out memory of meeting her.

4. The Lvl 5s popped off.

-Nicolette actually is less op than I originally had thought. Maybe it was because she was facing Ella but even if I take that into account; Malik, Nyx, Bernhardt, Deus, and several others all seem to be stronger than what she or H.E.R.O makes her out to be. She's sort of a one trick pony, it's just that one trick is ridiculously hard to handle, nothing more.

-Malik is crazy, one shotting Goliath like it was a walk in the park and then man handling Ella. The guy is DEFINITELY up there, and I think I have a reason for it; though more on that in my theories section.

-Deus is broken. I had always questioned the extent of how much control he had over the future and what have you in terms of how his power worked, but I DID NOT expect that. Keep in mind, our Monsterfied Eye state fly swatted Alexis like she was nothing. While Deus practically cheat coded his way into the past? Or future? To annihilate us. DEFINITELY the quiet secret boss of the game FOR SURE.

-Ella caught me by surprise. I think her natural connection to monsters is why she has so much mastery over her powers. She may be young, even mentions so against someone like Malik, but she definitely knows what she's doing, how to grow, how to strategize, etc.

5. Superhumans can still tap into their Lord Monster branch despite not being turned PERSONALLY by the Lords' Avatars. Alice was turned by the fairy, yet during her Evolution she connected with the 6th (if I'm not mistaken), which I thought was only possible if you were like Jake or the MC (both of which were turned by the Lords' Avatars).

6. Ella is dead, more on that later.

Personal Theories:

1. Ella isn't dead:
Not much of a "theory" as I feel like it's pretty obvious she's not. I DO think she was genuinely beaten and surprised/overwhelmed, but by no means do I think she didn't have a backup plan. We know Ella has a CRAZY amount of mastery over her shapeshifting, it's fairly possible, like she did with Jake, that she hid a piece of herself on someone. I once thought it was Laurie, as Jake had commanded her before and could've imprinted god knows what, but consider Laurie can die and the dimension collapsed I think that's a loose end. Another is maye the MC, we interact with her ALL THE TIME, and it would be fair to say we are oblivious to most things around us.

2. Natural Evolutions vs Manufactured:
I strongly think Natural Evolutions are the key to better strength. Manufactured are a cheat code, and as we know with the Lords they are VERY particular in how they bestow or when they bestow their power onto a subject. If I was training up a Superhuman and they just decided to skip the end game boss to get the rewards early I'd be PISSED. Sound familiar Ella? She wasn't particularly happy with not being chosen despite leveling up, perhaps it's because she took the shirt way out. Malik and Bernhardt, and even Hendricks are definitely some of the strongest superhumans, so I'd wager why that is is because of their natural evolution. If given the option, I would decline the offer for the serum.

3. Shopkeeper=Rebis?:
I don't think I've seen this theory though I'm sure I'm not the first to come up with it. I think we all guessed the Shopkeeper is more than he seems, even giving direct plot changing advancements despite being seen as this "gag" innocent character. The Rebis was the parent monster of Deryl, which Del mentions Ella wanted to join forces with in order to get the hearts repaired/combined; but he refused due to politics and wanting to remain neutral. They comment on how weak he looked (Shopkeeper is frail looking) and how they easily could've forced him (I too felt like I could just rob the Shopkeeper at first), but everyone agreed that their was a reason why it was so highly regarded by Ella (perhaps it had hidden power much like the hidden persona of the Shopkeeper???). This would also explain it's close connection to Charlie, if the monster is as simple as to just be able to try and negotiate with it, Charlie being in such close contact makes sense, it was regarded for it's high intelligence and "to itself" mannerisms, Charlie isn't one to stick around. My main reason is what Mommy Monster said, "Whoever gave you that Eye made it so you have to relinquish possession of it willingly." Or something along those lines, Mr. Shopkeeper gave it to us, and as far as how hard it is to get Monster parts let alone understand it, it's sure darn SUS that this random ass Shopkeeper not only had it, not only KNEW what it was, but also could keep it from an S CLASS Monster's authority. Pretty god damn suspicious if you ask me, even if he's not the Rebis, he's DEFINITELY more than meets the eye...

That's all I got, lemme know what I did wrong, thoughts, comments. Or don't, up to you.
For number 4, I'd say the reason Nico seemed weak was because Ella was prepared for how she fights, rather than her being weak. Having a S class Hexenringe on her side, I'd imagine she could test any number of ways to plan around Nico's abilities, as anything Nico could throw at Ella, so too could Hex. Ella only got pushed back because Nico could do more of what Hex could do than what Ella expected. Deus almost definitely went into the past, probably right when or just before we did the Origin evolution, as that would probably be when our connection to the higher plane was weakest, giving him time to thoroughly destroy us.

