To be honest,Dots',in my opinion,cares about those fans that have suported DMD game and that's why he continue to work on that game,compared to other dev's ( we know who),that decided to abandon their work for the patreon reason ( although the real reason was that he no longer wanted to work on that game) ,so Mr. Dots deserve much respect for doing what others refused to do,no matter how much the fans beged for it.
Oh I am not saying dots is bad or anything about that! I love that he's continued his work on DMD! I was only pointing out that the is no direct link to DMD and Dot's Patreon thus Patreon can not do anything under their current rules. And Dots should be applauded for that and though slow going we will get DMD done!
I agree with your assessment and that Nverjos is a woman.
A. A fourth wall event revealed Courtney and the dev share the same name.
B. During another fourth wall event the dev comments on how good the dev's ass is.
That's pretty much a thing women are more proud of then men. Men are usually more proud of power muscles.
Very true, but thought I still believe the Dev is a woman here are some points for the other side:
1) Courtney is not specifically a woman's name. I took Driver's ed with a Dana, and I have just asked someone to come clean my dryer vents with the name of Dana. so the name itself is not an indication.
2) the comment on the dev's ass... well yes that tends to say woman, but I've seen many woman comment about a man's ass before.
3) Another 4th wall comment specifically uses the male pronoun (he/his).
4) though there are female devs, and many women here that enjoy this, the majority of the devs making these games are men or at least men in charge.
This is why I do not assume the Dev is a woman and that it is my belief by many factors and this is what I have:
1) though Courtney is a gender neutral name, It is more used for women.
2) the feel of the game is more about treating the woman's form right, Tabi has large breasts, but not overly large. Other characters are rendered proportionate for the most part and this is one of the biggest things, usually men will place over sized breasts on characters more often than not.
3) the feel of the story is more about the journey and not just the sex, most games here are just about the sex and story is a second thought. (IE: DMD, dreams of desire, Dreaming of dana. Yes I love those three but sex is the major aspect to the game and the story comes in second, though these do have a fairly well developed story line)
4) in OCT 2017 Nverjos disappeared because of trouble at home (it was discussed here before) and it was stated that she was a single parent of an older daughter. In the US more often than not children are given to the women in cases of divorce or custody battles, sometimes men but not as often.
thus till Nverjos says one way or the other, I will believe that she is the best pronoun to use but I could be wrong.