4.10 star(s) 101 Votes


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2018
Well, yeah, but since the moment her character was introduced things were already guaranteed to go this way, that's what happens when you put a 'God' to suddenly act as a plot-device XP Maybe I don't mind that much because I was never really as invested in the main story as almost everyone else is, but it was very obvious Administrator/Quinella was gonna be used to alter the plot ever since she was introduced, I was just a bit surprised myself with how blatant it was this update (Between the 'magical horny healing drug' and then basically divine intervention to get Inoda medical massage skills). The issue is that when she HAS been shown to do this, people starts retroactively wondering if she hasn't been the cause for all these things to happen, which I don't think was Fujino's intention, I would guess he only really meant to say she was the reason shit happened when it's blatantly obvious (In that HJ scene with the '???' text making it quite obvious), but that's how many have started to think and they don't really like it :O
Yeah, that's true. My first thought was, well, that explains how a virgin who should not have any experience is a sex god :)

Well, I guess it is at least some explanation :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
Yeah, that's true. My first thought was, well, that explains how a virgin who should not have any experience is a sex god :)
Yep, that's basically the issue, Fujino probably didn't intend for it to be taken that way, but people are thinking now that Administrator retroactively could be the cause of all of Inoda's good luck and any other incongruent thing of the plot, which would make everything lazy writing, something that most likely was never his intention XP


Engaged Member
Sep 12, 2019
Yep, that's basically the issue, Fujino probably didn't intend for it to be taken that way, but people are thinking now that Administrator retroactively could be the cause of all of Inoda's good luck and any other incongruent thing of the plot, which would make everything lazy writing, something that most likely was never his intention XP
I remember back in Part 1 I thought maybe Yui was the one who gave Inoda the presence concealment. The ability was so OP and no one else could get it so I thought only a digital genie/god could be responsible. Of course there was no reason for Yui to ruin Asuna and Kirito's relationship but no one else I thought could have the power to give Inoda the ability. Then out of nowhere Administrator appears. If Fujino had kept her powers to FOG only I could still accept it. But if she can affect the real world then EVERYTHING that happens could be because of her and that just cheapens everything Inoda does and everything Asuna feels.

If Administrator was just a easy way to advance the story due to his toxic fan base then I feel for Fujino. He is like everyone else dependent on other people's money so I don't blame him for his choice.
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Active Member
Dec 22, 2021
It's funny, the more Fujino tries to please some people the worse and wierder part 2 gets. Part 1 was great. They do good stuff when left to cook without interference. Part 2 should probably be redone from the start at some point.

Every update, Fujino makes the scope broader and broader because people want Sugu scenes or Kirito scenes, adding more and more side characters and side stories while lagging on the main content of the Ino/Asu NTR. And when we do get Ino/Asu scenes, it's wierd because Fujino has been trying to paint Inoda as less of a scumbag because some of their fans 'see themselves in him', which makes it less of dirty bastard NTR and more into and awkward nerd-cheating love story.

I'm looking forward to the point where we're over the hump of this endless 'setting up for the future'. Part 2's reset on the relationship remains a mistake.
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Jul 11, 2018
redoing all of Part 2 will be for the best, but i doubt fujino will do that...

and my oppinion still the same, those entire shrine including the administrator thing is the biggest mistake from this part... not only its ruining the sense of misteries that u got from part 1 (wtf do u meant i need to unlock some scene if i want to watch it? and its not like ive seen even a glimpse of it happened in real world before that), but also becoz its now affecting the overall story progression...

inoda's blog for example can be used for more interesting way to replace sns function from part 1, but no, u can just see it in those shit shrine now, wtf...

im still not played the latest update yet, and seeing comment here im more hesitant to do so... but if fujino really gonna make kirito more pathetic and give him more handicap just to make inoda looks great, than im aggree with some comment here... its no more ntr, it will be just another wrong love story or at most a cheating story... imo ntr should just corrupt the body with pleasure, even if the heart got affected later on its should be becoz of the pleasure itself...


