I also realized that I forgot the normal question round as usual so, if anyone got questions - shoot, and I'll try and answer when I can

1. Is the MC blood related to any current member of the Deluca family, all ranks included?
2. We saw the picture of the 4 OG Serpents: Rita, Unknown(Rita's fiance), Cordia, Unknown. How many of the original 4 members were replaced when the Serpent line up changed for the first time, and what was the timeframe, as in how long it took until the OG 4 changed for the first time.
3. Are Rita's fiance from the picture and THE Serpent(high5) from right now the same person?
4. A 3 for 1. Was Rita really a total badass way back in her cordia bff days? Does she suffer from a mayor depression now, brought on by guilt? And will we ever see her fight, possibly to defend her son?
5. The MC reconnecting with his mom and/or dad in any way, is that gonna happen in Season 2 or later down the road?
6. Are Steadfast and Nazario the same person?
7. Is the MC's dad the Don of the Silverino Family and if yes for how long?
8. We are told that the MC has 2 siblings on his fathers side. Are they Bro/Bro, Bro/Sis or Sis/Sis? And a follow up since it wouldnt make much sense as a standalone question: Does the MC have exactly 2 siblings or less/more?
9. Will the MC's relationship with the Kaskar family lead to him being the bridge between a Kaskar-Deluca alliance in the future?
10. In a scenario where Luna, any one of the serpents and a random number of Capo or lower tier ranks get surprise-attacked while being away from the rest of the family, who would have operational control? Luna by virtue of being the Donna's daughter or the serpent by virtue of de facto rank?
11. Is there any sexy stuff between the MC and Siobhan planned? (because man that chick is smoking hot!) Wouldn't mind her as a full LI either to be honest: Hot chick, schizophrenic father in law, 2 sisters begging for attention(YAY!) and a witch of a mother in law, what could possibly go wrong?
12. The "new" serpent Nazizi beat, was that Cordia's husband?
13. Are Antonio, Luna and Gracie all Cordia's biological children? And do all 3 of them have the same father?
14. Does Wilfred have an agenda of his own, that doesn't allign with what Cordia wants and is he already actively pursuing it?
15. Will all 4 current Serpents make an appearance in Season 2?
16. Does Cordia have any siblings and if the answer is yes, will they play a role in the story down the line ?
Let me thank you in advance for the time it takes you to answer all of those and to keep the time you spend on it to a minimum if you cant answer a question because of spoiler reasons just use * .. for example 15. *