We all know that Gracie, Cordia, Luna and Isabella are the LIs. Just wanna ask if there are there any more planned or something like that, or this is it?
Main LIs:
- Luna
- Gracie
- Isabel
- Cordia
This is fixed, Hopes said there are no more main LIs.
Side LIs/Side gals (well ones confirmed):
- Eiza
- Siobhan
- Amita
- Amata
- Elektra
Side LIs/Side gals (these LIs are not yet confirmed, but highly likely):
- Caterina
- Onorina
- Lelianna
Side gals list will likely greatly expand with season 2
VN mode or normal mod which one is good. I've been waiting for a long time to get a more content.
The game currently has that ? icon you can click next to each mode in the beginning which explains the difference between each (I'd upload screenshots if I could, but the website is being bonkers right now with attaching pics, so it's just not possible given all attachments and upload pics function of the site is broken right now lol).
You can read what each says and decide which to pick.
Personally I prefer Full Experience, but if you're not a fan of text based RPG mechanic, then you may prefer Just Story or VN mode (I have no issues with it given this only has very light sandbox lol).
Though between Just Story and VN mode, I'd probably recommend Just Story slightly more.
Sure, there's still the whole "click to navigate Freeroam" that people may not like.
But even so, VN Mode is missing that Codex section with the lore to read which can be accessed from Full Exp mode and Just Story mode (though I guess this would only matter if you care about reading about game's lore stuff).
Just Story mode probably is a good compromise in between the 2 modes.