Number 5 seems to be more so related to how well they are predisposed to the monster's genes, and probably how close they are to the source. If Alice wasn't one step removed, but five or even more, even she might not have been able to speak to her founding monster, like almost all of the other members of H.E.R.O.

I agree that Ella's not dead, but for different reasons. I think Ella's plan is to wait out the superhumans of H.E.R.O. until all of, or at least most of the lv 5s are fighting against S.I.N. or other monsters to revert her state back to life. Ella has told us that it is possible to alter another superhuman's powers if you can control the energy that they put into you, so Ella most likely used Nyx's power to put herself in a suspended animation like state where she seems to be dead, because even the energy radiating out of her corpse is "tainted" with Nyx's. What is she waiting for? To steal H.E.R.O.'s monster artifacts of course, she needs to get her hands on as many as possible it seems.

When it comes to natural vs safe evolutions, I think it would only really matter to our monster parents near the end of our evolutions (Possibly only during the 5th evolution, as that is the one with requirements to meet), though natural evolutions tend to have the trance state that allows us to better understand what new derivations of our powers have manifested. It might allow for a stronger base level of evolution, but maximum power per evolution seems to be more so dependent on the individual's affinity for the monster that turned them, and how early they got those powers (As implied by the S.I.N member who evolved during the war). I also think that is the reason why we aren't as powerful as Alice, I think we are more compatible with the monster that made our parents than with our parents themselves, which is why we have a lower level of power storage until we become able to use whatever power that being has (I think it is some limited form of Order, as the eye was the one to imply that we don't have to listen to the Authority of the 1st, but also because it is similar to how Ella could force herself to not change, even against powers arguably beyond what any being we've encountered besides maybe Aglaecwif could survive).

Shopkeep is most likely a Charlie like monster, rather than a Rebis. The Rebis species seems to focus on monster alchemy rather than trading. However, making a verbal pact? More specifically, one that can kill a lv 2 superhuman instantly and without retaliation? Sounds like a lv 4 or 5 version of Charlie's power, in a slightly different direction (One that requires us to accept the contract, rather than how Charlie's seems to be that she has to accept the contract). It also could explain how Shopkeep's stores always have him in them, if his powers allow him to sense that a contract could be made if he goes to a certain storefront, then he'll be in his store whenever someone needs him.


Feb 1, 2019
4. The Lvl 5s popped off.

-Nicolette actually is less op than I originally had thought. Maybe it was because she was facing Ella but even if I take that into account; Malik, Nyx, Bernhardt, Deus, and several others all seem to be stronger than what she or H.E.R.O makes her out to be. She's sort of a one trick pony, it's just that one trick is ridiculously hard to handle, nothing more.

-Malik is crazy, one shotting Goliath like it was a walk in the park and then man handling Ella. The guy is DEFINITELY up there, and I think I have a reason for it; though more on that in my theories section.

-Deus is broken. I had always questioned the extent of how much control he had over the future and what have you in terms of how his power worked, but I DID NOT expect that. Keep in mind, our Monsterfied Eye state fly swatted Alexis like she was nothing. While Deus practically cheat coded his way into the past? Or future? To annihilate us. DEFINITELY the quiet secret boss of the game FOR SURE.

-Ella caught me by surprise. I think her natural connection to monsters is why she has so much mastery over her powers. She may be young, even mentions so against someone like Malik, but she definitely knows what she's doing, how to grow, how to strategize, etc.
The really crazy part?

MC: So two of the strongest members in one team... Does that mean Cthulu is the most powerful team in H.E.R.O.?
Lisa: Ha! We'd be the strongest anyway. After all, we're the only team with all five members on their fifth evolution.
MC: What? Really?
Lisa: Mhm. For Team Reaper, Oberon, and Kronos, only the Captain is a level five. The lieutenants are all level 4, with a couple of exceptional level 3's thrown in. While in team Lucifer, only four of the five members are on their fifth evolution. Which makes us, from Team Cthulu, the undisputed strongest team, hmhm.

Malik, Nico, Clark and Alexis are all confirmed Level 5. Only one left.

Deus is Level 4.


Jun 9, 2019
Fuck it, I'm going to take advantage of the 3 days week end I'm enjoying to start the game over.
Weird World really created a gem, no doubt. I don't want it to end :cry:


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
What is she waiting for? To steal H.E.R.O.'s monster artifacts of course, she needs to get her hands on as many as possible it seems.
There's one major flaw in that plan, she will most likely be kept in a room much like Valravn, meaning any power will be surpressed/negated. Without inside help she's effectively dead, only thing i can think of is Charlie forcing MC to free Ella while getting Oscar. MC will infiltrate S.I.N. soon so i guess meeting Charlie is likely.

