- Jul 19, 2017
- 256
- 410
Here are the full saves for all three endings.
Harem Ending at file 42
Alicia Ending at file 52
Lyrica Ending at file 57
There is a missing ending, which is Bad End, I did prepare a save file, save file 10 or 11 iirc. But the problem is that this branches off from the second last map of the game, so there is still quite some work to be done. I don't feel like clearing the last map again just to get the last ending.
The condition of the endings are:
-The bad end is the default. It will trigger if you dont fulfill the condition for any of the other ending.
-Harem ending is the default if you give Akizuki note to Shizuna
-Lyrcia individual ending will take priority if you fulfill both Alicia and Lyrica individual ending.
Here are some general tips for this game:
Just a fair bit of forwarning. This game is not user-friendly, and it has a lot of obtuse events and triggers, lastly, if you clear and move onto the next level without finishing sides quest of the previous level, you will be locked out of them until you do a new game+
-The game is not going to show you which "item" on the map is interactable. Nowadays, the game has a shining spot on top of the item to indicate interactable
-The game demands you to consciously use items from the inventory to trigger and proceed in certain areas. Nowadays, the game will just trigger automatically once the required item is detected in your inventory.
-The game doesn't have quick travel besides using Alicia's glory star(aka Escape rope from Pokemon)
-The game has a slow transition when picking up items and fading/appearing animation during talking that cannot be speed up using ctrl key.
2)There are many of backtracking needed too, so grab Alicia's glory star early. You can only notice the skill when you change Alicia's position to be front. You can change her position through, Status -> Position change -> Click Front
3)Skill points and P points(aka Gold/experience) are shared pools. This means that you can level up other characters and use the skill points generated to grab skills for another character.
4)Skill points have a cap. This is around level 50 for each character, where a further increase of level doesn't generate more skill point This means you need to plan your skill trees early and not to waste point on useless skill, otherwise you will have a hard time later on unless you cheat by using save editor to over level yourself.
5) Defense stats are quite useless. Mp is too expensive, use equipment to compensate.
Focus on hp, agility, and main attack stat(attack or magic).
You need about 1500 hp for each character, except rear character for the end game. Around 10000 hp for the last hidden boss(Not important)
6) Barret Dance skill from MC is OP. It is a gun skill but you can continue to equip a sword and use the skill.
Personal recommendation skill tree is
-Alicia focuses on healing and status cures
-Lyricia focuses on buffing and pick up revive skill
-Ishtar focuses on healing
Ishtar is a mixed bag, she is decent in everything, but doesn't excel in any. You could just go whatever you like with her.
7) Be warned, the game doesn't seem to have a gallery function, so the H-scene cannot be replayed. At least I never got to find it.
8) Some areas feel like it has a lot of winding paths, filled with crossroads. My recommendation is to be systemic. I personally do it like a depth-first search. The rough idea is to pick a direction, go all out in that direction, once you meet a dead-end, go back to the previous crossroad and continue in the same direction. Because you will be sticking to a direction, it should help you to have a mental map of the area better by having a stronger memory as compared to exploring randomly.
Here are some guides for each level:
You can mainly refer to the Japanese guide, but the translation ain't great, so some advice only makes things more confusing.
Therefore, I will be mentioning tips for the portion that I think you need to take note of and alongside some recommendations for a smoother gameplay experience.
1st Floor:
The side quests are quite annoying. Be sure to get the quest before exploring the first floor. You can get them quest by going to old tokyo and talking to the old man at the left side of the overworld map to start getting the side quests.
In one of the side quests, you need to collect research papers. The research papers are scattered in many rooms. You need to click on every single paper to ensure you didn't miss out. I recommend picking this side quest as early as possible, so you can reduce some backtracking.
One of the quests requires you to defeat a rare monster. Should be called Phantom Conceived Massender. He looks like a masked tribal monster. I remember I found him in the deepest laboratory. To speed up this process, use the unmodded data. data.rpack. It has the original encounter rate. The current one is modded where the encounter rate is severely reduced. If you wondering how to change the file. Just remove or rename the current data.rpack to be something else, and renamed the unmodded data file as "data.rpack". Just remember to make a backup of the file before you remove anything.
