Progress 10.02.2023
And good day to all of you.
So Adry mentioned getting the proofreading done on Saturday or so. Thus I will start deploying update 24 this weekend, hopefully by Sunday, assuming my upload speed isn't tanked, but it shall be out soon regardless!
Then update 25 matters. Rendering is going nicely. Shy under 200 renders which I will reach today after I've done today's "render quota." It's not an exact thing, really. I have certain goals I want to do daily. I usually reach them fairly easily. Keyword usually, Wednesday was a bit dragging as I had to build a set three times just because it wasn't working. Took 8 hours in total. But never the less! I'm right on schedule with things. And that being said, time for today's secondary rendering goal, as the primary just got completed...
As for writing, I'm one and a half pages (about) from the goal I set, but I haven't written today, so yeah, I'll reach it. Update 29 seems a bit patchwork when looking at it without the context of the previous two days... and about all of the previous 28 updates.
And then the first non-spoiler render of update 25, sure, it is a spoiler that you get to talk to Qivian and Zarinah. Still, it doesn't spoil anything from update 24 either or context of 25.
And time for a progress post... and no I can't write the damn year correctly...
Proofreading is still progressing. But I've set a release date regardless of its status, but more of that towards the end of the week.
I started rendering update 25 yesterday, and it's going fairly nicely. Daz is still being annoying, but that's nothing new.
And writing is on update 29. Honestly, at the moment, I'm not entirely sure how many updates there are left overall. There are a few events I need to write before I can move on to the finale. Seems sudden? Not really. We have been moving along toward the final phase of the Sentinel Stations story for a while. It's just the speed is accelerating now in a certain sense. But there is still a while to go.
I tried to make a sci-fi render for this update since I can't show you anything from update 25, well, almost anything, without giving major spoilers. But it wasn't happening. When you work with X day in and day out, it's just... So you get to see what I do with the other Daz instance while I wait for renders and the mood to write.
One of the issues, generally speaking, with DAZ is that there is a limit on available assets. With how many VN's are out and coming out daily, you are bound to use the same assets. I'm fairly certain you've all seen that one particular clothing store... a lot.
So, you have to alter them somehow. It doesn't need to be a major alteration, but enough to make sure it looks different. The change is relatively small, but it does alter the scene enough. Although unfortunately, it became a bit heavy to render in the scene I wanted. But I still can use it, just not with as many people as I would have wanted.
progress post and things! And this is going to be really short and sweet on the actual update process.
Update 24 was handed to be proofread and tested, so there is that for the starters. This means that I'll write for a day or two and start rendering the next update by Monday.
And speaking of writing, if all goes well, I'll finish up update 28 today. I only have a few pages left to write.
And that's about it. Stuff is good and all that regarding the update. Then we move to bit random renders since I don't want to spoil things.
This is one of those things. I'm not sure why I did it, but I just "needed" to render it. It's one of those inspirational pieces that just happens. It gave me an idea for a scene. I just need to figure out how to build it to the vision.