
Engaged Member
Jun 11, 2017
Since @Mikedazz1 posted from my page, I figured I'd also post the update here. The current new estimate is July 22nd, a week from now, to get the release 100% ready. I have a checklist of what's needed and frankly it's going to be a busy week to get it all done but I'm optimistic.

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thanks for your reply @jillgates


Game Developer
Oct 10, 2017
.24 beta release was updated for supporters on Friday (west coast USA time).

If you want to help debug, etc, drop me a PM and I'll share the download URL for your platform.

Thanks :)
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May 27, 2018
Hello all,
I really like this game! especially that the randomness is backed up by counters!
Keep up the good work Jill!

In the .23-version I found two bugs
(at least I think them bugs, if intended or otherwise, I apologize)

first is a "simple" typo: (up to 15 occurances in event.rpy)
you use "someNumberVariable =- someNumberMostlyOne" e.g.
$ someScore =- 1 #this sets someScore to -1
I think you wanted to decrease the numberVariable...e.g.
$ someScore -= 1 #this decreases someScore by 1
typo: exchange "=-" with "-="

second is about the two classes: "class Inventory" and "class Player"
both get created in the init-block in utilities.rpy
(by "inventory = Inventory()" and "player = Player("[mainc]", 100, 50, 0, 0, 0)")
I'm not a professional when talking about own classes, but I would highly recomend to create them not in an init-block, because then they get created every time you start up the game!
Which in this case result in the fact that every time you start up renpy and load a game you have 100 gold (and a combat-value of 0).
imho you should:
label start:
    $ inventory = Inventory(0)
    $ player = Player("[mainc]", 100, 50, 0, 0, 0)
    ##your game-code following
    scene bg swordinstone01
and delete the corresponding lines from the init-blocks
but beware, if people use old saves, they may have "random"-values...
you should then handle that in the:
label after_load:
(I maybe could help you with that)

have fun and happy coding greets Mattock

edit: corrected errors in my suggestion to label start
extreme late edit2 (27.8.18): proposion
was kinda bored and made a full suggestion
-but be aware that renpy-doc says objects are not stored in "store"(for me one of the most complex and most hard to understand "things"(todo;))
that aside, both inherit from "store.object"...(class Player(renpy.store.object): class Inventory(store.object):) so, I deem the object gets stored somehow...
also, this is totally untested by me!..(tho I'm quite confident, that this works as I describe it), well here goes nothing:
define wendyattribute="nothing"

label after_load:
    if (game_version < 0.24):
	## as the two class-creations have been removed from the init-blocks of utilities.rpy
	## and this is not a new game, we create them here
	$ inventory = Inventory(0)
	$ player = Player("[mainc]", 100, 50, 3, 0, 0) # I set max-combat to 3 here, coz I don't see no reason to do otherwise...there are no class-functions to implement max-anything, so there wouldn't be any harm in setting it to 0 too...but why, if I do know, that combat will be 3 anyway???
	$ player.combat = 0 #needed coz __init__(kinda senselessly) sets combat=max_combat...ya could of course change the class...(which I would recomend...)
	## ok lets look at the money(only var to be handled in inventory-class(?)) #now is 0 !
	## to determine if player has found the moneybag in the woods there would be two ways:
	#if woodsmoneyfound > 0: #or what I somehow prefer (up2u!)
	if not("woodsmoney" in randwoods):
	    $ inventory.money = 50 #could be +=50 too wouldn't make a difference
	## well I can't find a clear other indication if we already had a drink at Feol's?
	## this will gain some REALLY uncommon players a gain of lousy 5 gold, still, I'll advise to let 'em keep them! if you deduct those lousy 5 coins anyway, I presume you'll get flamed from some people that can't stand to have 40 instead of 45 coins!..
	## still, fact is: if you've left the village with Polly and Spring "USUALLY"(*grin) you'll have 45 gold and that should cover 99% of the players
	## so instead of deducing 5 gold, this condition sets it to 45
	if (wendyattribute=="breasts" or wendyattribute=="butt"): #"problem": the var is never defined. The way you use it, that's not needed. BUT if I ask here: it must be defined, just put the define in front of this label into utilities.rpy...of course you can search for some other condition...polly- or springlove could be taken also...to me this seems the safest and easiest way to determine player has left the village...
	    $ inventory.money = 45
	## now to the combat, funnily this is totally easy coz fightcounter has the same value
	$ player.combat = fightcounter
    ## here go your old/other using savegames from other versions handling
    ## [...]
    ## DO NOT FORGET to set the game-version before exiting this label
    $ game_version = 0.24
same goes to start
label start:
    $ inventory = Inventory(0)
    $ player = Player("[mainc]", 100, 50, 3, 0, 0)
    $ player.combat = 0
    ##your game-code following
and of course you MUST delete the two lines from utilities.rpy

happy coding, Mattock


Game Developer
Oct 10, 2017
Maybe we can remove the "abandoned" tag from the game here?

