
Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
And to lighten the mood, let me represent the useless fact of the week :

"Meaning of Cordia: The name Cordia, in it's latin origin, means a tiny heart, or one who has a tiny heart."

And as a true pervert once said : Who gives a fuck about her heart, as long as her tits are big :D
Not strictly "tiny" heart, just "heart", "daughter of the sea", in Celtic & Latin.
Comes from Cordelia, in Latin.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2018
We finish school at 16 in England, start college at that age.
University does not begin until 17/18, after 2 years at college where we gain A Levels.
University degree courses are 3-4 years, so finish at 21-22.

As I asked, what country are you talking about?
A law degree is like a master's degree. You have to go to uni and then law school.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2018
No, it's not.
You can leave university with a Bachelor of Law, in 2 years.
That's a law degree & it's a Bachelor's, not a Master's.

LLB is precisely equivalent to a BA, or BSc.
It is in north america. You need a bachelor's to go to law school.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2018
N. America's schooling system is utterly irrelevant mate.
As the dev is European & the game is (presumably) set in fictional Italy,
That's a pretty huge presumption. A lot of non-NA devs set their shit in america.


Apr 26, 2022
I'm probably blind but couldn't find anything from searching sorry if it's been answered..

I'm stuck after ending the Lucania free roam, staring at the boss doors where Wilfred usually is but clicking shows the message you get for exploring during the free roam. I'm on the latest game version that is in this thread, so is there a fix for this or is it something the dev is working on?


Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
I'm probably blind but couldn't find anything from searching sorry if it's been answered..

I'm stuck after ending the Lucania free roam, staring at the boss doors where Wilfred usually is but clicking shows the message you get for exploring during the free roam. I'm on the latest game version that is in this thread, so is there a fix for this or is it something the dev is working on?
I had that happen when I left the Free Roam, the navigation bar was gone & every time I clicked on the screen I got a message as if I was still navigating the Free Roam.
Fortunately, Wilfred was still there for me, so I clicked on him, went into a couple of options, including Work, Shop, etc.
When I came back out from that, it had cleared up.
HopesGaming little quirky bit of code?
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Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
Sorry mate, that one went over my head. Missed it completely.
Was still in academic mode! :ROFLMAO:
Got "quis custadt, ipsos custodes" rolling about my mind, now!
If you wanna go Latin, I would say "Habet parvum cor sed magnum ubera" ;)

In the European education system, specifically Italy's, it is entirely plausible & feasible for Jalen to have graduated with LLB, Bachelor's of Law, at 19.
Feasible? Certainly. Plausible? Maybe, but again, in Germany the study times (and also the age of entrance) will usually vary from the minimum numbers, sometimes by quite a bit. For example the minimum age for entering university can only be reached if you skip multiple years in school. It happens, but more than one skip is extremely rare. The average master over here would certainly fall more into the 25-26 category you quoted for NA. Then again, this is a fictional character in a game, so no reason why he couldn't be special in this regard.

That's a pretty huge presumption. A lot of non-NA devs set their shit in america.
I would say it is a pretty huge presumption that it would be set in NA given all the things mentioned (town name, people names, look of the town - even though that one is not Italian but Alpine by architecture - the crime families (though some exist in the US), other Italian terms) just because some others do it. On the other hand, there is nothing at all pointing towards it being America at all that I would remember, best we can go for would be "some unnamed country with its own rules".

But even if it were set in NA, it wouldn't necessarily mean that the education system would be based on the US one, which we only know rudimentarily, so even if somebody writes about stuff in a foreign country and doesn't do proper research, they will always use their own system as a basis. All kinds of media get this wrong all the time. If I had a dollar for every courtroom scene set in Germany which somehow has a "jury of their peers" I wouldn't need to work anymore. People in France "pleading the fifth" when arrested? Non, monsieur, they will get a funny look. Kids have school uniforms in countries which do not have them, drinking and driving ages are mentioned wrongly, no - writers (and devs) do what they know from home and then will easily be surprised that they got it all wrong.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
I would say it is a pretty huge presumption that it would be set in NA given all the things mentioned (town name, people names, look of the town - even though that one is not Italian but Alpine by architecture - the crime families (though some exist in the US), other Italian terms) just because some others do it. On the other hand, there is nothing at all pointing towards it being America at all that I would remember, best we can go for would be "some unnamed country with its own rules".
lol That makes it an assumption. By literal definition.
It has no supporting evidence, other than "some other non NA devs have set their game there". :ROFLMAO:
Well, in that case, this guy I know is a mechanic, so that means every other guy is, too. Right? :ROFLMAO:

The other thing for MC's age, is the playground spat with Dominico.
I presume that he's roughly same age as MC, hence the rivalry.
He does not behave anything like a 25-26 year old man, his behaviour is much more teenage.
Particularly when talking to his Mother & MC.
If he's 6-7 years younger than MC, I don't see him as being a rival. He's just a kid.

This supports them both being 19-20ish. MC is just quite a bit more mentally mature.
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Devoted Member
Dec 1, 2019
MC is just quite a bit more mentally mature.
Though in general, mental maturity and physical age are correlated at best, and this is a phase in life where it shows a lot. Many early twentysomethings already have a job and maybe started a family while others still live in mom's basement getting called up for dinner ("it's your favorite"). And even without the outside conditions differing, some people are behaving adult-y from their mid teens, while others are still "staying young" when thirty.
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
Though in general, mental maturity and physical age are correlated at best, and this is a phase in life where it shows a lot. Many early twentysomethings already have a job and maybe started a family while others still live in mom's basement getting called up for dinner ("it's your favorite"). And even without the outside conditions differing, some people are behaving adult-y from their mid teens, while others are still "staying young" when thirty.
True. (y)
Also, think about how much age gaps change, as you get older.
When I was 15, hanging out with someone 18 was a pretty big deal. Hanging out with someone who's 12 just would not happen.
Hanging out with someone 10-20 years older, or younger, is nothing now.
So, with Dominico behaving like he's circa 19, if MC was 26, that's a lot older, from Dom's perspective. The age gap is more than 1/3 of Dom's life.
Which would make their rivalry utterly ridiculous.