Active Member
Dec 22, 2021
and my oppinion still the same, those entire shrine including the administrator thing is the biggest mistake from this part... not only its ruining the sense of misteries that u got from part 1 (wtf do u meant i need to unlock some scene if i want to watch it? and its not like ive seen even a glimpse of it happened in real world before that), but also becoz its now affecting the overall story progression...
I won't say the shrine is the worst mistake. I actually think integrating the recollection room as a dream area you visit is a really cool way to handle it. But you're also half right; in part 1 we would be able to catch some scenes in progress, even if we got a deliberately misleading angle. For example, the handjob at Inoda's that you catch through the window, or the nurse office handjob, or him groping Asuna's tits. Kirito saw one angle, but we could look at the true angle through the computer. We don't get 'peeks' anymore, and that's part of the magic of part 1 that Fujino is missing from part 2 so far. Everything happens offscreen now. Even when Kirito was passing out after fighting with the part 1 bosses, we'd see a little bit of Inoda all over Asuna before blacking out. In part 2, we got the maokai fight and saw fucking nothing.
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Dec 9, 2020
We should stop trying to define NTR at this point because everyone has a different take on it. At this point, we should admit that this is a corruption game with splash of NTR here n there, which may or may not increase. Either way, I don't find much to say till we are atleast halfway through the game. You're all just jumping on the gun on too quickly. Meanwhile, there's dev like stopper who has just tease us about NTR for years and still claim it to be NTR game and provide update once a year. Atleast, fujino is giving updates. Whether people like it or not is a different thing.


Apr 26, 2020
In any slow burn, not every step is gonna be a banger, unless the author is just that good. Clearly Fujino doesn't have every part of the story already written if he's willing to change course in under a month from a poll's result. I imagine he has most of the Inoda/Asuna route mapped out in a general sense, cuz he's already told us there'll be 2 endings, one being Kirito is unaware and the other he knows. But he's taking a detour cuz he thought that's what the poll results wanted him to.

This is gonna be a terrible analogy but gonna do it anyways. It's like being on a roadtrip and the driver asks "Hey, are you hungry?" and you respond "I could grab a bite". You're thinking maybe a gas station or fast food joint, so yall can get the food real quick but then be back on the road so yall can get to your destination. Then the driver pulls into a family restuarant. While it technically fits, it's not at all what you were thinking. The food could be good or not, but just cuz you know it's gonna delay your trip quite a bit, it makes you grumpy. And cuz you were super excited to get there, makes you wish the driver hadn't asked the question.

This is kinda how I feel about the poll. Wish Fujino would've just kept driving, but he thought it was polite to ask those invested in the trip their opinion.
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Apr 26, 2020
We should stop trying to define NTR at this point because everyone has a different take on it. At this point, we should admit that this is a corruption game with splash of NTR here n there, which may or may not increase. Either way, I don't find much to say till we are atleast halfway through the game. You're all just jumping on the gun on too quickly. Meanwhile, there's dev like stopper who has just tease us about NTR for years and still claim it to be NTR game and provide update once a year. Atleast, fujino is giving updates. Whether people like it or not is a different thing.
I can think of several hentais that are labeled netorare, but the MC wasn't even in a relationship with the girl. Usually in those cases he is in love with her, just hasn't asked her out yet. The term definitely has been used in a broad way. Kinda like isekai has been, as alot of people label SAO as an isekai. While I personally don't cuz I don't consider a VR world to actually be another world in that sense. But that's just my personal opinion, so it is what it is.