I just shipped the .25 update...yes, it was a long while in the making.

Right now I'm actually uploading ".25b," to my server & Patreon which has about sixty images and a number of bug fixes over the .25 release a few days ago. I had not yet run any image optimization on the .25 release that's available now so the next has a half a gig less size but sixty plus new images as well.

If you're interested in beta testing, giving me a lot of feedback & advice, etc, drop me a note and I'll ship you a copy of the game. Several people here have been *amazing* in helping and as usual, I want to ensure that updates exceed expectations.
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Game Developer
Oct 10, 2017
Hi - Mattock

Okay, I finally read through and looked at the code stuff you pointed out.

After that, now I have to build a new distribution and ship. Really appreciate the detail and explanations on how to make the game better, thank you!


May 27, 2018
Hi - Mattock

Okay, I finally read through and looked at the code stuff you pointed out.
part of that is outdated info, most important, is to create the instance of the objects outside of init.
I'll be now downloading and looking at it (if you have questions you can pm me, coz I'm not too much online)
EDIT: e.g. define wendyattribute="nothing" must of course be: default wendyattribute="nothing" !!!


Game Developer
Oct 10, 2017
Okay, after the last list of things to update and fix, I've re-built the game and uploaded to mega as well as my website for supporters, etc.

If you're also interested in helping to beta test to ensure my code doesn't do crazy things, feel free to drop me a note and I'll send you the links for the current version.


Game Developer
Oct 10, 2017
Mostly (or completely, but I don't want to jinx things) done with bug fixing and I noticed in Google autocomplete, there are searches for APK (Android) versions of my games...so, installing Android Studio and emulator to see if I can port the game to that platform.

If you'd be interested in testing please drop me a note, thank you.
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Game Developer
Oct 10, 2017
Android , android (televisions I guess, not sure), first time building this.

Note the Ren'py default images are there, as I didn't create anything custom for the release because first I just wanted to see if it would work, as I don't have an android device.

Thanks in advance for any / all feedback :)


Here is a compressed win, mac and linux version of v0.25!

Win (177MB): - - - -
Mac (177MB): - - - -
Linux (182MB): - - - -

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Jul 7, 2018
i actually played it a long time ago but didn't saw the use of sword or and magic or fighting i didn't even had it with me.I played the game for the story cause it looks promising so does the sword plays any role in the game yet?


Game Developer
Oct 10, 2017
Hi Piyush3362

Thanks for the comment;

>didn't saw the use of sword
Correct, if you're referring to the item in the prologue, it's not been unleashed in the game (yet) - version .26 or .27 will have action featuring the sword.

There is a basic "combat," battle in the prologue, if you will; after that, there are three similar scenes. Then in the .25 version (the latest) there are three similar combat scenes but with a bit more complexity & 30 FPS animation, where the prior 3/4 combat scenes didn't have animation.

Hm, other than the sword transforming (again, prologue) and or the goddess appearing in a smoke animation (again, prologue) there isn't any magic in the game so far...I hadn't planned anything specific on this route as it's a quasi-alternate Earth fantasy, where the rules of physics still apply, outside of deity influenced events such as the start of the game.
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Jul 7, 2018
@jillgates hey thanks for reply and info

but just a little suggestion the title suggests a magical sword thats what attracts a lot of players playing the game so the sword of wonder not doing the wonders will be a little sad. i mean sword giving abilities(like Invisibility, illusion,mind control, teleportation etc) apart from combat prowess will be amazing


Game Developer
Oct 10, 2017
I may need to emphasize the "Inspired by King Arthur / Arthurian fantasy," a bit more, as that implies less magic.

Still, it's an interesting idea for the future of the game. I have a lot of existing content for the .26 version (about as much, render wise, and animation, as the .25 version) and am first working on that. After...might be worth posting a poll to get a bigger set of ideas :)
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Jul 7, 2018
I may need to emphasize the "Inspired by King Arthur / Arthurian fantasy," a bit more, as that implies less magic.

Still, it's an interesting idea for the future of the game. I have a lot of existing content for the .26 version (about as much, render wise, and animation, as the .25 version) and am first working on that. After...might be worth posting a poll to get a bigger set of ideas :)
Glad upon hearing it. I am pretty sure people wound enjoy magical thingy text me if you need any ideas/assistance
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