
Ninja By Sea
Game Developer
Sep 21, 2017
For me this version ends after he says something like "let's go sunbathing at the pool". I don't think this is suppose to be right? Is this another bug, because I already encountered something like that in a former version of this game?
There's a script app called look at me in Daz3D that will do that, you pick 2 characters and run the script and they will look at each other even if they have to break their necks to do so.


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

Sometimes rolling back from a save is bad. DmD any save you try to rollback on after loading it will cause you to lose everything the daughters stats corruption level and even the day will reset.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2017

Sometimes rolling back from a save is bad. DmD any save you try to rollback on after loading it will cause you to lose everything the daughters stats corruption level and even the day will reset.
Errors due to any kind of Ren'Py function is bad, but loosing progress, points or reseting due to loading a save is just pure bad coding. If a dev doesn't want player to load or rollback during some events or between a time frame then they should just disable these and prevent user from doing.

This is the first time I'm seeing this absurd issue due to loading a save and I'm guessing it's specific to that game. Because I've never came across with any other Ren'Py game which has this issue before.

Saving and loading is essential parts of any game, you can't or must not screw it. So this dev or any other (if there's any with the similar problem) must hire a coder or must learn coding much better.
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Jag Hond

Aug 29, 2017
We got an update but its is still a test version of V6 so I am not for sure if it should be uploaded or not until the testing is over.
We got an update but its is still a test version of V6 so I am not for sure if it should be uploaded or not until the testing is over.
Fair and wise advise, this yours. Agree in full, being in a hurry always hated doing things good. And the dev. is going to do the best she can, as her usual of course. So let's keep her doing her things alone, or so we should, I think.
Ah, one more: bare criticism never helped anyone, here just as in the real life. Better perhaps giving a little giving hand, if in our possibilities, suggestion if we couldn't do more useful, or keeping quiet otherwise at all.

Just my own cent, oh.

With best regards.
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Dec 17, 2017
I don’t know… great characters and renders but, all in all, just not much story here. It’s like some kind of simulation what would happen if brother and sister are trapped in house for prolonged time. And all that hugging, cuddling, snuggling, kisses and all, well, it gets boring without any plot.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2018
So what does Test version mean?
Are there key features missing, is it glitchy or what?
I think it is likely. I just had a complete game freeze. Nothing worked, not even the close button. Had to use task manager to kill it.


Devoted Member
Sep 7, 2017

Well for DmD I just save at different spots so that I can easily jump back if needed. I just happened by the bug/glitch as one save was really close to where I needed to be at but had to use the older save instead.

I always find rollback prevention to be annoying and it's the first thing I fix in a game.

If they do it to stop rollback completely I just have to turn it to True instead of False if they add a rollback bracket to prevent rollbacks in the script when clicking on response options I just search the whole file for that bracket and delete them and the space out to remove it and then carry on my merry way.

Usually games like sisterly lust where you can lose the heart icon that shows everyone's stats at times when you rollback what I do for those games is to save before the rollback and if the icon disappears I reload the save and try again.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2018
Save page jump numbers stuck at 9, even if you are on page 11.

EDIT: also, the text says STATS will be in the top right corner, but it is actually in top left.

War and Peace (not piece).
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Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
If you follow this walkthrough you will get to the end but remember the game has changed up some and this walkthrough may allow you to do things 1-3 days before it says to do it so do it when you can, you do not need to wait for the day it says to do it on. This walkthrough ends at day 32 though so you are on your own after that day.

Thanks to rick87


Loving Family Member's
Respected User
Aug 8, 2017
Saves from v5 work in test v6? Or does it start beyond day 30?
With the story being fleshed out some it is best to replay the whole thing anyway.
Follow the walkthrough I posted up above and you will get to V6 content faster.
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