Yes Antonio. I suspect him too. First of all look at the ages. He is 30. other two sisters 18,19. cordia 49. She must have been 19 when she had him. That was probably the time she challenged the big five of her time. then 10 years gap for the girls. doesnt add up. something off about antonio and the two sisters.Dominico is set out the be the MC's rival. I'm expecting them to face off in Frenetico, if that comes to the game (There's been enough mention of it).
But we do not know if Trino actually was bought off. Antonio executed him pretty quickly, before he began talking.
Which prompted speculation about Antonio.
That's the thing, lots of people have apparent motive. That's what keeps us guessing.
The only thing that is absolutely requisite, is that whoever did it is pretty high up in the Family heirarchy. Otherwise they wouldn't even know about the MC, as all the soldatos are wondering who the new guy at the main house is & why he's getting special treatment.
second luna's father was average delivery man. cheerfull and stuff. When antonio took on fazio son he was pretty crazy/raged/temper. Angelo said he got that from his father. These two father do not seem to be the same guy.
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