I never noticed till someone mentioned in the forum that
madmate.games character placement design is wonderful and even better is his writing since you can spot a good writer with how much he can hook you in the first few minutes of gameplay , though his game mechanics are vague.
I am quite skeptical about the mechanics since I haven't seen much and it's still work process, just hope you don't overburden yourself in introducing many skills which don't have much use and I wonder if the skills are a means of us players personalizing our MC where we could either hack the PC if we have skills in Computer or rummage through and search for a note with a password like in VtMB because then I will applaud you for it, but still I agree with some we have some similar traits like Brawl and Melee, I mean why have 3 traits for combat where you can either fight unarmed, armed and firearms ? does it matter ? I think you should at some point have us discover the use of certain traits and the benefits of some, with the recent update I enjoyed the use for Etiquette but I wish we got something out of it like why should I use or gain such a trait and how does it make me standout and also it's benefits.
Sooner or later your going to have to address this or it'll be a shit show since most of us like min maxing.
Not sure what you mean sloppy. I'd simply say I may have a weakness for awesome, amazing, potentially crazy and dangerous hot bitches girls, that is all.
Can anyone really judge me?
Everyday I cannot help but notice you are into the crazies, pls don't put dick in crazy.