Feb 7, 2020

  1. 1:23 AM
    我的最后一个想法是:你需要重新制作第二部分,游戏已经失去了悬念、神秘和 NTR。游戏已经失去了娱乐性。回归基本,不要试图取悦所有人,减少情节和人物,把主要精力放在亚丝娜-桐人和猪田身上。让更多的事情发生在 FOG 中。这样,在一天的辛苦工作之后,我们就可以打开你的游戏,在热辣的图片中放松一下。 当然,这是你的游戏,你的想法会在游戏中实现,但例如游戏的第一部分就非常酷、热、刺激。其中还有很多神秘的东西。它简单而有趣。 弹出的图片至少要在屏幕上停留 5 秒钟,太快的话就会消失,我根本没时间看。

  2. 2:37 PM
    对我来说,问题出在上次更新中。与树的战斗和即将到来的按摩已经提供了诱惑 Asuna 所需的一切。 而这次更新本应最终让游戏的主要情节得到发展。亚丝娜和猪田。但是没有。 这一切都拖得太久了,太多的焦点集中在亚丝娜的母亲身上,太多的焦点集中在试图描绘自然的诱惑上。为了让亚丝娜更倾向于猪田,桐人的角色被无情地破坏了。 但这不是 NTR。其他的也不是 NTR。 老实说,在上次更新之后,我看不出这还能回到 NTR 的道路上。 桐人在更新中看到了很多东西,对自己充满信心,但在更新中却变成了一个小丑,猪田,这个第一部中的强奸犯和卑鄙小人,从各方面来看都变成了一个好人。而亚丝娜开始像一个患有精神分裂症和怜悯综合症的平庸爱情后宫少女。 在我看来,从第一部开始,猪田这个人渣就应该把亚丝娜从厉害的桐人身边抢走,这并不是因为桐人什么都不好,亚丝娜出于怜悯愿意和她遇到的第一个男人上床,而是因为快乐会压倒理智的声音。 我希望富士诺能看看他的第一部游戏,好好想想第二部的走向。 从画面上看,游戏本身非常不错,数据统计和菜单中显示身体部位的窗口都很棒,但除了几个场景外,几乎没有以任何方式展示出来。

  3. 6:52 AM

    Well, I hope he decides to remake the update.
    and make those pop-up pictures at least 5 seconds on the screen. :ROFLMAO:
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Engaged Member
Oct 21, 2022

  1. 1:23 AM
    My last thought is: you need to remake part 2, the game has lost its suspense, mystery and NTR. The game has lost its entertainment value. Go back to basics, stop trying to please everyone, reduce the plot and characters, and focus mainly on Asuna-Kirito and Inoda. Let more things happen in FOG. This way, after a hard day's work, we can turn on your game and relax among hot pictures. Of course, it's your game and your ideas will be implemented in the game, but the first part of the game, for example, is very cool, hot, and exciting. There are many mysterious things in it. It's simple and fun. The pop-up picture must stay on the screen for at least 5 seconds. If it is too fast, it will disappear and I will not have time to look at it.

  2. 2:37 PM
    For me the problem was with the last update. The fight with the tree and the upcoming massage had provided everything needed to seduce Asuna. And this update was supposed to finally allow the game's main plot to be developed. Asuna and Inoda. but none. It all drags on for too long, too much focus is on Asuna's mother, too much focus is on trying to depict the allure of nature. Kirito's character was ruthlessly destroyed in order to make Asuna lean more towards Inoda. But this is not NTR. Others are not NTR either. Honestly, after the last update, I can't see this going back to NTR. Kirito saw a lot of things in the update and was confident in himself, but in the update he turned into a clown, and Inoda, the rapist and despicable person in the first part, became from all aspects A good man. And Asuna starts to look like a mediocre love harem girl suffering from schizophrenia and pity syndrome. In my opinion, from the first part, Inoda, a scumbag, should have snatched Asuna away from the powerful Kirito. This is not because Kirito is not good at anything. Asuna is willing to be with her out of pity. She sleeps with the first man she meets because pleasure overwhelms the voice of reason. I hope Fujino will take a look at his first game and think carefully about the direction of the second one. Graphically, the game itself is pretty good, with nice stats and windows showing body parts in the menus, but aside from a few scenes, it's barely showcased in any way.

  3. 6:52 AM
    Thanks for the suggestions, I will seriously consider speeding up some of the plot.

