*yawn* that was pretty easy. Then again, it's my favorite genres so finishing the first ever run on full health is expected I guess
Pro tip: making health and energy potions easily grabbed consumable cards is gamebreaking. There is a reason potions in Slay the Spire are their own thing
Yep. Love these kinds of games, even if they are easily won with proper strategy. The actual gameplay execution is enjoyable enough that the simplicity doesn't really ruin the fun for me, at least for a few playthroughs.
I really like Tamer Vale and am glad to see it continue to be updated, but (and posting this on F95 is likely gonna make me seem crazy) I feel like they could drop the porn aspect of this and with a little more work put into card balance and difficulty, they could make this a proper SFW deckbuilding game.
The sex scenes in this game are rather forgettable to me. They're good quality, don't get me wrong, but the gameplay here is far more interesting than the watch-once-and-skip scenes.
Anyways, that's my TEDtalk. Gonna download this latest update and try out the new changes (gives me a reason to stop playing Backpack Hero, man I am addicted to that stupid game lol)