Cheats listed in OP are for v1.632 not v1.9x-2.0x. New cheats:
Capitalization matters!
'|' short for "or"
If you want to reduce a stat change "+=" to "-=" or if you want a specific value remove the +/- entirely
player.depravity += # (shower scene requires 30-50, lower and you get nothing higher and you fail) += #
unlimited_cheat = True | False
*.affection += #
*.romance += # (requires relationship = INTERESTED | INFATUATED)
*.corruption += #
*.mood = NORMAL | MAD | FURIOUS (not checked most of the time, but assume MAD | FURIOUS won't lead to fun...)
* = Girl Modifier:
s = Sara (Don't bother in v1.9x -> v2.0x without mod)
m = Meghan
a = Anne
k = Kaitlyn
d = FEX (Daughter)
w = Wife
z = Zoe (Don't bother period)