    Well, I hope he decides to remake the update.
    and make those pop-up pictures at least 5 seconds on the screen.:ROFLMAO:
I hope he doesnt remake shit, that's why we got stuck on the rainy night so long.


Active Member
May 4, 2020
do people think remake game is easy fujino not need to remake thing just focus on inoda and asuna me not sure why fujino make the poll people will vote for kirito and asuna to troll
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
I can think of several hentais that are labeled netorare, but the MC wasn't even in a relationship with the girl. Usually in those cases he is in love with her, just hasn't asked her out yet. The term definitely has been used in a broad way. Kinda like isekai has been, as alot of people label SAO as an isekai. While I personally don't cuz I don't consider a VR world to actually be another world in that sense. But that's just my personal opinion, so it is what it is.
SAO is usually in a much weirder spot in that regard because is one of the few series where despite the 'Harem' labels the MC is genuinely and firmly in a relationship with the girl of his choice and the other girls despite what they may feel or not accept it and even support them, some slips aside, so whenever any of the non-Asuna girls is used for a 'NTR' doujin is technically not really such but is labeled as it anyway XP

  1. 1:23 AM
    我的最后一个想法是:你需要重新制作第二部分,游戏已经失去了悬念、神秘和 NTR。游戏已经失去了娱乐性。回归基本,不要试图取悦所有人,减少情节和人物,把主要精力放在亚丝娜-桐人和猪田身上。让更多的事情发生在 FOG 中。这样,在一天的辛苦工作之后,我们就可以打开你的游戏,在热辣的图片中放松一下。 当然,这是你的游戏,你的想法会在游戏中实现,但例如游戏的第一部分就非常酷、热、刺激。其中还有很多神秘的东西。它简单而有趣。 弹出的图片至少要在屏幕上停留 5 秒钟,太快的话就会消失,我根本没时间看。

  2. 2:37 PM
    对我来说,问题出在上次更新中。与树的战斗和即将到来的按摩已经提供了诱惑 Asuna 所需的一切。 而这次更新本应最终让游戏的主要情节得到发展。亚丝娜和猪田。但是没有。 这一切都拖得太久了,太多的焦点集中在亚丝娜的母亲身上,太多的焦点集中在试图描绘自然的诱惑上。为了让亚丝娜更倾向于猪田,桐人的角色被无情地破坏了。 但这不是 NTR。其他的也不是 NTR。 老实说,在上次更新之后,我看不出这还能回到 NTR 的道路上。 桐人在更新中看到了很多东西,对自己充满信心,但在更新中却变成了一个小丑,猪田,这个第一部中的强奸犯和卑鄙小人,从各方面来看都变成了一个好人。而亚丝娜开始像一个患有精神分裂症和怜悯综合症的平庸爱情后宫少女。 在我看来,从第一部开始,猪田这个人渣就应该把亚丝娜从厉害的桐人身边抢走,这并不是因为桐人什么都不好,亚丝娜出于怜悯愿意和她遇到的第一个男人上床,而是因为快乐会压倒理智的声音。 我希望富士诺能看看他的第一部游戏,好好想想第二部的走向。 从画面上看,游戏本身非常不错,数据统计和菜单中显示身体部位的窗口都很棒,但除了几个场景外,几乎没有以任何方式展示出来。

  3. 6:52 AM

    Well, I hope he decides to remake the update.
    and make those pop-up pictures at least 5 seconds on the screen. :ROFLMAO:
Is that from Patreon? If so, yikes, I honestly can't believe some people feel so entitled as to demand Fujino to REMAKE THE ENTIRE PART just because they don't like the developments :( At least his answer is just simply that he will consider speeding up some plots, but I can't imagine he won't be affected by all this shit if previous decisions based on people's complaints are anything to go by, which honestly sucks as one of the few people that really liked this latest update.

Waste of time. He should just move ahead with new update.
Preach it dude.
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4.10 star(s) 101 Votes