Others Completed Teen Witches Academy [Final] [Drunk Robot]

1.70 star(s) 27 Votes


New Member
Jul 1, 2020
Can someone help me go on?
Playing Online Version 0.13.4
I got as far as every task of fighting those wiches including this new elf
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New Member
Mar 3, 2019
I proved a lot of cheats word and none of them works: timestop, freckles, orgasm, corruption, blackmail. Anyone knows the cheat code?


Oct 31, 2018
Too grindy to bother making a walk through. Just do everything you can 20 or 30 times to increase it to the next level. F**king ridiculous amount of grind, for no sex scenes with the most powerful wizard in the world and his students.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2020
Too grindy to bother making a walk through. Just do everything you can 20 or 30 times to increase it to the next level. F**king ridiculous amount of grind, for no sex scenes with the most powerful wizard in the world and his students.
Thanks for your input. I can't stand games that require an unreasonable amount of grind for too little payoff. I'll pass on this one for now unless the developer decides to change that balance.
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Apr 19, 2020
I would play this but I cannot take a mix of the witcher and harry potter seriously.. one or the other is fine.. but I cannot f*p when I am bewildered and confused by what is happening..


Mar 9, 2017
anyone now the cheat code for this version of the game. tried ghost doesn't work?
Cheat code for 0.16: rebellion

gaming coconut Tenn2017 There's an official walk through, but I don't think anyone's ever shared it. It's a bitch to actually play this game, with a few of the bugs and the absolute grind.

I'm going to be making a save file eventually that'll unlock all the scenes, but I switched computers and think I lost all my tools I was using to do that, so it may take me a bit.


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2020
Anybody know if this version of the game is still super grindy and confusing without a walkthrough?


Active Member
Oct 21, 2019
is there a walkthrough i am lost on what i am supposed to do
Is there a walkthrough? If so where.Ive been playing this but can only get so far.....
Seriously? Just TWO/THREE posts before you posted:
Too grindy to bother making a walk through. Just do everything you can 20 or 30 times to increase it to the next level. F**king ridiculous amount of grind, for no sex scenes with the most powerful wizard in the world and his students.
But clearly that's just too complicated and difficult, I get it, why scroll up to read a couple of previous posts when you can just be totally lazy and ask the question that somebody else already answered. Yeah, just let others do the work for you, so much easier isn't it? o_O

BTW, just in case anyone actually misses the heavy sarcasm in this post: MY REPLY ABOVE IS TOTALLY OVERFLOWING WITH SARCASM! :eek: :ROFLMAO: :rolleyes:

But, to add to SlaveStates comment: this game is quite possibly the absolute worst grind-fest anyone has ever created! You have to repeat everything you do numerous times, and there's very little actual reward for all that grind. Sure, you get some nudity, but actual sex scenes are few and far between. When you have to watch the same scene for the 100th time you finally realise that this game is a complete and utter waste of your time and there are just so many other games you could be playing that are way, way better than this horrendous grind-fest! So just why are you bothering with this? :unsure: Seriously, just about any other game available on F95Zone is better than this!


Active Member
Oct 21, 2019
Anybody know if this version of the game is still super grindy and confusing without a walkthrough?
Still a completely horrible grind-fest, still confusing, still no walkthrough because nobody wants to write "Repeat scene X" over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over etc! Seriously, just read back through the last page or so of comments, if that doesn't convince you to pass this one by and never look back then nothing will. Just don't come back later to complain, you have all been warned, if you choose to ignore the warnings then you have no grounds to complain! o_O :ROFLMAO:


Oct 31, 2018
To be clear, I have wanted this game to do well and be fun to play from the start. I thought giving the dev some feedback would help in his game as well as any other games he starts. I had played Akubars Witch Trainer years ago and thought this could be the next evolution for trainers to replace the little chibi bobbleheads that where used back then.The girls in this had a different appearance, and while it does kinda look like Harry Potter meets the Witcher, it seemed much more believable than playing a 12 year old boy with a 36 inch cock who is a teacher.

I was wrong.