At the end of these side quest, you will get an item that is required for training Alicia for H scene.
There are two unusable dimensional elevators on this floor, one of it will become useable for a side quest after unlocking the Parallel world. Just remember the location of the elevator for now, so that you can come back later.
2nd Floor
There is an annoying quest. You need to defeat a snow yeti monster, called Phantom Tsumetain.
You need to use an item called "Delicious fish", you can get the item from another mob's drop in the same area, to prevent him from escaping. During the turn you are feeding it, DO NOT Attack with your other character. Just wait out a turn via defending command. Otherwise, he will flee.
There is a guy on the right side of the overworld map, called Kazuma. He will be helpful in assisting you in pretty much all side quest. So do visit him whenever a new floor is unlocked.
3rd Floor:
There is another annoying quest of hunting some tasty fish meat from a flaming fish.
The flaming fish spawns at the very first map, so no need to go into the caves.
I recommend switching back to unmodded data.rpack file to encounter the fish faster.
There is a item, the sprite looks like a book on a white box, which you can pick up at the first map, you will see it as you are teleporting around. However, you cannot reach it no matter what even though it is just beside a teleporting circle. It is almost like taunting you. No worry, you can get it much later... like after clearing floor 6. A very unique reward tho. Interesting how in later floors, these pick-up items became the regular treasure box sprite which is more recognisable.
Parallel World:
There is a hidden wooden house on the left that is actually accessible. It has a npc called Snowrock, you need to beat him twice for two training item. The second match can only be done after you unlocked floor 6th.
There is a side-quest which requires you get some worms. In which, you gotten some clean water from the well, you can proceed by using the water in front of a back-aching orc. It will reward you with some eggs. This is also required for a training item
The crystal room is quite confusing. So here is the answer
Red: 13th from the left, 3rd from the top,
Blue: 3rd from the left, 7th from the top,
Green: 11th from the left, 13th from the top,
Black: 10th from the left, 6th from the top.
For rest of the puzzle's answer you can refer to the japanese guide.
There is small bug to take note, when you go to the left side of the temple, where on top there is a dragon. Pick up all the pure hearts first, before you pressing the switch to enable the dragon. Otherwise you will just miss out some free pure hearts. It is not important, but just wasteful to miss out on them.
4th Floor
Very very Annoying map
The map has many sentries, which have a long animation. The enemy spawns from these encounters ain't even unique,otherwise, it would be more interesting
It has many backtracking to a remote place a few times just to proceed the side quest. Not much we can do about it, just be patient.
In the side quest, you need to purify some oil, and you need to place them on a white table. Well, the table ain't obvious.
It just doesn't look like a table. It is more like a white bed. Stand in front and open up your inventory to use the item to place them.
There is a sentry that holds a unique key that allows you to rematch the earlier boss. The sentry is located quite early in the floor, and is situated at a spot that you won't past by unless you intentionally want to check it. I didn't use the key to fight the boss myself, so not sure what is the reward.
5th Floor:
In one of the map, you need to push a cart to bridge a gap so that you can reach a cat. Do the pushing slowly and carefully, Otherwise, it will be annoying to exit the map and come back just to reset the map. Same as the boulder puzzle from Pokemon.
Just remember to look ahead, so that you don't accidentally put the cart into a corner or an edge.
After getting DC backup, you can recruit Isthar, just go to Shizune place to trigger the event.
It is possible to beat the floor boss without Isthar, and the cutscene will be different too. Nothing too major, whatever Ishtar says the rest just kinda didn't answer back.
At the final boss fight, she will talks a bit more. I wonder how the cutscene will be like since I didn't get to try it.
For using the mimicry drug, you need to go back to the parallel world and go back to the boss room and activate it in front of the two orcs bosses.
Do note that this floor is a crossroad for a H-scene, it involves cuckolding Alicia. If you want to see the cuckolding event, do not fight Thantos, since the sword is related to the event. I didn't actually try out the cuckolding event myself. I guess the pervert guy from the parallel word is serious about exchanging his special handcuff for sex with Alicia afterall.
