
Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 20, 2016
So how in hell are you supposed to win that damn fight? I do 2 damage and every time the drunk gets to 18 health or so, he regroups and has 28. Does he run out of regroup at some point? Also, does Soliloquy ever do anything?

Nice ideas but needs some polish.


I temporarily console cheated my persuasion up to 100 and talked my way out of it. I did try boosting my physical stats but still didn't seem to do much damage...
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May 20, 2017
How can I see my sister in the game. I have not seen my sister until now. I use a cheat code?
Did you choose it, at the start of the game? It's an option you need to activate when you choose your powers at the start of a new game party.


Dec 17, 2016
If anyone is interested, here are the NPC console identifier for the new NPCs

Tamara is tam.[]
Derek is der.[]
Freddy is fred.[]
Danni is dan.[]

Maid Manners is mm.[]
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2017
So how in hell are you supposed to win that damn fight? I do 2 damage and every time the drunk gets to 18 health or so, he regroups and has 28. Does he run out of regroup at some point? Also, does Soliloquy ever do anything?

Nice ideas but needs some polish.


I temporarily console cheated my persuasion up to 100 and talked my way out of it. I did try boosting my physical stats but still didn't seem to do much damage...
You have to have dice, I got him after 1200 clicks. :D He has indefinite regroups, same like you and Soliloquy renews your energy. To make more damage you'd need more physical attribute, you probably have only 1 point for it.

How i raise my school grades?
Study at home, get a tutor at school (cost $25) or get lucky when joining a class (very small chance). Study at home is the best option imo.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 20, 2016
You have to have dice, I got him after 1200 clicks. :D He has indefinite regroups, same like you and Soliloquy renews your energy. To make more damage you'd need more physical attribute, you probably have only 1 point for it.
Is there any benefit? I wound up giving the bum a fiver to push off., but didn't get Tamare in the group. Did I miss anything?

I do hope that's sorted out for the next release. Life's too short to spend 1200 clicks on one fight.


Aug 23, 2017
I'll add for people stuck with Tamara (or Derek I guess), you can make the club still by going to Ms Larson and asking for a Professional Favor and asking her about the signatures. She gets the secretary to join your club instead.
Just FYI: if you go back to her again for this, she will get herself in as well. With this, the club will get established. Bingo!


Aug 23, 2017
How i raise my school grades?
Study at home, get a tutor at school (cost $25) or get lucky when joining a class (very small chance). Study at home is the best option imo.
Just an add-on to what IdarksoulsI's.

Devote yourself on this for the first 2 game-weeks. Do nothing but just do these three options [1, study at home; 2, get a tutor at school (cost $25) or, 3, get +4 when joining a class (keep reloading the game until you get +4)] whenever posible. When you hit 100 by the end of Friday of the 2nd week, you will get 100 school influence. If you don't, you will get a lot less.


Aug 12, 2017
So how in hell are you supposed to win that damn fight? I do 2 damage and every time the drunk gets to 18 health or so, he regroups and has 28. Does he run out of regroup at some point? Also, does Soliloquy ever do anything?

Nice ideas but needs some polish.


I temporarily console cheated my persuasion up to 100 and talked my way out of it. I did try boosting my physical stats but still didn't seem to do much damage...
Use the flight based attacks and the super powered ones as much as possible, when he gets low on health he will heal up so make sure to have attacks that can do a good bit of damage ready since super powered stuff has a cool down. You need to make sure you have a good bit of Energy in addition to Health for combat. It took me over 100 click to win the fight I think the actual number was like 121. Some of the superpowers you can currently get are supposed to make it easier for you to hit too, but I don't think that they have been implemented into combat yet.
Make sure you have Flight at highest level too.

In the RAGS version you could get powers to up your damage and regenerate damage and could get a supper suit to reduce damage and attacks did more damage as I recall. Regeneration wasn't needed but the Armored Supersuits you could buy reduced damage you got in combat and the one that increased your physical damage were must haves to get. RAGS combat did more damage with attack by you and enemies so fights were over in about 10-20 clicks if you didn't have any good damaging powers, etc.

The suits had a story line component to them as you had to work with a lawyer who then hooks you up with a PR lady later on who gets you access to a shop to buy suits and utility belts at. The suit had gadget slots and offered armor. most expensive one had more gadget slots and less armor, than the 2nd most pricey which had best armor but less gadget slots. Belts had gadget slots. The suits and belts also had a visibility factor to them which helped when you got rewards as you had distinctive style. Ggets were never implimented in the RAGS version so no idea on what they did

Certain powers are going to be needed to be gotten to advance in the game the way it is set up and continuing to evolve.


Active Member
Game Developer
Aug 20, 2016
So, the strategy is to take Flight ahead of Mind Control? Not that I mind, I always thought that was a promising strategy. I still hope it's not going to be the only approach though, going forward.

Certain powers are going to be needed to be gotten to advance in the game the way it is set up and continuing to evolve.
I get that, but the way this is set up, there's a test that it's difficult to put off and which requires a certain build. That seems at odds with the open world nature of the game.

That said, I from all those locked icons I suspect there'll be combat options for all the powers. I hope so. I'd like to think two levels of mind control offered more options than recapitulating what you could do with your fists.


New Member
Aug 15, 2016
how do i continue the story once the club has been established? and how do i get the freddy and mom/sis scenes?


Aug 20, 2017
Breaking News! :D

Here are the 0.17.00 and 0.17.01 patches. These will turn your vanilla 0.17.00/01 into the modded version just like @SLDR would make it. I recommend just using the "" file, it will patch and mod at the same time.

Since there are two versions floating around now, instructions are as follows:
1. Look in your .\game directory.