Also, take his messing about with the girls. I'm not sure any Mother would be so blase about a mid 20's guy being in their 18yr old daughter's bedroom.
If he's 7-8 years older than Gracie, that's verging on "taking advantage of her" territory.
A guy her own age is far more plausible, from that perspective.

They all, every single one, treat him as a young man, not a grown man.
Now, some of that could be a result of him being new to their world & wet behind the ears, but there's a limit to how far that reaches.
The treatment of MC as a young man far exceeds it.

Having conclusively proven that it's entirely plausible for Jalen to be 19\20, I honestly can't see anything which feasibly puts MC being much (if any) older than Luna.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2018
No, it's not.
Even if it was, it's still better than an assumption, which you're making.

Their names are Italian, the town name is Italian, La Cosa Nostra is Italian.
The dev being European & living in Europe means he's obviously familiar with the European education system.
The age of graduation which we're discussing fits exactly with the European education system.
No, not probable at all. :LOL::ROFLMAO:
Yes, cause there's no italians in NA he says to a man that lives in a city with a 1/3 italian population.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2018
I would say it is a pretty huge presumption that it would be set in NA given all the things mentioned (town name, people names, look of the town - even though that one is not Italian but Alpine by architecture - the crime families (though some exist in the US), other Italian terms) just because some others do it. On the other hand, there is nothing at all pointing towards it being America at all that I would remember, best we can go for would be "some unnamed country with its own rules
Are you guys for real? I live in Sault Ste. Marie, french. My best friend is Simione Carlucci, itialian, this is NA we're a fucking hodge podge of europe both names of people and of cities.


Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
Yes, cause there's no italians in NA he says to a man that lives in a city with a 1/3 italian population.
The US has a rough total of 5% of its population being of Italian descent. 17.8M of 334M.
There are far more in Italy. 92%, 54.3M of 59.1M.
It's far more probable (3 x the people, 18 x the %) to encounter an Italian name in Italy, than in the US.

The US has 60 places with Italian names, or names derived from Italian places.
Italy has over 956 cities, all with Italian names.
It's far more probable (15 x the places) to encounter an Italian named place in Italy, than in the US.

The dev is European. The game name is Italian. The family first names are Italian. The town name is Italian. La Cosa Nostra is Italian.
Yet , despite all of this, you somehow think it's more likely to be set in the US, than in Italy.
Wow, just wow.

The age proposed for MC fits with the European education system, exactly.
It does not fit with the US education system, at all.
If MC was 25-26 (US age for Law graduate), then his playground spat "rivalry" with Dominico, who behaves like a teenager, becomes utterly fucking ridiculous & implausible.
The fact that every single character in the game treats MC like a young man, not a man.
All fits with him being 19-20.
Which, again, fits with it being in Europe.
Every single piece of available evidence indisputably points to Europe. Individually & collectively.

The only thing you've provided in supposed support of it being set in the US, is "other non NA devs have set their game there". Which means absolutely nothing in relation to this game.
But, of course, it's the US. Yeah, clearly. :FacePalm:
Take your head out of that bankrupt country's ass. There's a big world out there & it does not revolve around the US.
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Active Member
Dec 12, 2017
I have to say, Jalen does not look like a 18-19 year old, he looks more like a man in his mid 20's, where as the MC more early 20's. But it's obviously almost impossible to nail such small differences with renders, that almost always only works within 10 year gaps.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2017
Aye, I was at the same part just the full pic, like this


I guess it's the way he carries himself too, and I assume the beard has a huge effect on how old one thinks he is. Beards can even fool you in real life and make people look 5+ years older.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2019
Aye, I was at the same part just the full pic, like this

View attachment 2668510

I guess it's the way he carries himself too, and I assume the beard has a huge effect on how old one thinks he is. Beards can even fool you in real life and make people look 5+ years older.
can confirm. I'm 33 and look like I'm 37 with my beard. also I wouldn't bother arguing with the other guy about the characters and lore. it could be Hopes and he would still insist he knows more than Hopes about the game. just so you know, I'm talking about the guy named whichone. dude wouldn't listen when I tried to explain the new tutorial for exploring at the start of a new game


Active Member
Dec 12, 2017
Bro you know how there is a "current thoughts" line when you check the profiles and it always updates depending on how far into the game you are ?

I just checked Antonio's after the Straffan office accident and Antonio's changed too

"So Straffan is not the real son..."

Do you think that it could be a hint from Hope that supports our Antonio brother theory ? As in Antonio is also not the son of who everything believes is his father ?
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Forum Fanatic
Jan 3, 2018
Aye, I was at the same part just the full pic, like this

View attachment 2668510

I guess it's the way he carries himself too, and I assume the beard has a huge effect on how old one thinks he is. Beards can even fool you in real life and make people look 5+ years older.
Yes, the authority he carries can certainly add a few years to the impression he leaves.
Bro you know how there is a "current thoughts" line when you check the profiles and it always updates depending on how far into the game you are ?

I just checked Antonio's after the Straffan office accident and Antonio's changed too

"So Straffan is not the real son..."

Do you think that it could be a hint from Hope that supports our Antonio brother theory ? As in Antonio is also not the son of who everything believes is his father ?
Yes, they're all fretting about Gracie, currently. They change with major events in the game.
Doubtful they're connected, tbh.
It was outright stated, in game, that Straffan is not Giocabbe's son.
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