Progress 27.09.2022
So, I'm in a bit interesting situation at the moment. Well, that was an ominous start, but have no fear. It isn't bad.
Update 15 was sent to tested and proofread, so there is that. And, in turn, it means I'm starting rendering on update 16 soon. Relatively, backups and other things are a thing that needs to be done, so that takes a bit before I can start. But by the time this post goes live, I've already started it. Although a bit slower pace than normal, but I should be back to normal "production speed" tomorrow.
And as for writing? I'm moving on to update 19 with that, so I'm happy for once with writing.
So, the renders. Today is one of those special cases when I'm not showing previews. Simply because a) practically everything outside the single render on Monday is a bit larger spoiler than I want to show, and b) start of update 16. Well,
all I need to say is Chiel, and most likely, you get the idea.