It's sad that our lovely dev Deem must rework his game and change things. Espicially if it's his source of income... If he lost this that would be catastrophal (from month to zero income the next month). So I can understand that he must do what patreon does. The complete Mind Control/Pill aspect is highly controversial in today's society (where almost everyone crys rape for all sort of things)... It sucks... But Deem's decision is comprehensibly... Patreon doesn't want an outrage (e.g. supports rape) and because off that, they're so stricts. I can't say if that justify their course of action...
Personally I don't mind if the Mind Control aspect disappears. The Incest aspect is much harder for me (because I love that kind of games

But here in germany there is a similar thing (with the swastika). While it is allowed for "artistic purpose" e.g. movies, tv, magazines, it's not allowed for computer games (because they don't fall under this artistic purpose). It's idiocy I know...
So games like Wolfenstein or South Park: Stick of Truth were only (after heavily censoring) allowed to sell in germany.
So from that point I can understand Deem's changes but hopefully there will be a way to save the incest part....
But keep up will your work and art. I love it very much