But how likely is it for Ella to put herself in a situation where she has no control at all or even a backup plan?
There's a lot that can go wrong, if Charlie gets killed or decides to defect, it's over for her. Remember Charlie only wants her brother free and demonsterfied and so far has done what she did for just that reason, she couldn't care less for S.I.N.
And then there's Nyx's mark, that extra life seems to offer several possibilities to escape any power from Charlie on you...


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
How do I get a power of 13 by the casino?
There's several ways, but most importantly training. There's a walkthrough pdf on page one, it's outdated (0.94) but everything upto last update is in there. And any stuff happening in this update can be checked in the scripts too, it's just a wordpad file.
As for your way to get the power exact it depends on earlier choices, you can get +2 power if you don't exceed a certain amount but that's only possible on certain paths (can't be done if you got the + 3 power earlier in the game, you'll not make the necessary training points later, also you'll might mis some +Alice points getting that +2 power)
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Sep 1, 2017
There's one major flaw in that plan, she will most likely be kept in a room much like Valravn, meaning any power will be surpressed/negated. Without inside help she's effectively dead, only thing i can think of is Charlie forcing MC to free Ella while getting Oscar. MC will infiltrate S.I.N. soon so i guess meeting Charlie is likely.
I think the tree is probably where she's hiding, if it's in the HERO base at all. Any infiltration plot was probably spun to Charlie as a way to save her brother and bring him back so there's no doubt she'll stay loyal for a long while still.
She'll probably stay in hiding, where ever she is, until shit hits the fan and there's a big conflict between HERO and SIN and she can slip in through the cracks during it. It's all pure conjecture obviously so who knows what will actually happen.
  • Thinking Face
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Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
There's several ways, but most importantly training. There's a walkthrough pdf on page one, it's outdated (0.94) but everything upto last update is in there. And any stuff happening in this update can be checked in the scripts too, it's just a wordpad file.
As for your way to get the power exact it depends on earlier choices, you can get +2 power if you don't exceed a certain amount but that's only possible on certain paths (can't be done if you got the + 3 power earlier in the game, you'll not make the necessary training points later, also you'll might mis some +Alice points getting that +2 power)
Its not much of a walkthrough. More of a scene guide. There's that sneaky dead end when you get the first sex scene with Ella (grew to strong to quickly) or w/e. I cant figure out how to get more than 12


Engaged Member
Jan 9, 2021
if it's in the HERO base at all
I see way more options for Ella to get into HERO base when she's with your dad and Jeff (?) or just with S.I.N.
She already was in two bodies at the same time, (at least i got that impression) it's much easier to have had another one transported by the Hex while part of her was effectively put in stasis by Nyx. Having an extra body inside HERO base might be valuable in the future, it's there if she needs it and she can still do whatever needs to be done now.
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Sep 1, 2017
I see way more options for Ella to get into HERO base when she's with your dad and Jeff (?) or just with S.I.N.
I agree, all of this, as well as every SIN member basically just saying Ella is an underling of Langdon feels like masterful redirection, HERO thinks she's dead and is focusing on SIN, so she can maneuver much better without them breathing down her neck to complete her personal objectives. It's already pretty well established that SIN is a means to an end for her and she couldn't give a rats ass if they all die or not, except for obviously her personal posse.

how to save Laurie and maybe a picture of it would help too know if it's actually possible
There's like 10 separate posts detailing how to save her both normally and by cheating, use the search function instead of being lazy.


☠︎︎ The real world is where the monsters are ☠︎︎
Aug 19, 2022
View attachment 1161197

The power to shapeshift, to alter your body in any way you see fit, a power forced upon you, an 18-year-old boy, by monsters of unknown origin.
How will you use this power? To seduce? To kill? Or do you simply want to live your life as a college freshman without worry?
Whatever you may choose, it won't be an easy journey. Protect your secret from the humans around you. Uncover the secrets of other superhumans like you. Grow your strength to face the monsters that made you.
Can you do it? Can you survive this monstrous world? And perhaps... enjoy some love and lust along the way?
Have a go and find out.

Weird fetish stuff like trap, ntr, whatever, is optional

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Thread Updated: 2023-05-16
Release Date: 2023-05-16
Developer: WeirdWorld - - - - -
Censored: No
Version: 0.95
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
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Gallery Unlock - Walkthrough

*This unofficial port/version is not released by developer, download at your own risk.

View attachment 2389861 View attachment 2215655 View attachment 1948598 View attachment 2392382 View attachment 2215656 View attachment 1948613 View attachment 2078966 View attachment 1948607 View attachment 2389863 View attachment 2389867 View attachment 1948610 View attachment 2215665 View attachment 1618730 View attachment 1948609 View attachment 2389875 View attachment 1442572 View attachment 1360674 View attachment 1360676
There is a glitch in the game and it still says level 2 with the old numbers, although I'm supposed to be level 3 now screenshot0001.png
4.80 star(s) 367 Votes