6th Floor:
This floor is the last spot for the ending to branch off. If you give akizuki notes to Shizune, you will block out the Bad End route, and enables Harem ending. These two endings are mutually exclusive, so you cannot have a save file that does both.
The only spot to use human bone to distract the guard is the right side. Open up inventory to use the item . Pretty nonsense that any other spot doesn't work.
The floor generally has two sides, the left and right. Do the left side first. Explore and find three sub-boss, they look like a maid. They will drop the underground prison key and crystal of darkness. Both are related to the side-quests and are important for getting training items.
There is a side-quest that involves tricking a guy away from a girl. When you pass his an "order" he will walk off to somewhere unknown. He is in an map there has crumbling paths, Just stick to the left path and you will reach him.
Here are some of the Item ID for save editor. These will help you to save some grinding since these items can be hard to drop and they are needed for side quest.
item 133 replicant core
item 135 replicant core strength
item 136 replicant core magic
item 137 replicant core Dark
item 138 replicant core cure
item 138 replicant core Eater
item 396 Slime Child
Final area:
Nothing too hard here, just one weird thing.
In the final boulder puzzle, you will realise that the game doesn't give you enough "boulder" to press the red button.
Well, I don't want to spoil you the surprise. A hint is that you can "pull" out the moveable object when you interact with it. It is quite bullshit. I know. All along the game taught you that you cannot pull a movable object,yet somehow the game allows you to do such a thing suddenly here.
Beware that after you beat the third dragon statue, you cannot go back to the overworld anymore. Save here!
That is all.
In general, I feel the game has done very well in terms of its content.
The environment, worldbuilding, story, and character, have plenty of effort put in to make it memorable and lively.
Alicia is cute and earnest. Lyrical is sexy and cute. The enemy and the environment are crafted with unique sense of atmosphere.
The story is intriguing, however, the translation is slightly weird which holds it back a little.
Unfortunately, the game just doesn't have the modern QoL standards. It is almost like the game is trying to be like real life. In the end, it just makes the game awfully unappealing for replay.
Harem Ending at file 42
Alicia Ending at file 52
Lyrica Ending at file 57
There is a missing ending, which is Bad End, I did prepare a save file, save file 10 or 11 iirc. But the problem is that this branches off from the second last map of the game, so there is still quite some work to be done. I don't feel like clearing the last map again just to get the last ending.
The condition of the endings are:
-The bad end is the default. It will trigger if you dont fulfill the condition for any of the other ending.
-Harem ending is the default if you give Akizuki note to Shizuna
-Lyrcia individual ending will take priority if you fulfill both Alicia and Lyrica individual ending.
Here are some general tips for this game:
Just a fair bit of forwarning. This game is not user-friendly, and it has a lot of obtuse events and triggers, lastly, if you clear and move onto the next level without finishing sides quest of the previous level, you will be locked out of them until you do a new game+
-The game is not going to show you which "item" on the map is interactable. Nowadays, the game has a shining spot on top of the item to indicate interactable
-The game demands you to consciously use items from the inventory to trigger and proceed in certain areas. Nowadays, the game will just trigger automatically once the required item is detected in your inventory.
-The game doesn't have quick travel besides using Alicia's glory star(aka Escape rope from Pokemon)
-The game has a slow transition when picking up items and fading/appearing animation during talking that cannot be speed up using ctrl key.
2)There are many of backtracking needed too, so grab Alicia's glory star early. You can only notice the skill when you change Alicia's position to be front. You can change her position through, Status -> Position change -> Click Front
3)Skill points and P points(aka Gold/experience) are shared pools. This means that you can level up other characters and use the skill points generated to grab skills for another character.
4)Skill points have a cap. This is around level 50 for each character, where a further increase of level doesn't generate more skill point This means you need to plan your skill trees early and not to waste point on useless skill, otherwise you will have a hard time later on unless you cheat by using save editor to over level yourself.
5) Defense stats are quite useless. Mp is too expensive, use equipment to compensate.
Focus on hp, agility, and main attack stat(attack or magic).
