Just need to say 'sucks to be me' today...
Well, not really, but most of the 'cool' $2.99/$1.99 bundles I already own, so I'm essentially left with a bunch of old stuff that I'll probably never use (I have Freak 5, so I don't really want or need Freak 3...). The 'lesser' single items, there are a few somewaht interesting ones that I've kept passing on, but I'm attempting cart Jenga anyways just to see if I can come up with something.
HOWEVER, for others that haven't been shopping as heavily as have in the past at the Daz store, this might be an excellent opportunity to pick up a few free Genesis 3 starter bundles for $2.99, and if you can make the cart jenga work, throw in another freebie just for fun! And a few other potentially interesting bundles as well.
I"d recommend moving on this now, though, in case the more expensive bundles in the $2.99 sale were a mistake on the Daz sales team end. It's a Sunday, though, so they may not notice if this wasn't intended, but don't take anything for granted.
Thanks for the heads up guys! This is, after all, what this thread is all about!