Game is easy and boring. Roguelike mechanic is a joke, as someone already said - it's not a roguelike at all. Deckbuilding is very limited, and cards with interesting and unique interactions are few.
Started with the standard deck, and understood that burn seems pretty OP. Started to build into it, and had no problem. After tigerslash came around - tried to build it into full charge up into tiger slash with splash damage. Quite good, dungeon crawling was a breeze. Then i realized that i don't need to concentrate only on burn, and build into basic cards with all 3 DOTs on them, increasing quality of gems in them as they go. When you get the thing that spread all DOTs to other enemies, it becomes even more of a breeze. And at the end - the thing that consume the biggest stack of DOT and gives you that much armor - congratulations, you are an immortal god now.
The most problematic part of the gameplay is that your block won't disappear unless you fully restore on rest, which makes you just build up block through the dungeon and have like 1k of it on the last boss. That's NOT interesting.
I'm actually surprised to see here so many people calling that game hard, did i accidentally make OP deck, so i never notice a difficulty? Nah, can't be right, i played several other decks, and it was still a breeze. No way the game would be difficult as long as it let us build the absurd ammount of block before the boss, regardless of deck. Unless you aren't using block, ofcourse...
P.S. Completed with a "good ending", it said that i have other endings. But damn, for some reason, i have no motivation to go for it... And since i'm usually gladly collect all endings in games, it's quite showing that game replayability sucks, if i can't even do that 2nd time without grumbling. Is other ending even worth it? What happens there? I thought that Mona is some kind of temporal clone of Una from another dimension and Pamella is her sister, ofcourse. But ending told me literally nothing, NOTHING! I'm actually angry at how terrible that ending was!