Battles are too long and drawn out to be any fun at all.
Ok even at version 0.6b I quit on first battle... a long drawn out battle on a single mob is UNFUN.
10 Hits 2 rat stews and 1 heal to kill it.. with health requiring another 2 rats to heal up.. Seriously the game balance is horrible. The ghost the same but 12 hits. Until game balance makes sense this game is going into my failing games folder. It has potential but the balance is a joke.
Stats: Health: 65 | Attack: 17 | Defense: 7 | Magic: 1
This is the village with the rats and I have farmed 10 damn stones from killing so many rats but it's all USELESS as there is no way to level up any stats or get a better hammer so the game is too tedious to be fun right now.
I'm sorry to hear that.
I think the mountain mobs don't need more nerfs as at the end of the update they are easy to kill.
As I told in other messages, it's normal to find hard mobs once you enter a new area, but in 0.0.6b there weren't players complaining about those mobs. Even on the save file I included to begin just before the end of 0.0.5 I didn't use all the growth stones (HP:55) and didn't use any cheat to get there.
I'm really sorry to read you don't like the balance but it's really hard to make things "great" for all the players (some players like the game as it is and you don't, that's life).
Sorry if this message sounds rude but that's not my intention