
Apr 16, 2020
Honestly, never played SI, though now that I know of it, even with it Abandoned, I will give it a spin (just because). Got this earlier, not knowing it was leaked, but played it through, enjoyed it immensely for what it is, enjoying a more relaxed MC, and the diverse females around him. Story is interesting, and really looking forward to the full version when it does become available, and plan to follow this, at least here, maybe on Patreon, we shall see what my finances say! Awesome job though, and looking forward to more, including the MC meeting the others that Gracie told him about!


Active Member
Aug 10, 2018
I'm curious as how the story will go. In SI the mc was brought into the fold later on in life when the girls already were living together. Hence they all knew about the powers, the mc came and found out about the powers and got scared. Here he is living with them for years so it would be weird if he gets scared like in the last versions. Plus the girls all talked about him as the new guy so he was kinda a big deal with their friends and coworkers. It would be a little off if he would go to their jobs and have the same reactions. I'm just curious as to how Glace will handle this rewrite. Keep it up Glace.


Mar 3, 2019
Liked the original, this new version is looking good. I miss the matching pubes on the girls. I also think the boobs could use some tweaking - there's something offputting about them. Like the pink girl's breasts are a bad boob job.

Also, wonder if there is any way to distinguish the blue and purple headed girls. They look similar and don't really stand out like the pink and green headed girls. Just some suggestions.
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May 12, 2019
sorry your game got leaked Glacerose but on the bright side 99% of people seem very positive about this game my self included, it looks really good so far i am very much looking forward to the public release and who knows something tells me you may get a new patreon or two from this so could of been worse.


Apr 19, 2020
Solid first release bro and the renders are pretty much on point, Damn those models looking fine. one thing i did pick up on during my play through, after the introduction to the girls and the mc returns to his bedroom to recap the events of the day so far, he says
" fucking tired.. these damn dreams keeping me up all night"
This line should be changed to something like...
"these dreams are so realistic it feels like im loosing sleep because of them"
not sure about you guys but im pretty sure i have to be asleep to dream.. therefor a dream has never kept me up all night xD
But i totally got what you ment by the line of course, just maybe word it a little differently.
will be anticipating the next release!


Aug 22, 2019
Solid first release bro and the renders are pretty much on point, Damn those models looking fine. one thing i did pick up on during my play through, after the introduction to the girls and the mc returns to his bedroom to recap the events of the day so far, he says
" fucking tired.. these damn dreams keeping me up all night"
This line should be changed to something like...
"these dreams are so realistic it feels like im loosing sleep because of them"
not sure about you guys but im pretty sure i have to be asleep to dream.. therefor a dream has never kept me up all night xD
But i totally got what you ment by the line of course, just maybe word it a little differently.
will be anticipating the next release!
Too bad this is not the First Release. This is a Leak he wanted to have story events for each of the main girls before the first release this was a test for Patrons to go over and try to squish the bugs and get misspellings
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Oct 8, 2017
sorry to hear this was a leak, but i am glad to see the SI girls back! love this new evolution of your game! havent tried it out yet but i hope to later on tonight! your 3d renders are looking great and just from the screenshots i can tell you really made each of the girls unique qualities shine through! ...and the much loved return of Mr. Nakoni!! that dude is classic!


Active Member
Oct 12, 2018
Got really excited when i saw this posted here , girls are really gorgeous and the dialogs between the mc and them made me laugh. I really liked how you changed to beginning of the story it seems more fitting that way . :giggle: :giggle:


Active Member
Aug 10, 2018
I'm playing the game in intervals because the family wont give me the time to play in one go, lol. I did find that the mc has been living with them for a while but Gracie didnt know that he never worked on a garden before. Kinda weird considering that they have been living together for a long time. I dont know if anyone thought that it felt a bit off.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2019
Well... I hope to see skyrocketing.
Galcerose is not asking for much... The top tier is "only" 20$ though.

Even though this is a leaked Alpha there shouldn't be a single reason to trash the game.
The girls are just too cute and the renders definitely are Top 5 in quality.

I said it way back when Sylphia Island was still a thing... Glacerose is highly underrated.
Wish you all the best Glacerose ... May your dreams come true.
4.40 star(s) 64 Votes