Honest question, remind me why we think aglaecwif is a spawn of the fourth?
Because I was looking through the dialouge for the section with her, and things don't quite add up for me.
So, the section I remembered being pointed to for the hinted at connection says, as of the latest version:
(If spawn of the fourth)
label ellainvmonster4:
Aglaecwif: "Swa þú eart offspring of þæs fēowerðan ēac? Hm, how mysterious... "
chatgpt translation: "You are the descendant of the fourth ancestor? Hm, how mysterious..."
(If spawn of the third)
label ellainvmonster3:
Aglaecwif "Eart þū ofspring þæs priddan ēac? Thy grēata hlāford traveleth far and wide, nis hit swilce?"
chatgpt translation: "Are you offspring of the third also? Your great lord travels far and wide, is it not so?"
Now, none of this seems to suggest a direct connection between aglaecwif and the fourth, but I could obviously be mistaken or missing something.
With that in mind I went searching through the backlog of posts and hit on an earlier discussion about this particular section, and noticed something curious.
From her.... She tells you :
label ellainvmonster4:
Female "Swa þú eart offspring of þæs fēowerðan ēac? Our great lord travels far and wide, nis hit swilce?"
Or : so you are offspring of the fourth too? our lord..., isn't it swell?
label ellainvmonster3:
Female "Eart þū ofspring þæs priddan ēac? Hm, how mysterious..."
Or : are you ofspring of the third too?
And when asking what Ella's plans are :
Female "As for what her plans are. She is gathering the hearts of powerful monsters like myself, those with a pure and untainted connection to one single lord."
So Aglaecwif is a spawn of the same Apostle as you....
Notice the changes in what aglaecwif/"Female" says here.
Assuming this is a direct quote from the code/game from that time, it would seem like the dialogue was altered in subsequent updates to change the meaning of what aglaecwif says.