
Feb 25, 2018
Great renders, definitely top tier renders.
But the gameplay though...gosh, it's simply quite unbearable.


Active Member
Game Developer
Oct 24, 2018
Great renders, definitely top tier renders.
But the gameplay though...gosh, it's simply quite unbearable.
That statement is useless unless you specify. What about the gameplay makes it unbearable? Dev can't get anything constructive if you don't specify.


Oct 21, 2017
I cant start the game, because I get the error:

Failed to load

What should i do?


Dec 15, 2017
Played 10 min and already hate this battles with long and annoying animation (if you can call jumping static picture of wolf an animation). Why I can't disable it or skeep? A deliberate waste of players time?


Apr 15, 2018
Fetch quests are tedious as fuck and adds nothing to the game, the battle is generic dull rpgmaker stuff but other than that I definitely liked the story which is very unique and a breath of fresh air compared to the samey h-games on here, the protagonist and the renders, wouldn't mind more femdomy stuff like that feet kissing scene along with the already good maledom on villain sluts.


Engaged Member
May 13, 2017
Combat is extremely slow and you turn completely invisible when running... Even worse are the random encounters where the enemies do more damage to you than you can to them...


Nov 11, 2017
Can not play. Only black screen and the upper right of my cursor keep blinking "in progress/loading" icon. I'm using windows. While waiting I read 12 pages of this thread and still black screen. Please don't tell me I need to play in ssd. -_-


Game Developer
Mar 25, 2021
Fetch quests are tedious as fuck and adds nothing to the game, the battle is generic dull rpgmaker stuff but other than that I definitely liked the story which is very unique and a breath of fresh air compared to the samey h-games on here, the protagonist and the renders, wouldn't mind more femdomy stuff like that feet kissing scene along with the already good maledom on villain sluts.
The combat difficult curve will be toned down again in the next update.

Combat is extremely slow and you turn completely invisible when running... Even worse are the random encounters where the enemies do more damage to you than you can to them...
The default option is set to "run". If you're experiencing frame issues, make sure to toggle the walk/run option in the settings. This is a known issue and I also explained it on the first page.

In terms of the damage numbers, they will be revamped so the MC will be able to take more hits.

This game cannot be run on the latest version of android. "syntax error unexpected token"
Testing on Android is always difficult because every device is different. I've tested the game on my phone multiple times but I can't guarantee for it to work on every device. You should try again when the next update is released and let me know you're still experiencing the same issue.

how do you get to the gvmt center
East of church district.


Oct 9, 2020
- i still think mc goblin should be a tad taller/bigger
- new character Sophie is a great idea! love farm girls and pigtails but i think she shouldnt wear high heels as a farm girl and she could be a bit chubbier (especially lik a plump cute innocent farm girl you know big milky tits, fat ass, curvy thighs and maybe bar feet think that would fit that character much better)
i'm not sure what program he uses for the 3d maps/objects/characters, and scene construction. but i've seen that exact same "goblin" model before. which looks more like a gremlin to me. (I really wish he used the "Chiefs" model for goblins instead!) it's likely either a freemium, or cheap mesh pack. or it's part of a building, posing and animating program/game. you'll see the same graphics, lighting, models etc. on nearly every small/1 man team, western, and especially european ren'py, rpgm or VN style game on this site. and it looks like the assets. such as costumes, etc. are limited(from what i've seen), to fairly generic and bland looking ones. almost like what you'd find at a real costume shop.

either way. i doubt he could fix the goblin. he might be able to change sophie's proportions. if he so chooses + if that program has Sliders. but i don't know what options he has for footwear, or wardrobe in general. it's one of the gripes I have with people who use this program. is that the costumes look pretty generic, unimmersive and boring. especially in any medieval or pre-industrial inspired fantasy/history games. same for the assets in general. which are usually just "rustic" modern objects. or cheap fantasy looking ones.

No offense to the developer of course.
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Oct 9, 2020
This game is pants! I've got over 400HP but I get killed by 2 wolves on my first fight. The damage attribute is all incorrect.
wolves are deadly. you're basically no better than a very tiny man, with a metal stick you've never been trained with. you'd be lucky to even hit with the edge! or even hit them at all.

now personally. i would have given you less health than the wolves, and given you a lower chance to hit than you currently have. (wolves main feat, being agile). but changed the damage formula to factor in your atk stat. making your minimum hit just under wolves, with 3-4x more at maximum while wielding the sword(creating a seperate stat just for damage bonus from weapons). and increasing the atk stat adds a slight increase to max damage. with a greater increase in minimum damage.

all this is easily possible in rpgm. i've played around with it a bit myself. now. I personally found no problem with the combat difficulty at all. i died once throughout. and that was due to misclick. i only had to flee once aswell.
now. my biggest problems are.
1. the combats fairly bland. for now. 2. it's too slow. increase damage. reduce health. 3. the animations are kinda ugly atm. 4. the rounds in combat are too slow.