You need about 1500 hp for each character, except rear character for the end game. Around 10000 hp for the last hidden boss(Not important)
6) Barret Dance skill from MC is OP. It is a gun skill but you can continue to equip a sword and use the skill.
Personal recommendation skill tree is
-Alicia focuses on healing and status cures
-Lyricia focuses on buffing and pick up revive skill
-Ishtar focuses on healing
Ishtar is a mixed bag, she is decent in everything, but doesn't excel in any. You could just go whatever you like with her.
7) Be warned, the game doesn't seem to have a gallery function, so the H-scene cannot be replayed. At least I never got to find it.
8) Some areas feel like it has a lot of winding paths, filled with crossroads. My recommendation is to be systemic. I personally do it like a depth-first search. The rough idea is to pick a direction, go all out in that direction, once you meet a dead-end, go back to the previous crossroad and continue in the same direction. Because you will be sticking to a direction, it should help you to have a mental map of the area better by having a stronger memory as compared to exploring randomly.
Here are some guides for each level:
You can mainly refer to the Japanese guide, but the translation ain't great, so some advice only makes things more confusing.
Therefore, I will be mentioning tips for the portion that I think you need to take note of and alongside some recommendations for a smoother gameplay experience.
1st Floor:
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The side quests are quite annoying. Be sure to get the quest before exploring the first floor. You can get them quest by going to old tokyo and talking to the old man at the left side of the overworld map to start getting the side quests.
In one of the side quests, you need to collect research papers. The research papers are scattered in many rooms. You need to click on every single paper to ensure you didn't miss out. I recommend picking this side quest as early as possible, so you can reduce some backtracking.
One of the quests requires you to defeat a rare monster. Should be called Phantom Conceived Massender. He looks like a masked tribal monster. I remember I found him in the deepest laboratory. To speed up this process, use the unmodded data. data.rpack. It has the original encounter rate. The current one is modded where the encounter rate is severely reduced. If you wondering how to change the file. Just remove or rename the current data.rpack to be something else, and renamed the unmodded data file as "data.rpack". Just remember to make a backup of the file before you remove anything.
At the end of these side quest, you will get an item that is required for training Alicia for H scene.
There are two unusable dimensional elevators on this floor, one of it will become useable for a side quest after unlocking the Parallel world. Just remember the location of the elevator for now, so that you can come back later.
2nd Floor
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There is an annoying quest. You need to defeat a snow yeti monster, called Phantom Tsumetain.
You need to use an item called "Delicious fish", you can get the item from another mob's drop in the same area, to prevent him from escaping. During the turn you are feeding it, DO NOT Attack with your other character. Just wait out a turn via defending command. Otherwise, he will flee.
There is a guy on the right side of the overworld map, called Kazuma. He will be helpful in assisting you in pretty much all side quest. So do visit him whenever a new floor is unlocked.
3rd Floor:
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There is another annoying quest of hunting some tasty fish meat from a flaming fish.
The flaming fish spawns at the very first map, so no need to go into the caves.
I recommend switching back to unmodded data.rpack file to encounter the fish faster.
There is a item, the sprite looks like a book on a white box, which you can pick up at the first map, you will see it as you are teleporting around. However, you cannot reach it no matter what even though it is just beside a teleporting circle. It is almost like taunting you. No worry, you can get it much later... like after clearing floor 6. A very unique reward tho. Interesting how in later floors, these pick-up items became the regular treasure box sprite which is more recognisable.
Parallel World:
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There is a hidden wooden house on the left that is actually accessible. It has a npc called Snowrock, you need to beat him twice for two training item. The second match can only be done after you unlocked floor 6th.
There is a side-quest which requires you get some worms. In which, you gotten some clean water from the well, you can proceed by using the water in front of a back-aching orc. It will reward you with some eggs. This is also required for a training item
The crystal room is quite confusing. So here is the answer
Red: 13th from the left, 3rd from the top,
Blue: 3rd from the left, 7th from the top,
Green: 11th from the left, 13th from the top,
Black: 10th from the left, 6th from the top.
For rest of the puzzle's answer you can refer to the japanese guide.
