I very much agree. I find myself shifting back and forth between the MC's father being the 4th serpent or not.
There are some things that just make me feel iffy either way, like Trino gets a bullet to the head right there and then and that's for relaying a location. And yet both the MC's father and mother are still alive and kicking.
From what we've been told, they must have done something so out of the world fucked up, that they were not just exiled, the DeLuca's and Pacifactories conspired to keep it a secret and forged documents and shit, like how the fuck are they still alive ?
And what bothers me the most is, that people regard Rina with compassion and they all hate the MC's father. I sometimes just can't believe that cheating would do it, although Antonio being the MC's half brother would be amazing.
And then there is the conversation with the Serpent, where he says :
Serpent : "MC, do not become too saddened when you hear the reason. Our world is a tough one."
That just doesn't sound like someone cheated on Cordia too me, it sounds more like they tried to over throw her or some shit. Like why would the MC be sad if his father cheated on his girlfriend with his mother ?
Many riddles to solve brother, but I'm hopeful that Season 2 will shine some light on some of those mysterys