Is there any sort of walkthrough for this? All the scence seem to happen randomly but would like to know for sure.
The scenes from interacting with people aren't random and just require certain relationship values in order to succeed. Everything else is random with certain requirements to even have a chance of happening, with higher corruption values generally allowing access to later versions of the scenes. Since unstable states are required for a lot of scenes it should be pointed out that love overload has a random chance of causing obsession and lust overload has a random chance of causing nymphomania. Note that the last time I played was version 12.0 so it's possible some things have changed or new ways of encountering people have been added.
Nympho scenes require a girl to be in the nympho unstable state and then there is a random chance of the scene happening when you encounter them. The mom is easy enough to encounter at various times of day while at home, but the other girls have a random chance of even showing up in the halls at school added on to the random chance of the event triggering. I know that each girl has a class she will show up after but I never saw any nympho events trigger from those so I'm unsure if they count.
Obsession scenes require a girl to be in the obsession unstable state and then there is a random chance of the scene happening when you go to sleep at night. Some of the later versions of scenes require both the girl and your mother being obsessed with you, although I believe one scene was bugged to require your mother be a nympho instead but that has hopefully been fixed by now. It's possible the nympho requirement was intentional but dialogue did not give me that impression.
2 nights a week (I think it was wednesday and saturday) your mother will go out with her friend. When you sleep those nights there is a random chance of waking up hearing noises downstairs to go investigate. If you ignore the noises you will wake up again hearing the shower running for a long time and can go along with those scenes. If you investigate the first noises you get a random chance of encountering your mother alone or your mother with her friend, or if she is in nympho unstable state she will likely be with a bunch of random guys. If she is alone you get to put her to bed. If she is with her friend and your mother is in the obsessed unstable state she will show her friend your dick, otherwise your mother goes to bed and you can go along with scenes with her friend that depend heavily on your alignment.
When investigating the files for scenes I've missed I saw that each girl has a number of scenes with other men in the bathrooms at school. These are presumably only available if you unlock unisex bathrooms, but I'm not really into that stuff so I never did and have no further info on these scenes.