There is small bug to take note, when you go to the left side of the temple, where on top there is a dragon. Pick up all the pure hearts first, before you pressing the switch to enable the dragon. Otherwise you will just miss out some free pure hearts. It is not important, but just wasteful to miss out on them.
4th Floor
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Very very Annoying map
The map has many sentries, which have a long animation. The enemy spawns from these encounters ain't even unique,otherwise, it would be more interesting
It has many backtracking to a remote place a few times just to proceed the side quest. Not much we can do about it, just be patient.
In the side quest, you need to purify some oil, and you need to place them on a white table. Well, the table ain't obvious.
It just doesn't look like a table. It is more like a white bed. Stand in front and open up your inventory to use the item to place them.
There is a sentry that holds a unique key that allows you to rematch the earlier boss. The sentry is located quite early in the floor, and is situated at a spot that you won't past by unless you intentionally want to check it. I didn't use the key to fight the boss myself, so not sure what is the reward.
5th Floor:
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In one of the map, you need to push a cart to bridge a gap so that you can reach a cat. Do the pushing slowly and carefully, Otherwise, it will be annoying to exit the map and come back just to reset the map. Same as the boulder puzzle from Pokemon.
Just remember to look ahead, so that you don't accidentally put the cart into a corner or an edge.
After getting DC backup, you can recruit Isthar, just go to Shizune place to trigger the event.
It is possible to beat the floor boss without Isthar, and the cutscene will be different too. Nothing too major, whatever Ishtar says the rest just kinda didn't answer back.
At the final boss fight, she will talks a bit more. I wonder how the cutscene will be like since I didn't get to try it.
For using the mimicry drug, you need to go back to the parallel world and go back to the boss room and activate it in front of the two orcs bosses.
Do note that this floor is a crossroad for a H-scene, it involves cuckolding Alicia. If you want to see the cuckolding event, do not fight Thantos, since the sword is related to the event. I didn't actually try out the cuckolding event myself. I guess the pervert guy from the parallel word is serious about exchanging his special handcuff for sex with Alicia afterall.
6th Floor:
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This floor is the last spot for the ending to branch off. If you give akizuki notes to Shizune, you will block out the Bad End route, and enables Harem ending. These two endings are mutually exclusive, so you cannot have a save file that does both.
The only spot to use human bone to distract the guard is the right side. Open up inventory to use the item . Pretty nonsense that any other spot doesn't work.
The floor generally has two sides, the left and right. Do the left side first. Explore and find three sub-boss, they look like a maid. They will drop the underground prison key and crystal of darkness. Both are related to the side-quests and are important for getting training items.
There is a side-quest that involves tricking a guy away from a girl. When you pass his an "order" he will walk off to somewhere unknown. He is in an map there has crumbling paths, Just stick to the left path and you will reach him.
Here are some of the Item ID for save editor. These will help you to save some grinding since these items can be hard to drop and they are needed for side quest.
item 133 replicant core
item 135 replicant core strength
item 136 replicant core magic
item 137 replicant core Dark
item 138 replicant core cure
item 138 replicant core Eater
item 396 Slime Child
Final area:
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Nothing too hard here, just one weird thing.
In the final boulder puzzle, you will realise that the game doesn't give you enough "boulder" to press the red button.
Well, I don't want to spoil you the surprise. A hint is that you can "pull" out the moveable object when you interact with it. It is quite bullshit. I know. All along the game taught you that you cannot pull a movable object,yet somehow the game allows you to do such a thing suddenly here.
Beware that after you beat the third dragon statue, you cannot go back to the overworld anymore. Save here!
That is all.
In general, I feel the game has done very well in terms of its content.
The environment, worldbuilding, story, and character, have plenty of effort put in to make it memorable and lively.
Alicia is cute and earnest. Lyrical is sexy and cute. The enemy and the environment are crafted with unique sense of atmosphere.
The story is intriguing, however, the translation is slightly weird which holds it back a little.
Unfortunately, the game just doesn't have the modern QoL standards. It is almost like the game is trying to be like real life. In the end, it just makes the game awfully unappealing for replay.
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