Am i the only one who feels like people are over reacting a little bit when someone asks for sex scences?
Like ONE dude asks for sex scene and FIVE warriors in white shining armor arrive to defend their cause by pretty much saying
all the same thing: "The story is great and the current state of character relationship whouldn't allow sex scenes....".
Dont missunderstand me, i agree with that statement, but boys and girls chill a little bit.
However while sex scenes are too early, i think their are to few lewd scences. While the camera recordings are fine, they feel a bit 'disconnected' (because they are just videos).
I mean the fukin bathroom is in mc's bedroom, it should be utilised way more. You dont need a special bond for kinky situations.
- the mc has to pee/shower and one of the girls barges in on him and sees him naked and e.g. acts aroused (isabel), ashamed (luna) or naivly interested (grace)
- vice versa but the mc barges in...
-> basically way more voyeur scenes
- grace need help with "biology class"....
Development time has already been discussed and i know that i have no right to ask more from you... but jesus christ 4-5 month for a single update. At this pace we would have to wait 3-5 years for the first really naughty scene