Are there just around 20 rpa-files?
2A. Delete "scripts.rpa"
2B. Extract "" into the directory. Now there should be an images-directory and a whole bunch of rpy-files (in addition to the remaining rpa-files).
2C. Play!

Are there 70+ rpyc (or rpy and rpyc) files, and NO rpa-files?
2A. Extract "" into the directory. It will ask to overwrite a lot of files.
2B. Play!

I have tested this procedure on several clean downloads and it works consistently. However, a lot changed in this version, so there could be errors. In that case, do like @Mangahiryu and attach your trace-file. If it's related to the mod, I should be able to recognize it.

When Get Lucky is done, I'll attach it to this post as well. I should really give it its own thread, but it's so tiny. Anyways...

And here it is, Get Lucky 1.0 for 0.17.01! I haven't tested it extensively because I spent the past few hours coding, so once again you may test it for me. I made it so that when setting Get Lucky to Kobayashi Maru, you get to actually pick if you want just Mom or Mom and Sophie. It works for me. As do the shower-scenes. Haven't tested classes and jobs.

For an explanation of what it does, check .

To install, copy the files inside "" into the modded 0.17.01 install's game-directory, overwriting the 5 files already present. If you don't need to overwrite, you're probably doing it wrong.

This version of Get Lucky will only work on the modded 0.17.01 version.
I repeat: It will only work on the modded 0.17.01 version!


You can turn Cheat Mode on or off, it won't impact this mod's functionality.

@DMCDante : Thanks for the encouragement, it's good to know I'm not just doing this for myself.
does the modded file from current OP "v0.17.01 PC modded" already have the get lucky mod applied to it or do i still have to apply it ?


New Member
Jul 17, 2017
so i have read through alot of pages and can't find what im looking for.
I'm missing two scenes and i can't figure out what they are.

For Denise's Obsessive scenes I have all but #2 how did i manage to skip over it?
For Kelly Obsessive i have #3 Normal, _____, Obsessive,nympho for mo. what is the second one (_____)?

Also i think i screwed up the club quest somehow. I already had the first meeting and the meeting notices do appear every Tuesday but the quest says 0/2 and then i talk to the kid on Mondays i tell him i need to submit paperwork, but i already did that......
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Aug 20, 2017
  • Pick Social as main trait, then Mental; include sister perk somewhere.
  • Don't interact with mom/sis in morning, save those for school (reload if the schoolgirls aren't implemented). Interact with family on weekends.
  • Take notes! Which interactions are positive etc. If you see an animation, SAVE. The photos you see on the phone are vanilla (assume you're not turned on by mom etc). Depending on the girl's Corruption/Inhibition scores (level up Enhanced Senses to monitor these values as well as Love), these random scenes may be unique. If you encounter a new scene, use that SAVE or you may never see it again. Also, they go by sequence up to a point, so you may not see scene 4 without scene 2 or 3.
  • After interacting fully, attend classes (reload if distracted) and study in afternoon to bring your grades up to 80.
  • Prioritize raising mental stats so that Book Smarts is 6 (which matches the weekly decay of grades), after which you never have to study again, so you can focus on the girls. Thereafter, use the afternoons to pull the pud and regain Willpower.
  • Borrow a few bucks from each girl every week. Have them gossip about you EVERY DAY.
  • [EDIT: In the early phase, the spending priority for your $ is raising Resistance (see below) to delay public masturbation, which lead to demerits, the Initiative wiping your mind, or game over.]
  • On Wed/Sat nights during sleep, keep reloading until you see Sophie scenes. Don't be a jerk!
  • On Monday of 2nd week, ask Larsen for 2 letters of recommendation to Initiative.
  • Finish all optional Goals to raise stats.
  • Ask mom to drive you to Logistics center (or fly) to get school jobs.
  • On afternoons/weekends, train in Discipline (raises Resistance) at the Initiative (2x is minimum to buy 1st power). Do the public ops for more influence.
  • First power to buy at Globex is Sympathic Link. Now you can link Love to Trust actions. Then link Lust to get all Physical photos.
  • Buy coffee and shower to regain energy for using powers.
  • Buy Flight to willingly have sex with Larsen. Her Nympho scenes are triggered when trying to do work orders.
  • Use Small Request to ask personal questions (raises Corruption; reload if you read they would've said something else), up to a point (40 or 50, I forget). Have sex to lower either Corruption (generous approach) or Inhibition (selfish).
  • [EDIT: Mom's FETISH is easiest to discover before getting Mind Control. When Corruption is high enough and the personal questions request disappears, go to the coffee shop with her several times. Now new scenes are unlocked while cleaning the house and having sex. Similarly engage Denise to find her fetish.]
  • Maximize Sympathic Link so you can link all actions to Confidence (lowers Inhibition). In 3 days, all the girls you meet regularly will be slutty.
  • Train more in Discipline to buy Mind Control. Now you will be attracted to family but can suppress Familial Ties to remove Love cap and have sex with them. Also allows you to have shower sex in the morning (with sis) or afternoons (mom).
  • Buy Psychosism so you can cast Lucid Dementia (raises Corruption) on angry characters.
  • You can do certain interactions (read past forum posts, or if you're lazy, google Superpowered wiki for details) or cast Insanity Aura to give the girls mental illness. Now you have access to Nympho/Obsessive photos. At this point, EVERY NIGHT reload sleep until there's a new scene.
  • Through Mind Control, Reprogram everybody to Personal Assistants (unlocks 2 of 3 MC photos; Recalibrate to get 3rd).
  • That's it, you can earn all the Phys/MC scenes outright, while the Nympho (mostly in hallway)/Obsessive (mostly during sleep)/Other (mostly when going to class as you pass by the toilet) photos are usually RNG.
any help/tips on rest of Character Creation choices?
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