Let's see, we go in parts. In all the comments I did not find a single correct criticism, all the criticisms are of the type "is it ugly, and why is it ugly? why I don't like it, and why you don't like it? because it is ugly". People, I understand that this is a porn game site and that the porn industry only pulls HDR, but ask a filmmaker or photographer who thinks HDR, it is crap that does not work in most situations, HDR It is for children playing with their phone. seriously, do not make me think that their only audiovisual references are porn and hollowood, we are all supposed to be adults here, please, it is unfortunate that they do not have audiovisual references to prepare a correct criticism. No one spoke at all of the type of shots that I am managing, of the lighting game that I am making, as I play with the shadows, nobody talks about the admospheres and the colors in the scene, nobody says anything about the composition.
I don't have the best computer equipment, but I have plenty of artistic knowledge.
One last thing, demanding is a right, if you don't earn that right you can't demand anything! the internet is infinite, do not stop here, there are a million things out there that you like, go and enjoy them, but do not throw your shit at me and even less if you did not pay for it.
I teach on Thursdays, I don't charge much.