- Dec 24, 2018
- 3,202
- 6,759
I disagree.This is the only part of your post I strongly disagree with.(And whoever else you were agreeing with)
It's easy to forget one critical thing here: The MC is the Deluca's prisoner.
Sure, the cage they keep him in is big and beautifully gilded. His jailors are kooky and funny and sexy. But the fact remains he is caged, and they are his jailors. He has been forced into a position where he needed to murder a man and that experience was deeply traumatic for him. He's staunchly against ever repeating it.
So much so that even during the Ombra raid when he was fighting for his own life and the life of an innocent girl he was still relieved to realize that he did not kill the man who had been trying to kill him. And given what he know about how calculating the MC is, it's safe to assume that his whole improvised plan for that fight was INTENDED to take down his target in a way that was as minimally likely as possible to actually kill him. Imagine how much more easily he might have turned the tables on that scenario if he'd been fully willing to seek a lethal solution. Instead he increased the risk to himself, the girl, and the mission trying to find the least lethal path to victory. Kinda like Batman. lol. Even though it's stupid that Batman won't kill, you can respect how much more effort, struggle, and skill it demands to fight while trying to avoid lethality as much as possible.
In no way, shape, or form is the MC wrong for trying to get knowledge and leverage on the people who have forced him into a dark, dangerous, violent lifestyle that he has repeatedly made clear he wants no part of.
It's easy to forget these facts. I forget too sometimes. I mean at this point I think the MC's continued efforts to free himself are a case of the dog chasing the car. He wouldn't know what to do with it if he actually caught it. When he started he genuinely and fully wanted out but now he's so conflicted that he's doing it because he doesn't know what else to do. Maybe he just wants the choice at this point, even though we all know he's already chosen. He's under the Deluca spell now. Stockholm syndrome can be funny that way. lol.
But however much we may all come to like the Delucas they have forced the MC into some horrible situations. And they won't even tell him why. So yeah...he is completely in the right to spy on them and try to get back at least the illusion of control over his own life.
And to make it clear, I never forgot what position MC was in to begin with.
Several terms can be used to describe MC's situation with the DeLucas; prisoner, hostage, captive etc etc.
And yes, DeLucas are using the Contract situation to force the MC to be there in the beginning (though as time goes by, he's slowly becoming of the mind that he wants to be there for the girls instead of being forced to), but one undeniable fact remains; he spied on the family and intruded on their privacy.
He can try to bullshit his way out of it saying "I did it to gain information" "I did it to find out about my contract" but in no way do I feel that is an actual acceptable thing to do (regardless of how nice DeLucas have been treating him, which they did).
Doing so, all I see would be him shifting his blame on others for his own mistake/wrongs, sort of like how he tried to do in The Blizzard Princess event with Isabel and Gracie (when Isabel and Gracie both gives him flak saying "It's your fault MC" he tries to deny it saying "It's your fault because you two were fighting and I was only trying to help" but straight afterwards he says to himself in monologue 'Yup, it's totally my fault.').
Also, yes DeLucas are wrong to hold MC over something that he himself have never done or was unaware of, but I'm always of the mind that "two wrongs don't make a right."
Regardless of what he says regarding this matter, all it would be from the DeLucas' perspective would be him making excuses, trying to sugarcoat what he did (and as I said before, trying to blame the DeLucas implying "you made me do this" when in fact what he did wasn't right either).
This is much more the case, especially given Cordia already caught MC sneaking around in her office & forgave him saying "I understand." despite telling him she was displeased with him sneaking around.
Once, he got off without any punishment, but if he gets caught again with the cameras/audio recorders this time?
I just don't think he will get off without punishment this time around (and I don't think he shouldn't. If he gets off scot-free again, it will mean there are no weight of consequences to decisions).
Probably Cordia and Wilfred knows what MC is up to already (and Gracie, she has a rough idea of what MC may be up to), and while they may be a bit sympathetic to MC's case, what he did was still a wrong thing to do, and I think some sort of punishment will be given to MC if the camera/audio recorder arc is ever further explored (though whether that arc will continue or not remains to be seen).
Perhaps force MC to go on a mission without any pay like they ordered Luna and Gracie as their punishment after the girls pink paint-bombed their bathroom.
And it might be such a punishment may not actually be much of a punishment at all (in MC's eyes).
But I'd think they at least treat it as punishment in order to show that anyone who does something wrong will get punishment, even ones who are important as MC.