I think it's going to be a very good update, but don't think because it took twice as long (or longer) than the previous update that it's going to be twice as good. It certainly has more content than any other update, but a lot of the time was spent dealing with tricky coding issues. Like trying to find clever ways to maintain save compatibility when the content was screaming at me not to (a mistake I won't make again?) and fixing bugs, mostly due to the tricks I tried to use to maintain save compatibility. And for all that, you should still start a new save because changes were made to earlier content.
So I learned a lesson, I guess, and hopefully made a good update. I'm particularly proud of some of the animations and the way the chats can change based on context (pro tip: I've increased W & D's odds of appearing in the living room. To min-max your chats wait in the living room until you catch them together to use your daily chats with each while they're together).
As for a timeline, I'm releasing what will hopefully be the last major bug fix alpha tonight, then maybe a few more days of waiting for bugs while adding content. Anyway, I hope you all like it when you get a chance to play it.
And don't be too upset when you walk in on Eric fucking your daughter.