Well, actually I would be interested in regards to patreon and incest, in which way TP works around that now?
Is the D now his step-daughter or something like that?
I mean, D is my second-favourite girl, right after Meg, so this definitely is a point of interest.
All of the "younger" women have been lore-wise aged up to 18+ (but none of their art has changed). They were always 18+ per the disclaimer, but now it's stated in the game so there's no mistaking it.
The school is now a "junior college".
Kait isn't wearing her cheerleading outfit in any of the promo materials or the first few scenes.
D is now a "Foreign Exchange Student" and all of her references to being the MC's daughter have been removed.
All mind control has been removed - the ??? character is still in, and is still a nutball, but he doesn't sell the drugs.
Kait's blackmail opportunities are still there, but we're not using the blackmail material for sex or to force her to do anything she doesn't want to do other than maybe be a civil human being.
There is a D reversion patch planned by several members of the community to return her to being the MC's daughter, but Deem can't officially endorse it for obvious reasons, and he won't be releasing it - it will be on the community to release and/or maintain it.
The Patreon rep that was assigned to 'Deem was a hardass of the highest order - she stated in no uncertain terms would Patreon allow the D character to remain related to the MC in any way, shape, or form, either get rid of the daughter character or make her no longer related to the MC (so no incestuous relationship). The other hardline point that she stuck to was that Kait was visually underage, and needed to be aged up, so 'Deem took away the ponytail and gave her more mature clothing in the intro. The "new" Kait is very nicely done, but her later appearances weren't changed - she still has the ponytail and cheerleader outfit when it's appropriate for her to be in uniform.