Can I just state, for the record, that while I truly love and adore this game: Story is good but could use some polishing. Girls are lovely, specially Sandra, Steph, Denise, and Nikki for me. And the content is pretty solid, barring bugs and tweak outs. At the same time my two current grievances are simple.
Firstly I hate the unstable states. By that I mean the randomness of having to have a girl lock it for good. It's a honest to god fucking bitch to get given the chance of it. And would like to swap out one of the somewhat useless powers in exchange to make a temp-mental state go full mental. Would make things a hella lot easier.
Secondly, and I am sure others here and there would agree: The writing/typos/grammar that seem to be unedited and are just left there, even with past content. There not enough words and time to say how much it bugs the absolute tits out of me of reading a scene and it's all horribly written or there are grammar issue or even the more so typos. I get that the dev wants to get that content out there to the fans and paterons, but seriously, take some time to proof read or spell check. Hell, I'll happily proof read for fucking free.