This is just me thinking out loud. It is just writing, that's easy, the biggest issue comes with the visuals. Every option you allow just increases the workload, so at some point it just becomes too unwieldy to work on. From TRS1 to TRS2 isn't bad as you either died or didn't simple as that, or had kids with 3 optional people. For everyone else it's just dialogue change between the status. So eventually you need a reboot or handing the torch to younger generation, so to say because tracking of all of those options just grows exponentially the more you use the same characters. And I'm not a fan of reboots.
So let's say hypothetically the next installment of Terminus Reach might feature 20 year time skip and Cade as the protagonist, somewhere in the galaxy. Just for example really as any theoretical continuation would be so many years off that it isn't really worth to think about too deeply. But as setting goes, it's flexible, it allows theoretically endless possibilities for story telling.
And so that it doesn't become me rambling about writing the whole time. Have pretty picture of Qivian...