Oct 9, 2020
btw. message to dev about quests. and i'm not saying this because i think your game has bad quests.(the kill and collect quest was pretty tedious from sophie. first collect quest was fine though) but because your game is in really early development. and i thought it could give you some inspiration going forward.

I recommend looking towards games like roundscape adorevia, monstergirl quest: Paradox, and i remember Arms devicer rio also being good.(long time since i played).
but you should look at these games. especially adorevia. for good quest ideas, and decent quest structure + questline structure and design for a more linear style game.(which is what i'm assuming you're going for).

one thing i would definitely like to see. is more side quests/content. but also some options in quests. and i think those games above do a decent job. as very linear narrative games. especially Adorevia, and Rio, which are far more linear. (paradox has a linear main story, with branching paths. but is a full blown open world game, with story locked zones(unlocking parts of map through quests+story).

now some things these games do well.
1. some of the quests you get aren't necessarily ones you are supposed to complete right away. but are ones you will resolve, or only be resolvable after you've done other tasks. unlocked other areas/content/acquainted or joined certain factions/individuals etc. or gained access to new abilities that make these tasks completeable.
another thing some of them do. especially with fetch or kill/collect quests. is they are tied to other quests. or can be completed while doing other quests. making the task of gathering the materials. or say. dropping off a letter/finding an heirloom. feel really rewarding and non tedious.

an of this would be a request to gather some wolf pelts, so your potential client can make some rugs etc. and then you have another quest or bounty dealing with a pack of rogue wolves living within a cave, who have been harrassing or killing locals, and disrupting their bussines, which is led by a vicious alpha with a recognisable scar from a previous scuffle with the locals, that you must claim the head of as proof. and on top of that. someones family sword could be found hidden in that cave. aswell as the corpse of a characters missing parent/friend/partner with which you were asked to locate the whereabouts of. and potentially being rewarded for verifying their status, while recieving a bonus for finding that weapon.(or Coercing them for a reward for the return of said sword. or even just pretending you never found it. with the former potentially causing a fight to break out with the client for demanding too much. this is an extremely easy, and time friendly way of adding a choice within a given quest. and having it have some impact. especially if that client offered some form of service for example.)

another would be where you are looking for information on this stone, for example. within the, say. "city of honeylake". and you have also been tasked to deliver something. collect something, or do something by someone else within that city(or house, or forest, or dungeon or whatever). within said destination, available at some point before you have the task to collect information about the stone at said destination. this way. the player feels somewhat "smart", or "economical". killing two birds with one "Stone". it also removes the tedium of traveling all the way to a location for 1 uninteresting task. then having to walk all the way back. with this. you could stack a whole bunch of simple quests and tasks together, along side more interesting ones. and people will appreciate that extra content. and won't see it as a boring chore.

2. they will give you a couple options of completing a task, or allow you to tackle it in a different order. we'll use the "find information on alchemy stone", as an example. you may have a couple people you are forced to interact with in a linear sequence of events to find your answer. or be pointed to the solution to finding it. instead. you could have it so you can interact or access all, or a couple of them at once. and either still requiring both of them to move forward. or each of them individually(or requiring some of them, but not all) allowing you to move on in the quest. but offering their own unique bonus, or "flavour" for choosing their route. an example would be a city guard, or official. and a mercenary leader.
if you go through the guard route. it might increase your standing with the guards, and give you a perk, or access to a special service.(permission to buy from blacksmith in town, lenience in crime for another quest, personal reward from official. etc) and with the mercenaries. you may be able to unlock hireable companions, or they might be able to aid you in other tasks later down the line.

i'll leave with those two things. there's alot of really good stuff they do. but this reply's really long. So, i'll just add one last thing. and this is a personal request i'd like to see.

The ability to have some options of what your character decides to say during dialogue. it doesn't necessarily have to alter the outcome of the encounter. but it would be cool if it at least altered the flow of the conversation. it would definitely add some nice role playing favour. to this "role playing" game. I do understand that this is somewhat time consuming. but it's something i'd like to see.
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