  • Good characters
  • Fun Story

  • Character Facial Expressions area bit weird for the dialog. Sometimes asking a question gets a facial expression that should;d be used for fear or shock.
  • No Change logs
  • Horrible battle system. You have to guess in about 2 seconds which color shield to pick to defend against an attack and click on it. on a touch screen, like a phone i think this might be a little easier, but on a pc with a large monitor, by the time i move my mouse to the top, the battle is over.
  • Icons for actions have no label or meaning, but clicking them sets an action that cannot be undone. I thought clicking the swords might take us to a battle screen where we choose spells to take or pick and opponent, no it starts a battle with no way to back out or prepare.
  • cheat screen lets you add corruption points, but not all students show up on the screen.
  • Skill points added on the cheat screen, will be used when purchasing shields and spells
  • Spells for battles are consumables and must be purchased before fighting, if you go into a fight with three shields, you will not be able to use shields a forth time.
  • There is no skipping things you have seen and done 20 other times, at night when you are spying on the students, you will get the same dialog every single time. And the dev made the pictures fade in and out so the CTRL key to skip dialog will allow you to skip text, but if the image has a fade, it will not.
  • Must click to change dialog, cannot use enter or space
  • The dev paid for and used Tyranno Builder to make his game, instead of the free RenPy which would take care of the next problem
  • Saves are not automatically moved to the new version, because Tyranno Builder. So each version you have to start from scratch and watch the same thing and corrupt the girls from zero to 25 again to get anywhere
  • Dev thinks putting a new cheat password in each version makes it more fun to play, so every version has its own unique password.
  • In Witch Trainer, we had to have Hermione do a task three times to proceed to the next level, This dev this he can beat that and 5 will get you to the first level, 20 to the next
  • There is no sex between the students and the Witcher Principal, he can see some of them naked, and the other male students can have oral and actual sex with the girls, but not you, the MC (NTR Tag might need to be added). If you win a fight with an enemy female wizard you can basically force them to have sex against their will (Rape tag might need to be needed)
  • Not even halfway through this "Torture" "Game", the dev starts a new game so has less time to update this one.
  • Many, many more...
WALK THROUGH (not detailed)
  • click 400 times to get through the intro
  • go to doctor for carpal tunnel and get splint
  • once you are at the school you have 3 times periods There is no scrolling back in this game
  • for the first few weeks call different students and teachers in for introductions
    • after the first few weeks teach in the morning, scroll button on top right
  • read the magic books in the Afternoon
    • after a few weeks teach and afternoon class
  • At night pick a different scene until you have seen them all, then do it 20 more times each
    • some nights you will need to exercise to have enough points to buy spells to battle with

  • To summon the oracle:
    1. one night pick the rope out of the battle room
    2. find the dragon sculpture in one class room
      1. with the oracle you can have a student steal the invisibility formula ()
      2. then you can follow the teacher to see what she is summoning
      3. you can ask her to have a student steal clothes
  • In teleportation class you will need to picked the same person multiple times to see what happens, then move to another student to do the same. One girl spanks her, one fingers her and the boy eventually fucks her while she is stuck
  • In the transformation class pick each student multiple times to eventually see all of her clothes disappear
This is a short walk through from what I can remember, because I cannot take playing this again. 10 versions of corrupting kids manually 30 or so times without being able to skip scenes you have already seen IS NOT FUN. There are a few images that show the principal taking over one of the male student bodies to have sex with a girl, but it doesn't seem programmed yet.

Hope this helps someone, "UncleVT", as well as possible players to know what you are getting into.


Mar 9, 2017
Here is the gallery unlock save for 0.16.

As always, replace the file while the game is not running. And you will need to get to the end of the first day to access the gallery.

EDIT: I also meant to replay to SlaveStates post some. A small note about fighting. It would be bearable if two things changed.
1. you could choose to not do anything on your turn, so as to not spend resources
2. the enemy didn't dodge attacks so much

When I did play this through, I had to make sure I have 7-10 of *each* attack, and some shields, just so I could make sure I hit them 4-5 times (with the bigger spells doing 2 hearts damage)

To those trying to legitimately play, the attacks have a specific visual effect that you have to match up with the defense. It's a game of recognize the attack and click the appropriate defense quickly. Granted, the time you have to do this is not long.
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1.70 star(s) 27 Votes